
  • 网络greasy fur;greasy coat;greasy coating;slimy fur
  1. 观察发现,低分化癌及粘液细胞癌均见于黄厚腻苔者。

    It was found that low - differentiated cancer and myxo cellular cancer can all be found in yellow thick greasy fur .

  2. 暗红舌主瘀血:黄苔主热,腻苔主湿、主痰,白苔主虚,这与糖尿病阴虚、气虚为本,燥热、气滞、瘀血、痰浊为标相一致。

    Dark red tongue , the main bleeding : Yellow fur hot , greasy fur wet , sputum , the white fur , virtual , and diabetes Yin , Qi-based , hot flashes , and qi stagnation , blood stasis , phlegm as the standard . 2 .

  3. 结果:气血瘀滞证、黯舌、腻苔的患者血清VEGF值明显高于气虚痰湿证、阴虚热毒证、气阴两虚证的患者。

    Result : The VEGF value of the energy-stagnation and blood stasis patients with dark tough and greasy fur is higher then others .

  4. 癌症组腻苔与非癌症组腻苔定量值有差异(P0.01)。

    There was significance difference of quantitative value of greasy tongue fur between the cancer group and non-cancer group ( P 0.01 ) .

  5. 结论:红绛舌、厚腻苔可尝试作为HP感染诊断的辅助指标。

    Conclusion : Red or deep red tongue and thick or greasy tongue coating could attempt to be regarded as a subsidiary index to diagnose H.pylori infection .

  6. 白腻苔和黄腻苔在Hp感染中无差异,淡舌和Hp的感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾证在Hp感染中无显著差异。

    There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue .

  7. 黄腻苔舌脱落上皮细胞的形态计量分析

    Morphometric analysis of exfoliated epithelial cells in yellow and greasy fur of human tongue

  8. 非临终患者以红舌、厚黄腻苔多见。

    Red tongue proper and yellow thick tongue coating were more in the other group .

  9. 舌象以淡黯舌、黯红舌,白腻苔、黄腻苔多见。

    Pale dark tongue , white coating and yellow coating can always be observed in tongue manifestation .

  10. 氩氦刀冷冻治疗前后肺癌患者舌质、舌苔均以暗舌、腻苔为多见;

    Most of the lung cancer patients in this study have dull , dark tongue and slimy fur .

  11. 本文根据腐腻苔的纹理特点,提出了一种舌苔腐腻的图像分析算法。

    An image analysis method of curdy and greasy fur based on texture feature is proposed in this paper .

  12. 舌象:最多见的是红绛舌和腐腻苔;

    The most commonly seen tongue patterns were dark red tongue proper , and curdy and greasy tongue fur .

  13. ⑶脾虚湿困证:浮肿、大便稀、黏腻苔、带下量多。

    ⑶ Spleen Deficiency with Dampness Encumbrance Syndrome : edema , loose stool , sticky greasy fur , leukorrhea much volume .

  14. 冷冻治疗后腻苔减少减轻,淡红舌、薄白苔相应增多。如果诊断上以苔腻为据;淡白、胖大舌、白腻苔等舌象则相反;

    After cryoablation therapy the patients ' slimy tongue fur decreased or get better , on the contrary the pale red tongue and thin white fur increased .

  15. 舌苔方面两组腻苔均多于薄苔(p<0.01)。

    In both groups , the number of subjects with greasy fur were more than that of the subjects with thin fur ( p < 0.01 ) .

  16. 早期胃癌患者舌象多正常,进展期胃癌患者多见紫舌、瘀斑舌、舌下络脉曲张以及黄腻苔。

    Tongue manifestation in patients with early gastric carcinoma often performance normal , and it often performance purple color , ecchymosis tongue , sublingual venae varicose , yellow greasy tongue fur in the patients with advanced gastric carcinoma . 2 .

  17. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .

  18. 乙肝组白厚(腻)苔、黄腻苔舌h-EGFR表达增强,唾液、血清h-EGF含量明显升高,与其它对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    In the group of hepatitis B with white thick ( greasy ) and yellow greasy tongue fur , expression of h-EGFR was increased , and the volume of h-EGF was higher , which was different significantly ( P < 0.01 ) compared with other groups .

  19. 舌苔以白、薄或薄白,薄黄,黄腻,少苔或无苔多见。

    Tongue with white , thin , or thin white , thin and yellow , yellow greasy tongue coating or no coating were most common .