
  • 网络Optimistic;positive;Upbeat
  1. 对疗程该抱乐观积极的态度,相信总会康复。

    Should face the therapy with optimistic attitude and believe that you can recover .

  2. 面对困难时,乐观积极的心态和不放弃的勇气将成为你克服困难的有力武器。

    When in difficulty , optimistic attitude and persistent courage will become a powerful arm to overcome it .

  3. 乐观积极地找寻属于自己的成功之路。

    And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success .

  4. 以往她那乐观积极的心如今乌云密布,抑郁不振。

    A cloud of depression hung over Susan 's once optimistic spirit .

  5. 她说自己很难再继续保持乐观积极的心态了。

    She said it is getting harder to stay positive .

  6. 乐观积极的生活态度可以降低焦虑感。

    Being upbeat and having a positive outlook on life reduces anxiety .

  7. 而你乐观积极的人生观也能给他人留下不错的印象。

    Your optimism and positive outlook on life make others feel better .

  8. 呃厨房这边的我们决定要乐观积极点

    Uh , we on this side of the kitchen choose to be positive .

  9. 运动员应当保持乐观积极的精神面貌。

    Competitors should maintain a positive mental outlook .

  10. 你最后的一项自由就是选择以何种态度应对周围的环境。让自己乐观积极一些。

    The last of your freedoms is to choose your attitude in any given circumstance .

  11. 我们应有乐观积极的态度,才能历尽辛酸,逆来顺受。

    We need positive attitude in order to get through all the peaks and valleys .

  12. 迈克尔总是状态良好、乐观积极。

    Michael is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say .

  13. 让自己乐观积极一些。

    Choose to be happy and positive .

  14. 呃,厨房这边的我们,决定要乐观积极点。

    Jenny : Uh , we on this side of the kitchen , choose to be positive .

  15. 当面临困境时,尽量把精力集中在好的方面,并解释给女友听,千万要乐观积极。

    Stay positive by concentrating on the good things about your predicament & explaining them to your girlfriend .

  16. 但是乐观积极的赵靥,总能在小细节中,感受到身为教师的幸福。

    But an optimistic and positive Zhao dimple , always in small details , feel the happiness as a teacher .

  17. 试着乐观积极地看待这一切,细心留意生活中每天都有,而被忽视了的点点滴滴美好。

    Try to keep a positive attitude by looking for the little blessings that happen every day yet often go unnoticed .

  18. 作为结束,我希望给大家留几句乐观积极的话,不过我没有。

    In summing up , I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with , I don 't.

  19. 通过内容对比初步认为,在命运面前汉民族较为悲观,维吾尔族相对乐观积极。

    By comparing the content , we see that Han nationality is more pessimistic than Uigur nationality in face of the fate .

  20. 如果你身边所圈绕著的都是乐观积极的人和事,或者都是阳光、彩虹和玫瑰,你就会感到更愉快。

    Surround yourself with positive people , positive things , sunshines , rainbows , and roses , you will feel much better .

  21. 根据大学生的自我报告,早起的人比晚起的人要更乐观积极。

    According to self-reports from college students , those who wake up earlier feel more optimistic and proactive than those who rise later .

  22. 家人和朋友记得这位心爱的女儿喜爱唱歌和演奏音乐的情景,乐观积极,而且快乐的享受一切。

    Family and friends remember her as a beloved daughter who love singing and playing music and can always find the positive and joy in everything .

  23. 在大数据浪潮中,中国电影人也对大数据持有乐观积极的态度并且逐渐将大数据分析运用于电影的各方面。

    In the big data wave , Chinese filmmakers also hold the positive attitude for big data and gradually applied to all aspects of analytics movies .

  24. 本能而言,企业领导人都是心态乐观积极之人,但这一次,没几个人相信公司的未来掌握在自己手中。

    Business leaders are by instinct glass-half-full type of people but , this time , few believe their companies ' future lies in their own hands .

  25. 让自己保有乐观积极的备考心态,不要主观上认定自己不行,新航道雅思培训认为心态决定成果,相信自己一定可以。

    Let oneself have positive note , don 't mind that no , subjective new channel ielts training think psychology decides results , believe that I can .

  26. 中国经济的快速增长、健康状况和食品安全的优化等因素都有利于中国人觉得前景很光明,从而形成乐观积极的态度。

    The country 's sheer rate of growth , a prioritization of health and quality of food are all contributing factors to this belief in a bright future .

  27. 上进心强,能承受工作压力,团队协作精神,乐观积极,热情投入。

    Being highly motivated , can work under pressure , gain the sense of teamwork , being optimistic and enthusiastic , being easy going , good at communicating .

  28. 阎尔梅才华横溢,有远大的理想抱负和满腔热情,虽仕途遭挫,依然乐观积极。

    Yan Ermei was scintillated , had the broad ideal aspiration and was full of enthusiasm . Although his official career suffered frustrates , he was still optimistic .

  29. 如果你想要周边的人都是乐观积极,并且有良好幽默感的话,你应该抛弃你的刻板印象,认可男性跟女性之间的友谊尤其重要。

    If you want to be surrounded with positivity and good-humored people , you should get rid of your stereotypes and agree that friendship between men and women is of great importance .

  30. 我是一个喜欢挑战自我,战胜自我,超越自我的人。生活中我乐观积极,工作上我认真负责,富有激情,尽善尽美。

    I like a challenge themselves , overcome self , beyond self person . I am optimistic and positive in life , I am serious and responsible work , passion , perfection .