
shū shēng
  • scholar;intellectual;pedant;copier
书生 [shū shēng]
  • (1) [intellectual;pedent;scholar]∶读书人

  • 白面书生

  • (2) [copier]∶指抄写的人

书生[shū shēng]
  1. 梅陇镇上,王洵是最有才华的书生。

    In Meilong Town , Wang Xun is the most brilliant intellectual .

  2. 穷苦书生朱孝廉(邓超饰)和他的书童进京赶考,不料迷路,并与山贼孟龙潭发生争执。

    A poor intellectual Zhu Xiaolian ( Deng Chao ) and his servant visit the capital to take an examination , but they stray and fall into a fight with a bandit , Meng Longtan .

  3. 夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。

    Evil Scholar , you trapped my dad in te duel .

  4. 公元前221年,山西有一位穷书生。

    In221bc , in Shanxi Province there was a poor scholar .

  5. 作为一个书生来说马芮克,你今天表现不错。

    You looked pretty impressive today , marek , for an academic .

  6. 第二节则分类研究书生这一群体。

    The second section research scholar classification of this group .

  7. 关于书生之家数字图书馆资源数字化共享加工服务工程方案的探析

    The Research about Shared Processing Serve Project of Scholar Digital Library Resource

  8. 书生受此打击,一病不起。

    Subjecting the student strikes , which he never recovered .

  9. 书生的态度,差不多都消失了。

    The manner of the scholars had nearly disappeared .

  10. 当书生白鹤再次回到了当初与爱人相遇的地方。

    When the scholar revisits their first meeting place , he feels heartbreaking .

  11. 所以当今兵器谱上,书生夺命剑是排行第三。

    So , on the weapon list , the Evil Scholar is the1st runner-up .

  12. 我们寻找像你这样的年轻书生,试图偷走他们的灵魂。

    We look for young scholars like you and try to steal their souls .

  13. 书生突然把车向左转,而这一举动挽救了他的性命。

    Shusheng swerved the car to the left and that swerve saved his life .

  14. 皇爷,就是因为书生夺命剑威力太惊人。

    Your Majesty , since my'Evil Sword'is powerful .

  15. 从怀里摸出一面镜子叫书生看。

    From out side mirror that scholar .

  16. 大胆夺命书生!竟敢在此捣乱?!

    How dare you mess up here ?

  17. 其中一个是夺命书生。

    One is called'Evil Scholar ' .

  18. 白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。

    White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and gave birth to a son .

  19. 书生看到茫茫大海,一名遇害女子一丝不挂的地躺在沙滩上。

    See the sea , a scholar who murdered the woman was to lie on the beach .

  20. 其中,“书生”这一群体形象非常值得我们注意。

    Among them , the group image of " scholar " is worthy for us to pay attention to .

  21. 总的来说,无论是从事教育还是参与政治,蔡元培始终不失书生本色。

    In general , Cai Yuanpei does not lose his pure qualities as scholar both in education and politics .

  22. 传说古时候有个名叫朱耀宗的书生,进京赶考高中状元。

    In ancient times there was a scholar called Zhu Yaozong who came first in the highest imperial examination .

  23. 它不光是中国古代书生托付感情的载体,更是我国深厚的文化传统的表现。

    Image is not only carrier of the poet 's emotions , but also representation of profound Chinese cultural tradition .

  24. 史密先生是个有书生气质的人。某个人或某个时期所具有的特定的精神气质。

    Mr Smith is of a scholarly turn of mind . the distinctive spirit of a people or an era .

  25. “黄粱梦”讲的是一个穷困潦倒的书生睡熟之后梦见了自己梦寐以求的午餐。

    Golden Millet Dream is a story about a poor , unhappy scholar who fell asleep while waiting for his lunch .

  26. 两个韩翃形象的比较&看市井文化对元杂剧书生形象的影响

    Comparison Between Two Images of Han Hong : Influence of Pop Culture upon the Images of the Scholars in the Yuan Drama

  27. 他们的消极一定程度上反映了元代文人书生的生活状况及他们的人生追求。

    Their passiveness reflected to a certain extent their living situation and pursuit of ideal of the literati of the Yuan Dynasty .

  28. 唐贞元年间,在书生张珙与崔相国女儿莺莺之间相爱成亲的故事中,红娘扮演了一位聪明可爱的媒人角色。

    A love story between a young scholar and the governor 's daughter whose servant girl called The Red Maidacts as the matchmaker .

  29. 说个故事:从前有个书生,和未婚妻约好某年某月某日结婚。

    Said a story : once upon a time there was a scholar , and his fiancee about good once upon a time get married .

  30. 微博用户“真伪书生”补充评论道:“你国就是一个全球大型生物实验基地。你国人就是实验品。”

    A commenter with the user name Zhenwei Shusheng added , " China has become a major biotech research lab and Chinese are the experimental subjects . "