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  • 网络Main acupoint;main point or master point;major acupuncture points;main void
  1. 针刺三主穴对糖尿病周围神经病变患者氧化应激状态的影响

    The Effects of Oxidative Stress Status of Acupuncture the Three Main Points in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients

  2. 治疗时主穴与配穴同时使用。

    In the treatment , the main points and the matching points are used at the same time .

  3. 主穴取太阳、阳白、地仓、颊车、合谷。

    The main point to take the sun , sun white , to warehouses , cheek cars , gu .

  4. 对照组30例:穴位埋线治疗,主穴:气海、关元、子宫、次髎。

    The Control Group : Catgut embedding therapy . Main acupoints : Qihai , Guanyuan , Zigong and Ciliao .

  5. 治疗组主穴取百会、太阳、率谷、风池、太溪、太冲、阿是穴。

    The treatment group main points to take BaiHui , TaiYang , ShuaiGu , FengChi , TaiChong and Ashi points .

  6. 方法:将66例病人随机分成头皮针组35例、药物组31例,头皮针组主穴取额中线、顶中线,再根据不同的症状配穴治疗;

    Methods 66 cases were randomly divided into scalp acupuncture group ( 35 cases ) and medication group ( 31 cases ) .

  7. 根据辨证取穴原则:取眼针主穴:上、下焦区。

    According to the principle of dialectical acupoint selection , we selected the main acupoints of eye-acupuncture : upper and lower of tri-jiao .

  8. 其中针刺组30例,主穴选取心俞、肝俞、胆俞、膈俞、肾俞,并进行随证加减。

    In acupuncture group , the main points are Xinshu , Ganshu , Danshu , Geshu , Shenshu and with the evidence for addition and subtraction .

  9. 针刺主穴:廉泉、风池等十个穴位;从五个分型辩证配穴。

    Main point : LianQuan , acupuncture Jinjin wind pool , ten points , way his poems did ; With five points from the dialectical point type .

  10. 电针主穴选择阿是穴、腰夹脊穴、大肠俞、环跳,并根据经络辨证和八纲脏腑辨证配穴。

    On the principle of meridian differentiation and eight-principle zang-fu organ differentiation , mainly choosing A-shi point , lumbar region jiaji point , large intestine shu , huantiao point .

  11. 治疗组在中药治疗的基础上给予针刺,主穴选肾俞、三阴交、太溪。配穴:血瘀者配内关、膈俞;气虚配足三里、关元;生殖道炎症配丰隆。

    The treatment group also take acupuncture , the main points are Shenshu , Sanyinjiao , Taixi , add-subtract : blood stasis , add Geshu ; if partial deficiency , add Zusanli , Guanyuan ; genital tract inflammation , add Fenglong .

  12. 目的:比较针刺三角肌和肱三头肌以及针刺醒脑开窍针法的上肢主穴和针刺阳经穴位改善脑梗死患者上肢肌痉挛的疗效。

    AIM To compare therapeutic effects between the acupuncture applied on the deltoid muscle and triceps brachii musculus and on upper limb main point and yang channel point on the purpose of the amelioration of upper limb muscular spasm in patients with cerebral infarction .

  13. 对照组35例采用语言康复训练;治疗组46例,在语言康复训练的基础上,采用针刺治疗,主穴取百会、哑门、通里、廉泉。

    Method Eighty one patients were randomly divided into a control group of 35 cases receiving linguistic training and a treatment group of 46 cases receiving acupuncture of Baihui , Yamen , Tongli and Lianquan as main points on the basis of linguistic training .