首页 / 词典 / good

  • for the first time;newly;suddenly;abruptly
  • open;spread;extend
  • 忽然:~冷~热。~暧还寒。

  • 刚,起初:新来~到。

  • 张开,鼓起:~着胆子(勉强鼓起勇气)。

  • 姓。


(刚刚开始; 起初) for the first time; newly:

  • 乍一看

    at first glance;

  • 乍建的工厂

    a newly built plant;

  • 新来乍到

    be a newcomer; has just arrived


(忽然) suddenly; abruptly:

  • 乍冷乍热

    abrupt change of cold and warm weather


(张开) open; spread; extend:

  • 乍翅

    spread wings;

  • 乍着胆子

    make bold; summon up courage


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 乍云

    Zha Yun

  1. 据她描述,哈钦森先生自从妻子失踪后变得神经兮兮、一惊一乍的。

    She described Mr Hutchinson as nervous and jumpy after his wife 's disappearance .

  2. 乍看上去,它不像是首府,更像是矿工村。

    At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp

  3. 乍一听来,简直不可思议。

    It sounded incredible in common .

  4. 乍看上去,它完全像是一位炼金术士的幻术。

    At first glance , it all seems an alchemist 's illusion .

  5. 至于薪酬这一块,虽然这里给出的条件远高于大多数毕业生的薪资,但是他曾经听说过BAT这些巨头那高得令人乍舌的起薪;

    And for the payment part , though what the institution offered is way higher than what most fresh graduates can get , but he had heard about the surprisingly high starting salary that BAT pay their employees .

  6. 乍一看来,为狼群注射防狂犬病疫苗是一种简单的办法。

    At first blush , vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution .

  7. 乍眼一看,这些图像是绿色斑点状森林中的一块块灰色团状物。

    When you first look at it , the image is a series of grey blobs amid a forest of green splotches .

  8. 像这样的异常看起来很麻烦,乍看上去,返回编程的“Keyitmywayorelse”似乎更好。

    Seeming anomalies like these are troublesome , and at first glance , it may seem better to return to the " Key it my way or else " method of programming .

  9. 地理空间绘制乍听起来需要很多技巧,但若GoogleMapsJavaScriptAPI能代您完成很多工作的话,那就另当别论了。

    Geo-spatial mapping might sound tricky , but not when the Google Maps JavaScript API does so much of the work for you .

  10. 查看从InterChangeServer协作模板迁移的新的BPEL工件,它们乍看上去有些不同。

    When you look at the new BPEL artifacts that are migrated from the InterChange Server collaboration template , they may look different at first glance .

  11. 乍看上去,这种方式似乎是DSL定义的首选方式,但是进一步的观察会发现这种方法存在严重的缺陷。

    At first glance , this may seem the preferred approach to DSL definition , but closer scrutiny reveals that there can be serious drawbacks to this approach .

  12. 影响乍娜(Zana)试管繁殖的几个因素

    Several Factors Affecting Zana Tube Propagation

  13. 把智能手机定义为PC乍听之下或许有些愚蠢。但是很多潜在的PC买家之所以没有买PC,而是买了智能手机,就是因为他们需要计算设备实现的所有功能,智能手机都已经具备。

    It might sound silly at first to define a smartphone as a PC. But lots of people who otherwise might have purchased a PC have opted instead for a smartphone , since it does everything they in particular need from a computing device .

  14. Gladwell重要的一本新书《不凡者》乍看上去似乎是在描述那些拥有非凡才华个体。

    Gladwell 's important new book ," Outliers ," seems at first glance to be a description of exceptionally talented individuals .

  15. 由于铁路机乍中的大电流、高电压器件使用较多,牵引变流器中的四象限整流单元和逆变单元中都采用了IGBT元件,对牵引和制动实行连续控制。

    Because the high-current , high-voltage devices are more used in railway locomotives , the four-quadrant rectifier units and the inverter units in traction converter both use IGBT component to continuously control the traction and braking .

  16. 根据RFID技术的特点和混流装配乍间存在的问题,提出应用RFID技术对汽车混流装配车间进行改造,阐述了生产现场监控、现场物料监控和售后质量监控等功能模块的关键作用。

    According to RFID technology characteristics and the problem of mixed-model assembly workshop , this article advances RFID to transform automotive mixed-model assembly workshop , expounding the key role of production monitoring , material monitoring and after-sales quality monitoring . 2 .

  17. 把智能手机定义为“PC”乍听之下或许有些愚蠢。但是很多潜在的PC买家之所以没有买PC,而是买了智能手机,就是因为他们需要计算设备实现的所有功能,智能手机都已经具备。

    It might sound silly at first to define a smartphone as a " PC. " But lots of people who otherwise might have purchased a PC have opted instead for a smartphone , since it does everything they in particular need from a computing device .

  18. 用手机短信投票的想法乍听之下可能像是电视真人秀要吸引观众的噱头,不过一个位于瑞士的小镇Bülach,已经决定将手机短信纳入成为选举中的合法投票方式之一。

    The idea of voting by SMS may seem like a PR stunt dreamed up by the reality TV industry , but one town in Switzerland has decided that text messaging can be used to settle a real election .

  19. 乍一看来,为dbspaces重用备份对象名称似乎是一种好方法,因为之前的版本将自动切换至不活动状态。

    From the first look the reusing of backup object names for dbspaces seems to be a good approach because the previous version will automatically switch to the inactive state .

  20. 福里斯特调查公司(ForresterResearch)电子商务分析师苏乍利达•墨普鲁(SucharitaMulpuru)表示,亚马逊的PrimeNow服务是该公司实现“即时购物”体验举措的一部分。迄今“即时购物”仍被证明是在线零售商的一大短板。

    Amazon 's Prime Now service is part of a push to capture the instantaneous purchases that have so far proven elusive to online retailers , according to Sucharita Mulpuru , an ecommerce analyst at Forrester Research .

  21. 最后一种选择乍看上去似乎很有吸引力,可以很容易地编写出VXML,允许用户提供一个与GMT的时差值,然后根据该信息应答。

    The final option might seem at first to be attractive ; it 's easy to write VXML to allow the user to supply a number offset from GMT , and then respond based on that .

  22. ForresterResearch分析师苏乍利达•墨普鲁(SucharitaMulpuru)表示:“我确实认为这对(亚马逊)没什么必要,社交网络最适合用来让人知道某个东西的存在,而亚马逊当然不会有这样的问题。”

    Sucharita Mulpuru , analyst at Forrester Research , said : " I really don 't think it 's that necessary for [ Amazon ] , because the social networks are best for awareness and they certainly don 't have an awareness problem . "

  23. 峰会主席、泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦(abhisitvejjajiva)表示,成员国愿意就这两项提议展开进一步讨论,以此形成“一个使这些概念具体化的持续进程”。

    Abhisit Vejjajiva , the Thai Prime Minister and summit chairman , said the member countries were open to further discussions on both proposals as part of " an ongoing process to flesh out these concepts " .

  24. 乍听起来,这话很能理解,甚至还有点幽默。

    At first glance , it seems understandable , even humorous .

  25. 乍一看来,这两个假设似乎够单纯的了。

    At first glance , the two postulates seem innocent enough .

  26. 现代音乐乍听起来可能让人很不舒服。

    Modern music can at first seem displeasing to the ear .

  27. 乍听之下,这像是科幻小说或童话故事中牵强附会的发明。

    It sounds like a far-fetched invention from science-fiction or fairytales .

  28. 乍一看上去,游客们大概会有身在欧洲的错觉。

    At first glance visitors would think they were in Europe .

  29. 哎,不乍样好。现在我失业了。

    Well , not very well . I 'm jobless now .

  30. 乍一看来,阅读似乎是一种精神压力。

    Reading may seem like a mental strain at first thought .