
  1. 神鬼信仰与民众伦理意识&以耿村故事文本为对象安多藏区的二郎神信仰

    Belief of Gods-and-Ghosts and folk social-ethical consciousness

  2. 但他们的爱情却受到其兄二郎神的粗暴阻拦。

    But their love was strongly opposed by her elder brother Erlang Shen , a god .

  3. 三圣母借用“宝莲灯”的神力,击败二郎神,与刘彦昌结为夫妻生得一子&沉香。

    With the help of the magic lotus lantern , San Sheng Mu defeated her brother and married Liu Yanchang . Later she gave birth to a baby son called Chen Xiang .