
  • 网络Erhu concerto
  1. 执著之爱不渝之情&试析二胡协奏曲《别亦难》

    Faithful Love in Music & Analyses of Erhu Concerto Reluctant to Bid Farewell ;

  2. 在现在的各大全国性赛事和专业性音乐会中,二胡协奏曲被广泛地演奏,并为观众们所接受。

    In present each big nationwide sports event and the specialized concert , the Erhu concerto widely plays , and accepts for the audiences .

  3. 在二胡协奏曲中,协奏声部在塑造音乐形象、表现作品内涵方面也起着非常重要的作用,它同独奏声部是密不可分的。

    In the Erhu concerto , the association plays the musical part in the mold musical image , the performance work connotation aspect is also playing the extremely vital role , its same solo musical part is inseparable .