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xiè fǎ
  • reducing method;catharsis;purgation;reduction in acupuncture
泻法[xiè fǎ]
  1. 泻法能抑制实证患者胃肠电波幅的亢进,与平补平泻法比较,差别也有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    While reducing method could control the amplitude of gastrointestinal electricity in patients of sthenia-type and the difference was also significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 先针双侧内关,直刺1.65~3.33cm,施捻转提插泻法1min;

    At first , the bilateral Neiguan were acupunctured straightly with a depth of 1.65 ~ 3.33 cm using holding and twisting , lifting and thrusting and reduction in acupuncture methods for 1 min.

  3. 先刺双侧内关,直刺0.5~1.0寸,采用捻转提插结合泻法,施手法1min;

    Firstly , the acupoints of bilateral Neiguan were acupunctured perpendicularly for about 0.5-1.0 cun , the reducing manipulation by twirling as well as lifting and thrusting the needle was performed for 1 minute ;

  4. 膈俞斜刺0.5-0.8寸,得气后行快针捻转泻法,中强刺激。

    Oblique needling 0.5-0.8 Cun is on Geshu .

  5. 针向迎随补泻法初探

    On Needle Direction Along-Against-Channel Reinforcing and Reducing Methods

  6. 大小刺激量捻转补泻法对血虚证大鼠红细胞计数的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture Stimulation Quantum on Red Blood Cell Count in Rats with Blood-deficiency Syndrome

  7. 基于针刺手法仪参数图形探讨捻转补泻法子母补泻法针刺治疗瘀血阻络型冠心病心电图即刻效应的观察

    Study on twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulation based on the parameter figure of the acupuncture manipulation apparatus

  8. 李中梓淡渗治泻法的理论依据和运用要点

    Theoretical Basis and Main Application Points of Li Zhongzi 's Treatment for Diarrhea with Bland Drugs

  9. 目的:阐述脐针疗法的方位补泻法的原理。

    Objective To expound the principle of the direction reinforcing and reducing method in navel acupuncture therapy .

  10. 疾徐捻转泻法针刺足三里对高血压家兔的降压作用

    Effects of acupuncture at Zusanli on decompression of hypertensive rabbits with fast and slow twirling reinforcing-reducing method

  11. 直刺进针,得气后留针30分钟,每隔10分钟,施手法1次,手法为提插捻转泻法。

    The needle into the puncture , left 30 minutes , after every 10 minutes , gimmick once , the technique for lifting-thrusting method .

  12. 针剌治疗组患者每天1次,每次3~4穴,用平补平泻法。

    The patients were treated with acupuncture one time each day at 3 or 4 points in acupuncture group , and a uniform reinforcing-reducing was applied .

  13. 为探讨不同针法对兔血清胃动素及胃泌素含量的作用,实验用补法和泻法针刺健康兔及利血平化类脾虚模型兔一侧“足三里”穴。

    In order to investigate the effect of different maipulations of acupuncture , experiments were performed on model rabbits of spleen-deficiency type and healthy rabbits as control .

  14. 阐明针刺捻转补法与泻法的操作是否存在效应上的差异,并探讨其效应差异是否为补泻效应的差异。

    Objective : To clarify the effective difference of acupuncture manipulation between twirling reinforcing and reducing manipulation and discuss whether it was the effective difference between reinforcing and reducing methods .

  15. 在手法上,针刺汗法多用气上补法,并重用搓法数十次,惟复溜用气下泻法,反复施行,至汗出邪退。

    In practice , the needle on Sweating up more gas law , both with the rubbing method dozens of times , but slipped gas tumble complex method , repeatedly implemented , to sweating evil back .

  16. 得气后,风池用平补平泻法,余穴用补法,留针30分钟,间隔15分钟行针1次,每日针刺1次,共针刺2周。

    After get gas , the wind pool with a reinforcing-reducing method , other place use reinforcing method , needle for 30 minutes , to analogue for once 15 minutes , once a day , treatment for 2 weeks .

  17. 尺泽,屈肘成120°角,直刺1寸,用提插泻法,以患侧上肢抽动3次为度。

    The elbow was flexed to 120 ° for acupuncture at Chize , the needle was inserted perpendicularly for 1.0 cun , the reducing manipulation by lifting and thrusting was applied till the ipsilateral upper limb had three tics . angle .

  18. 极泉,原穴沿经下移1寸,避开腋毛,直刺1.0~1.5寸,用提插泻法,以患侧上肢抽动3次为度;

    The acupoint of Jiquan was acupunctured at 1 cun below the source point along the channel in avoidance of axillary hairs , the needle was inserted perpendicularly for 1.0-1.5 cun , and the reducing manipulation by lifting and thrusting was applied till the ipsilateral upper limb had three tics ;