
hù lì
  • of mutual benefit;mutually beneficial;on a reciprocal basis
互利 [hù lì]
  • [mutually beneficial;on a reciprocal basis] 双方得益

互利[hù lì]
  1. 深化肝胆相照的友谊,开展互利双赢的合作,做改革发展的伙伴

    deepen our friendship and treat each other with all sincerity , carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and forge our partnership in reform and development

  2. “亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”中国将坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,巩固睦邻友好,深化互利合作,努力使自身发展更好惠及周边国家。

    As a Chinese saying goes , neighbors wish each other well , just as loved ones do to each other . China will continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors , consolidate friendly ties and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them and ensure that its development will bring even greater benefits to its neighbors .

  3. 我们以互利为目的与他们发展贸易。

    We developed trade with them for mutual benefit .

  4. 本着诚信、质优、互惠互利的原则,公司将不断扩展与国内外更多生产、配套、经销企业的携手合作和共同发展!

    In good faith , high quality , mutual benefit , the company will continue to expand with more domestic production , support , distribution , enterprise cooperation and common development hand in hand !

  5. 他们与他们服务的政府互利共存。

    They live in a symbiosis with governments that they are financing .

  6. 平等、互利、共同发展的全面合作伙伴关系

    comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring equality , mutual benefit and common development

  7. 他运用[关系]-一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。

    He practiced Guanxi , a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality .

  8. 坚持互利合作,强化利益融合。

    The two sides shall stick to mutually-beneficial cooperation and consolidate convergence of interests .

  9. 自主和协作并重,以互利共赢为途径寻求普遍核安全。

    The international community should attach equal importance to independent and collaborative efforts , and seek universal nuclear security through win-win cooperation .

  10. 在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。

    In meeting the climate challenge , no one can be aloof and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations .

  11. 优势互补和互利共赢是两国务实合作快速拓展的强大动力;敢为人先和求同存异是两国关系始终走在中国同发达国家关系前列的不竭源泉。

    and the pioneering spirit and the readiness to seek common ground while shelving differences provide an inexhaustible source of strength to keep the bilateral relationship at the forefront of China 's relations with developed countries .

  12. 双方要坚持互利双赢,保持市场开放,为各自企业到对方国家开拓市场和投资兴业创造更加友善和公平的环境。

    The two sides should be committed to win-win co-operation , keep the markets open and create a more friendly and level playing field for our companies to access each other 's market , make investment and grow businesses .

  13. 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

    In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education , the principles of independence , equality , mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to , the laws of the People 's Republic of China shall not be violated , and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed .

  14. 在我国加入WTO之后,国内钢铁企业与经销商之间如何实现互惠互利,并建立起长期稳定的营销关系。

    The paper is mainly on how to establish the long term and stable market relations between the steelmaking enterprises and sellers after China 's entry into WTO .

  15. 但这对出版商来说也有不少影响,他补充说。这归根结底取决于Facebook将如何实现,取决于他们怎么保证这对双方来说是互利互惠的。

    But there are a lot of implications for publishers , he added . It really comes down to how Facebook structures this , and how they can ensure this is a win on both sides .

  16. 过去三年,香港透过cepa,开拓出与内地互利共赢的新局面。

    Over the past three years , the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement ( CEPA ) has created a win-win situation for Hong Kong and the mainland .

  17. 蚂蚁和紫胶蚧互利关系中的行为机制

    Behavioral mechanism of mutual-aid interactions between ant and Kerria lacca Kerr

  18. 由此可见,两国双边贸易是互利互惠的。

    Thus Sino-Australian bilateral trade is intertwined for the two countries .

  19. 必须是一个双赢互利的模式和结果。

    The result must be a win of all parties concerned .

  20. 在这样一个前景可观的战略伙伴关系中,我们只是迈出了第一步,未来还有很多双方互利的合作机会。

    This is only the first step in a promising strategic partnership .

  21. 互利共赢的开放战略高度活跃的开放格局

    An Opening Strategy for Mutual Benefits and a Setup for Active Opening-up

  22. 房地产金融是地产开发与金融资本的互利共赢活动。

    Real Estate Finance is the win-win activity between developer and capital .

  23. 成就辉煌的中非互利合作五十年

    Great Success of Fifty Years ' Sino-African Mutual Benefit Cooperation

  24. 寻求能让你和身边的人都能互惠互利的机会。

    Seek opportunities for mutual gain with the people in your life .

  25. 别跟朋友“互利”,好好加油。

    Don 't benefit any friends , and good cheering .

  26. 二是深化互利合作,加快共同发展。

    The second was to deepen reciprocal cooperation and speed up common development .

  27. 和平崛起的中国互利共赢的世界

    The Peaceful Rising of China and the World of Mutual Benefits And Multi-Win

  28. 这两大文化体系,彼此需要互利互惠。

    The two major cultural system , and need each other mutual benefit .

  29. 设置:大学医院的麻醉学和危重互利神经外科病房。

    Setting : Anesthesiology and Critical Care Neurosurgical Unit of a university hospital .

  30. 诚信、创新,互利共荣、永续经营!

    Integrity , innovation , mutual benefit and common prosperity , sustainable business !