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  1. 乾嘉时期扬州剧坛研究

    The Study on Yangzhou 's Theatre World in the Era Qian-jia

  2. 诠释经典,也应重视乾嘉主流的文字训诂知识;

    Explanation of Classics should stress the mainstream literature knowledge .

  3. 乾嘉时期,钱大昕对汉学、宋学和清代学术进行了较为系统的评论。

    The Official Compiling History Books and Han Song Learning during Kang-Qian Period ;

  4. 乾嘉历史考证学在中国史学的发展史上占有举足轻重的地位。

    Qian Jia era was an important period in development of Chinese history .

  5. 经世致用传统与乾嘉时期的历史编纂学

    The Tradition of Making Study Serve Practical Purposes and the Historiography in Qianlong and Jiaqing Period

  6. 本文研究乾嘉间三十多位比较有名且具有代表性的诗人。

    This dissertation studies more than 30 important poets in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing .

  7. 黄宗羲的学术风格,引导了有清一代传统学术的转型,对乾嘉学者以至清中后期的浙东学派产生很大影响。

    Huangs scholar style introduces the transformation of traditional learning and influences the East Zhejiang School .

  8. 他们创造了乾嘉之学的辉煌成就,也在诗歌理论和诗歌创作方面作出了巨大的努力,取得了一定的成就。

    They obtained the splendid achievement in culture and some achievement in poetry theory and poetry creation .

  9. 王昶是清代乾嘉时期的著名学者。

    Wang Chang is a well-known famous scholar during Qianlong and Jiaqing period of the Qing dynasty .

  10. 论崔述的考据学与清代汉学之关系乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析&以戴震、阮元为中心

    Analysis of the Relationship between Cui Shu 's Textual Research and Han Learning in the Qing Dynasty

  11. 论乾嘉之际诗歌创作力量结构及其诗史意义

    The Structure of Producing Strength of the Parnassus between the Qianlong and Jiaqing Times and its Meaning

  12. 他无疑是乾嘉学派在晚清时期的重要代表人物之一。

    Undoubtedly he was one of important representatives of Qian and jia school in late Qing dynasty .

  13. 本学位论文的研究对象舒位是清乾嘉时期的著名诗人。

    The object studied in this dissertation is a famous poet named Shu wei of Qian Jia period .

  14. 论乾嘉之际小说禁毁的文化管理政策美、加、澳、丹、瑞五国禁毒政策概述(译文)

    Drug Control Policy of The United States , Canada , Australia , Denmark and Sweden ( Translation );

  15. 但在乾嘉时期,理学式微取而代之的是汉学的兴起。

    But in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing , instead of decline is the rise of Chinese Neo-Confucianism .

  16. 鲁迅整理古籍采用严谨的乾嘉学派手法,一向坚持凡事求“真”的纯学术态度;

    He followed the strict Qian-Jia school approach in sorting out ancient works , seeking the truth from facts ;

  17. 正是在这一点上,200年前的乾嘉史学大师钱大昕以豪杰精神治学,为推动中国史学的近代转型作出了重要贡献。

    Viewed from this aspect , Qian Daxin made an important contribution for the modern transition of Chinese history science .

  18. 这是对明代以来诗学“复古”思潮的一次宣战,又为清代乾嘉而下的诗歌指明了一条正确健康的发展道路。

    Meanwhile it also pointed out a correct and healthy path for the development of poetry after the Qian-Jia Period .

  19. 与晚明时期的前辈相比,乾嘉时期的剧作家则要失意得多。

    Compared with the seniors in the late Ming dynasty , playwrights ' living condition during the Qian-Jia period is disappointing .

  20. 乾嘉学派是中国学术发展史上一个重要的流派。

    Qian Jia School is one of the most important schools of thought in the development of the Chinese systematic learning .

  21. 然而随着乾嘉汉学地位的日渐式微,汉学书院也不得不教授科举之学。

    Along with the weakening influence of Han school , ancient academies for Han-learning had to teach knowledge of the imperial examinations .

  22. 现存的清代河北省宝坻县和获鹿县的地方档案,揭示出乾嘉道时期地方基层组织的真实情况。

    The local archives of Baodi and Huolu County show us the real status of village organization in Qianlong and Jiaqing period .

  23. 对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。

    He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy , mathematics , Confucian classics , calendar calculation , geography , local gazetteer , phonology and exegesis .

  24. 乾嘉时期,中国内地的天主教徒不断通过澳门接引传教士,辗转进入内地传教。

    In the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing , the mainland Catholic led the missionaries through Aomen and came into mainland to spread religion .

  25. 陈芸形象的出现是以江南才女辈出的人文环境、乾嘉时期兴旺的女学和性灵文化作为文化背景的。

    The image of Chen-yun is based on the human literature environment which gifted female scholars come forth in large numbers in south China ;

  26. 戴震是乾嘉时期最著名的考据学家,在中国语言文字学史上有着重要的地位。

    Dai Zhen was the most famous textual criticism of Qing Dynasty and there were important positions in the history of Chinese language philology .

  27. 戴震是乾嘉时期考据学派的集大成者,在清代近三百年学术史上占有重要地位。

    Daizhen epitomized the thought of textual research during the Qianjia Period and took an important status in the academic history in Qin Dynasty .

  28. 乾嘉之后地区人口剧增,对区域绿洲开发力度加大,人类活动逐渐成为改变区域生态环境的主导力量。

    After that , with sharp population growth and intensifying oasis development , human activities gradually became the dominant forces changing the regional ecological environment .

  29. 特别是在宋元戏曲史的基础研究上,主要运用的是西方实证主义和传统的经学即乾嘉朴学的方法;

    Especially , his History of Song and Yuan Drama , was a product of combination the methods of west positivism and Chinese classic hermeneutics .

  30. 程朱理学在乾嘉时期经受汉学的冲击,一度出现门庭冷落的局面。

    Neo-Confucianism in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing to withstand impact of sinology , had appeared in front of left out of the situation .