
  • 网络Cloud Server
  1. 然后上传至云端服务器,之后上传的照片可能会被一个非日本人、或陌生人下载,

    uploaded to a cloud server , it would be downloaded by a gaijin , a stranger ,

  2. 在权限分配方面,为云端服务器设定相应的角色,限制云服务器的权限,降低云服务提供商使用云服务器非法访问使用数据的可能性,提高云端数据的安全性。

    For permission assignment , we provide a special role for cloud server to limiting its permissions , which may reduce probability of illegal access and abuse of data that caused by incredible cloud computing venders .

  3. 我能从杰克的云端服务器上找到

    I 'll get it from Jack 's cloud .

  4. 在今天的播客中,中国政府就中国侵入苹果云端服务器一事做出了回应,这一消息首先是由一家网络监控组织所透露的。

    In today 's podcast , the Chinese government responds to allegations of computer hacking into Apple 's iCloudservices posted by a web monitoring site .

  5. 而这一来源问题还在讨论之中,中国网络用户就隐私安全产生了担忧,称浏览器已经就这周的云端服务器事件标出了警告信息。

    While the muddle over the source of compromised security continues to be discussed , Chinese Internet users echoed concerns over data privacy risks saying Internet browsers had flagged warning messages over the weekend regarding iCloud .

  6. 此外,腾讯还提供日常的运营支持和基于云端的服务器托管服务,因而能够在所有平台上保证迅速、无缝衔接的可靠游戏性能。

    In addition , Tencent provides day-to-day operational support and a cloud-based hosted service to enable quick , seamless and reliable game performances across all platforms .