
  1. 在下个月将于佛罗里达举行的会议上,SAP将披露其云战略的更多细节。

    Next month , at a conference in Florida , sap is expected to unveil more details on its cloud strategy .

  2. 这些客户需求导致了云战略的改变。

    These customer requirements led changes in cloud strategy .

  3. 最引人关注的是李艾科公布的云战略。

    What drew most of the attention was the public cloud apotheker announced .

  4. 人们还看不清楚该公司的云战略。

    Their cloud strategy is unclear to people .

  5. CA的云计算战略集中在一个新的“云计算连接的管理套装软件”方面。

    CA 's cloud strategy centers around a new " Cloud-Connected Management Suite " that includes four products .

  6. 他们目前有三个不同的管理团队在运营其云技术战略。

    They 've had three different management teams running their cloud strategy .

  7. 我们使用企业架构的一个典型示例是面向服务的架构和云计算战略的开发过程。

    The primary examples where we have used enterprise architecture are in the development of our service-oriented architecture and cloud computing strategy .

  8. 该研究旨在提高该企业云计算战略的系统性、可行性和科学性,使该企业更好的抓住云计算这一重大产业机会,实现对竞争对手的弯道超车。

    The research aims to have the cloud computing strategy of Inspur systematic , feasible and scientific , have Inspur to grasp well of the cloud computing industry opportunities , turn overtaking competitors .

  9. 对电现象的一些思考对加快实施云电外送战略的思考

    Thinking of That The Strategy of " Sending Yunnan Electricity To Outside " Is Rapidly In Step

  10. 他领导私有云空间产品的战略质量规划和执行,并一直协助平台即服务测试计划的执行。

    He leads the strategic quality planning and execution of the product in the private cloud space and has been instrumental in the execution of the Platform as a Service beta program .

  11. 惠普最近一直在谈论云计算,但我并没有感觉到它的云计算战略跟竞争对手有什么不同之处,不少竞争对手进入这一领域的时间都要比惠普更长一些。

    HP has been talking a lot about the cloud lately , but I don 't have a sense of how its cloud computing strategy is different from the competition , several of whom have been at it longer than HP .

  12. 近年来,云计算技术在我国发展迅速,现成为国内社会的热点话题,众多企业纷纷制定相应云计算战略,宣布将进入云计算领域。

    In recent years , the cloud computing technology has developed rapidly in China , which has been the hot topic in society . Numerous Local corporations have developed the corresponding cloud computing strategies , announcing their entrances in the field of cloud computing .