
  • 网络secondary radiation;secondary emis-sion
  1. 本文分析结果可为桥上减振轨道结构选型以及控制高架桥结构振动和二次辐射噪声提供理论依据。

    The results this paper analyzed provide a theoretical basis for selection of the damping track structure on bridge and control of vibrations and secondary radiation noise of the viaduct structure .

  2. 输电线路对短波信号的二次辐射计算模型

    Reradiate Computation Model of Transmission Line to the Shortwave

  3. 桥梁结构噪声作为铁路噪声的一种,是列车通过桥梁结构时引起的二次辐射噪声。

    Bridge noise , as part of railway noise , is ' second radiated ' noise induced by trains .

  4. 分析了站址环境对雷电定位系统中的方向探测仪的影响,定量估计了孤立障碍物产生的二次辐射场引起的定向误差的大小,分析了方向探测仪周围的输电线路对定向产生的误差。

    In this paper , the effect of the site errors on the Lightning Direction Finder has been analyzed . The angular error produced by re-radiated field caused by isolated is estimated .

  5. 主要研究了连续谱X射线在透射式ICT中射入待测物质体内时发生的康普顿散射现象和二次射线辐射的散射问题。

    Compton scattering phenomenon and the second-order radiation of continuous spectrum X-ray transmitting into materials have been studied mainly .

  6. 在第二次激光辐射后,PI表面LIPSS形成的阈值与未预辐射的PI相比显著降低。

    After the second irradiation , the threshold of LIPSS formation remarkably decreased compared to the initial PI .

  7. 装置的电子回旋辐射正常波、非正常波和右旋极化波进行了测量,并在8mm波段上测量了二次谐波辐射。

    Plasma was measured . The second harmonic radiation has been measured as well in the 8mm wavelength range .

  8. 先用低于LIPSS形成阈值的激光对PI薄膜表面进行预辐射处理,然后进行第二次激光辐射制备LIPSS。

    LIPSS was prepared by the two-step laser irradiation : pre-irradiation at the laser fluence below the threshold of LIPSS formation and then exposed to laser again to fabricate LIPSS .

  9. 等离子体钢丝二次谐波辐射的线性转换理论

    Linear conversion theory of the second harmonic emission from plasma filament

  10. 产生激光等离子体二次谐波辐射的动力学过程

    Dynamic process of the Second Harmonic Emission in Laser-Produced Plasmas

  11. 飞秒强激光与欠稠密等离子体相互作用中的二次谐波辐射

    Second Harmonic Emission from fs Laser and Underdense Plasma Interaction

  12. 观测到腔内激光直接烧蚀靶物质产生的第一次X射线辐射和等离子体运动、汇聚形成的第二次X射线辐射,两次辐射的时间间隔为1.2ns。

    The first X-ray radiation from the laser heating phase and the second X-ray radiation from the expanded plasma collision phase were measured . The time interval between the two radiations was about 1.2 ns .

  13. 通过分析初级精母细胞的染色体畸变,观察预先小剂量照射(D1)对第二次大剂量辐射损伤的影响。

    D2 ( 1.5 Gy X-rays ) was given 40 days after exposure to D1 . The effect of chronic or fractional pre-exposure of low dose radiation on the chromosome damage induced by subsequently high dose irradiation was observed .

  14. 二次放疗的辐射耐受性研究概况结论:放疗加卡莫氟联合治疗的耐受性较好。

    Radiation-induced damage in patients of recurrence cancer Conclusions It is considered that carmofur combined with radiotherapy is well tolerated .

  15. 利用散射光子倾斜同一角度时二次射线的强度微分方程导出了透过平行板的连续谱X射线二次和高次射线辐射强度公式,最终得到透射平行板的连续谱X射线的总强度。

    And the second-order radiation intensity differential equation which scattering photos tilt in same angle is used to derive the scattering intensity equation of the second-order and higher-order X-ray transmitting parallel . At last , general radiation intensity of continuous spectrum X-ray transmitting into parallel is got .