
  • 网络Main bank
  1. 日本主银行制度演变的路径分析

    Analysis of the Evolutionary Route of Japan 's Main Bank System

  2. 战后日本主银行体制的形成与演变

    The Origin and Evolvement of the Postwar Japanese Main Bank System

  3. 日本主银行体制研究述评

    An Overview of the Research on the Japan Main Bank System

  4. 战后初期日本金融改革与主银行体制的延续

    Financial Reform in Early Post-war Era and Continuity of Main-bank System

  5. 第二部分分析了在特定历史时期主银行制的作用以及其作用机制。

    The second part analyses the effect of main bank system and its mechanism .

  6. 日本主银行体制的演进及其对中国金融制度安排的启示

    The Evolution of Japanese Banking System and Its Enlightenment to China 's Financial System

  7. 主银行制度与我国主办银行试点

    Main Bank Institution and Relevant Experiments in China

  8. 高资产负债率公司主要借鉴日本的主银行制;

    The high capital debt rate enterprises shall refer the main bank institution of Japan ;

  9. 论债权人兼股东的主银行

    Main Banks as Creditors and Shareholders

  10. 日本主银行制度的盛衰演变:一个新制度经济学的视角分析

    Japan 's main banking system in the evolution of the Rise and Fall : A New Institutional Economics Perspective Analysis

  11. 所有权结构分为两个方面:法人相互持股和主银行制。

    The structure of propriety rights is consisted of two parts : artificial persons ' inter-holding and the main bank system .

  12. 第四章:日本主银行制度对我国银企关系的启示。本章结合我国实际情况,分析了实行主办银行制以来出现的问题。

    Combined with actual situation in China , we analyze the problem in the implement process of the main bank system .

  13. 温州地下金融的初级阶段与日韩主银行制的案例证明了这一结论。

    Case of WenZhou 's underground finance , Case of Japan and Korea 's master bank can all prove the conclusion .

  14. 日本主办银行制度是以主银行为中心、维系银企之间长期稳定的交易关系的行为方式和规则。

    Main bank system in Japan is an approach for keeping a long-term business relationship between a bank and an enterprise .

  15. 第一部分是对日本主银行制形成与演进过程的分析,主要内容是明治维新到二战之后日本银行业的发展过程。

    The first part analyses the origin and development of Japan 's main bank system from pre World War II to post .

  16. 主银行体制作为后发国的一种融资体系,对于发展中国家有重要的借鉴意义。

    As a backward country 's financing system , the mail bank system can be used for reference for a developing country .

  17. 最后指出:主银行式的融资模式是一种对消费者、对银行、对社会都有益的帕雷托改进过程。

    In the end , the paper points out : such mode is a Pareto improvement for consumers , banks and society .

  18. 其次,从公司治理结构的比较,即从英美的股东至上日本的主银行制德国的共同治理结构利益相关者模式的发展,可看出利益相关者模式是企业的现实选择。

    Secondly by the comparing of the governance structures of enterprise , the cooperative structure of stakeholders is bound to be chosen .

  19. 德国立法对利益相关者的保护集中体现在具有德国特色的共同决定制度和主银行制度。

    German legislation on the protection of stakeholders system embodied in the joint decision with German specialties and the main bank system .

  20. 日本企业集团的主银行制度和相互持股制度是在日本特殊的历史进程中生成、发展起来的。

    Firstly , the main bank institution and overlapping shares institution are core sectors of the financial institution adopted by enterprise groups of Japan .

  21. 关于主银行制度和人为低利率政策&日本高速成长时期的金融制度研究

    On the Main-bank System and Artificial Low Interest Rate Policy & A Study of the Financial System of Japan in Its Fast Growth Period

  22. 在日本公司治理结构中存在着交叉持股,终身雇佣,内部晋升者经营等做法;在企业关系上存在着主银行制度,系列制等关系。

    " Cross-shareholding ", " lifetime employment ", " insider management ", " main bank system " and other practices exist in Japanese corporate governance .

  23. 本章首先介绍了主银行制度的概念及其基本特征,然后分阶段对主银行形成和发展的具体过程进行了论述。

    Firstly I state definition and main features of this system , and then we overview development process of Japan main bank system in different phases .

  24. 银行参与公司治理的方式,可借鉴德日的主银行治理模式,构建我国的银行持股制度,银行董事与监事制度。

    While by learning from German and Japanese banking governing pattern , bank participating corporate governance help construct Chinese banking holding system , banking board and supervising system .

  25. 英美模式缘自于股东主权加竞争性资本市场,德日模式缘自于主银行制和法人相互持股。

    The British-American model originated from the emphasis on shareholder right and a competitive capital market , while the German-Japan model is shaped by banking dominance and legal person cross-shareholding .

  26. 主银行体制以其与企业间长期交易关系为基础,与美英等国以资本市场为基础的融资体系相比,具有明显不同的特征。

    Based on the long-term transaction relationship with enterprises , the main bank system is quite different from the financing systems of America , England , etc , which are ba .

  27. 主银行制度与德国的全能型银行具有更多的相似点,所以从文章结构考虑,将德国和日本同章研究更为合理。

    Universal banks with Germany the main bank system has more similarities , but from the article structure considerations , will be more reasonable chapter of research in Germany and Japan .

  28. 传统认为日本企业集团金融制度中的主银行制度起源于日本战时的辛迪加贷款,而相互持股制度则是从日本战后开始形成的。

    Generally , it is considered that the formation of the main bank system originated on the syndicate loan of the wartime of Japan and the overlapping shares institution began in the postwar period .

  29. 日本主银行与公司之间保持着长期的密切合作关系,与其他投资者之间建立有效的信息传导、组织协调机制,通过对融资企业实施全程监控参与公司治理。

    Japan main bank keeps long-term closely cooperation with the company , establishes valid information transmit / organization / coordination institution with other investors , and participates in company management via whole-course supervision toward financing enterprises .

  30. 与主银行制度相比,风险投资是一种市场化程度更高的关系型融资制度,其在企业的治理结构中发挥着特殊的作用。

    Compared with the main bank system , venture capital is a new relational financing system with high degree of market - oriented factors , which exerts special effects on the governance structure of the enterprise .