
  • 网络george iv;King George IV;George IV of the United Kingdom
  1. 而最著名的是乔治四世桥街上的大象咖啡馆。

    The most notable is The Elephant House on George IV Bridge .

  2. 王子,从乔治四世的手中接过了王位,过着花天酒地的生活,但仍不影响他的艺术造诣。他精心培育着他的Brighton宫。

    The prince , who took the throne as George IV , lived a high life of drinking and mistresses , but was also a cultured patron of the arts , who commissioned the elaborate and ornate Brighton Pavilion .

  3. 他远渡英国到摄政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做菜,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent , George Ⅳ , and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander Ⅰ of Russia .

  4. 1817年1月18日,在庆祝俄国大公尼古拉斯访问乔治四世的布莱顿展馆的宴会上,菜单上有120道特色菜,着重推出了8道不同的汤、40道主莱和32道甜品。

    For a banquet celebrating the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia 's visit to George Ⅳ 's Brighton Pavillion on Jan. 18 , 1817 , the menu featured 120 different dishes , highlighting eight different soups , 40 main courses , and 32 desserts .

  5. 有黄色、粉色或蓝色可选,印花设计的灵感来自于一种鹧鸪眼图案,这种图案是18世纪瓷器收藏的特色,这些瓷器大多是由奢侈的乔治四世收藏的。

    Available in yellow , pink or blue , they are printed with a design inspired by a partridge eye pattern that features on an 18th Century porcelain George IV.

  6. 出自:乔治四世,他的医师建议他在博格内吉斯(BognorRegis)的海边宫殿休息。

    Said by : King George V whose physician had suggested that he relax at his seaside palace in Bognor Regis 。

  7. 在书面作业中一定要评论到乔治四世单元中所有的阅读材料。

    Be sure to comment on all the readings for the George IV unit in your essay .

  8. 皇室成员包括了玛丽公主和两名未来的国王,即爱德华八世和乔治四世,都穿着儿童水手装。

    The royal party included Princess Mary and two future kings , Edward VIII and George vi , in sailor suits .

  9. 其中最重要的一件是黄金马车,自从乔治四世以来,每位英国君主在加冕仪式上都要乘坐黄金马车。

    One of the most important treasures was the Gold State Coach , which has been used at the coronation of every British monarch since George IV.

  10. 当我的祖父乔治四世去世时,我只有3岁。同时,在你只有26岁时,你和我的父亲的生命发生了不可逆转的改变。

    I was three when my grandfather George VI died and suddenly , unexpectedly , you and my father 's lives were irrevocably changed when you were only 26 .

  11. 戈姆利称,这一做法旨在为现代英国绘制一幅新画像,还将和周围的纳尔逊将军、国王乔治四世等纪念雕像形成对比。

    Gormley says it aims to paint a picture of modern Britain -- and provide a contrast with the monuments to historic figures like Admiral Nelson and King George IV which surround it .

  12. 在不远处的一尊乔治四世雕像也戴上了一顶金色的帽子,而附近的亨利爵士雕像则戴上了新头片。

    The statue of King George IV a few steps away has a golden hat , and nearby the statue of General Sir Henry Havelock is sporting a new head piece , too .

  13. 它已经在圣赫勒拿岛上见证了28任英国督察的更迭,经历了自乔治四世到伊丽莎白二世共八代英帝国君王的加冕,而唐宁街10号已然更换了51任英国首相。

    In his time on St Helena he has seen 28 British governors come and go . Eight British monarchs from George IV to Elizabeth II have been crowned during his lifetime and 51 British Prime Ministers have served at 10 Downing Street .