
zhǔ cān
  • Main meal;dinner
主餐 [zhǔ cān]
  • [dinner] 每天的主要一餐,约在中午吃或在晚上吃

主餐[zhǔ cān]
  1. 你们什么时候供应主餐?

    What time do you serve dinner ?

  2. 你什么时间吃主餐?

    When do you have dinner ?

  3. 孩子们什么时候用傍晚主餐?

    What time do the kids have their tea ?

  4. 他主餐喜欢传统的一荤两素。

    He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal .

  5. 但由于现在的英国人的生活通常很忙碌,他们一般一天只吃三顿主餐,分别叫breakfast,lunch和dinner。

    However because people tend to have busy lifestyles in contemporary Britain , we only eat three main meals each day called breakfast , lunch and dinner .

  6. 土豆是一日主餐的重要组成部分。

    Potatoes form an important constituent of the main meal of the day .

  7. 你总是和家人一起吃主餐的吗?

    Do you always eat dinner with your family ?

  8. 唯有浸礼和主餐是神命定的圣礼。

    The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord 's Supper .

  9. 主餐沙拉则排在第七位。

    A main-dish salad comes in seventh .

  10. 主餐是神所设立的,是圣约更新的记号和印记。

    The Lord 's Supper is the divinely instituted sign and seal of covenant renewal .

  11. 主餐沙拉位于第十。

    A main-dish salad is No. 10 .

  12. 主餐有煎牛排。

    There 's steak for dinner .

  13. 如果我们把主餐安排在晚上,而不是在午饭时间,你会介意嘛?

    Do you mind if we have our main meal tonight , rather than at lunching ?

  14. 零食是人们在主餐间吃的食物,它在我们的日常饮食中,发挥着各种各样的作用。

    Snack is food eaten between main meals ; it serves different functions in our daily diet .

  15. 从另一方面说,在两顿主餐内吃些点心是有帮助的。

    Some snacks , on the other hand , will help keep you going until your next big meal .

  16. 每当我们守主餐的时候,我们记得要以安静、敬虔和感谢的心,去思想这背后主对我们的爱。

    Whenever we partake let us do it quietly , reverently and gratefully , thinking of His love behind it all .

  17. 在Aberdee这里,他为英国主餐与英国传统菜赋予少许亚洲与地中海气息。

    In Aberdeen 's case , it means the existence of British staples and British conventions complemented by Asian , Mediterranean influences .

  18. 年龄方面。对于儿童他们有“欢乐儿童餐”,里面包括他们精选的主餐,配餐,饮料和玩具。

    For children they have " happy meals for children ", which include the selection of their main meal , catering , drinks and toys .

  19. 主餐是一小快里脊牛排、覆盖着融化奶酪的花椰菜和新烤的面包卷。

    The main dish will be a small tender loin steak with a side of boiled broccoli covered with melted cheese , and fresh rolls .

  20. 此优惠只适用于劳瑞斯特级烧牛肋排餐厅(上海店)的主餐牌,不可与其他优惠活动同时使用;

    This promotion valid for a la carte menu at Lawry 's The Prime Rib Shanghai only , cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers ;

  21. 第一道菜在法国,主餐在德国,甜点在瑞士。如果选对日期,应有额外的惊喜。

    It 's first course in France , dinner in Deutschland , ah , sweets in Switzerland , and if the date is right , a bonus awaits .

  22. 在吃掉惊人的主餐后,她仍然有胃口吞下甜点,她又吃了一份棉花糖“沙拉”、奶油干酪、鲜奶油和曲奇饼干。

    After polishing off her enormous main course , she still had room for dessert and ate a " salad " of marshmallow , cream cheese , whipped cream and cookies .

  23. 例如,健康有营养的零食可以帮助饭量小、胃口不好或体重偏轻者补充主餐的不足,从而增加营养的摄入。

    For instance , healthy nutritious snacks can help people with low dietary intake , poor appetite or who are underweight to replenish the deficiency in main meals , and to increase their nutritional intakes .

  24. 主餐:如果我们能为自己主动的定下每天必须完成的任务,不断地为自己施加压力,我们就不会轻易放弃。

    HOST MEAL : If we can give a plan for ourselves everyday , which is on what to learn and how much do we learn , put more duties on ourselves , we will not give up our study very easily .

  25. 苏黎世在1525年废除了弥撒。他们用新的敬拜礼仪来庆祝主的晚餐,用主餐台和桌布来取代祭坛。

    In Zurich , the mass was abolished in1525.The Lord 's Supper was celebrated with a new liturgy that replaced the altar with a table and tablecloth .