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dà zhuī
  • Dazhui
大椎[dà zhuī]
  1. 应用CT测量大椎、肩中俞、悬枢、命门的针刺深度的研究

    Study on needling depth of Dazhui ( GV 14 ), Jianzhongshu ( SI 15 ), Xuanshu ( GV 5 ) and Mingmen ( GV 4 ) with CT

  2. 针刺百会、大椎穴对拟血管性痴呆大鼠脑内GSH-PX及CAT的影响

    The effect of baihui 、 dazhui acupunture on the activity of GSH-PX and CAT in brains of imitative vascular dementia rat model

  3. 方法将90只昆明小鼠据体重随机分成9组,腹腔接种S180瘤株,化疗采用CTX,针灸处理以灸和温针灸为主,穴位采用足三里、命门和大椎。

    METHOD 90 Kunming mice were divided randomly into 9 groups and injected with S180 tumor strains .

  4. 结论针刺百会,大椎穴能提高VD大鼠的学习记忆能力,并能改善自由基的代谢。

    Conclusion Needling points Baihui and Dazhui can improve learning ability and memory , and free radical metabolism in VD rats .

  5. 肾气虚2组(C2)取大椎、双侧肺俞、双侧肾俞。

    Acupoints of dazhui , double feishu , double shenshu were taken to group 2 of kidney qi deficiency ( C2 ) .

  6. 结论电针百会、大椎穴对SD大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注大脑皮层超微结构形态学损伤具有明显的保护作用。

    Conclusion Electroacupuncture of points Baihui and Dazhui has a marked reducing effect on morphological injury to the corticocerebral ultrastructure in SD rats with focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion .

  7. 结论:艾灸大椎穴对慢性应激大鼠BDNF有良性调节作用,并对海马神经元有保护作用。

    CONCLUSION : The Moxibustion at Dazhui point effectively regulates the expression of BDNF and protects hippocampus neurons in chronic mild stress rats .

  8. 针灸大椎穴对慢性应激失调大鼠行为学及下丘脑AVP的影响

    Effect of moxibustion or acupuncture in Dazhui ( GV14 ) on behavior and hypothalamic AVP level in rats with chronic stress disturbance

  9. 方法:以D-半乳糖造成的亚急性衰老小鼠为实验对象,艾灸大椎、命门、足三里穴,测定血清NO浓度、SOD活性和MDA含量。

    Methods : Mice with subacute senility induced by D-galactose were given moxibustion treatment at the points of DAZHUI , MINGMEN , and ZUSANLI to determine NO concentration , SOD activity and MDA content .

  10. 结果:大椎穴能更有效地提高衰老小鼠的胸腺和脾脏指数,降低SIL-2R的含量作用显著。

    Result : Moxibustion on the Dazhui point could obviously improve the index of thymus and spleen in the model mice , as well as reduce the content of SIL-2R .

  11. 结果针刺VD大鼠的百会大椎穴,可明显减少VD大鼠在穿梭箱实验中的电击次数和电击时间,脑内GSH-PX及CAT活力增强。

    Results Needling points Baihui and Dazhui markedly decreased the number and time of electric shock to a VD rat in a running box experiment and increased the activity of GSH PX and CAT .

  12. 方法:健康家兔8只,扑热息痛单剂量(20mg/kg)于大椎穴注射后,在规定时间点采血,HPLC检测血药浓度,DAS药动学软件处理药时数据。

    [ Methods ] 8 healthy rabbits were injected with acetaminophen at 20 mg / kg in Dazhui acupoint . Plasma concentration of acetaminophen was regularly determined by HPLC and the data were analyzed with DAS PK software .

  13. 目的:试图发现艾灸大椎穴对慢性应激状态下大鼠海马神经元及脑源性神经营养因子(brain-erivedneurotrophicfactor,BDNF)的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effect of moxibustion at Dazhui point on hippocampus neurons and the expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) of these cells in the chronic mild stress rats .

  14. 结论:电针可能是通过下丘脑CRH、IL-2、βEP等因素的相互调节,起到抗炎免疫调节作用的。大椎命门抗炎作用优于非穴处。

    Conclusion Electroacupuncture exerts anti-inflammation and immunoregulation possibly via regulation of CRH , IL-2 and β - EP each other , and the anti-inflammation action of Dazhui ( GV 14 ) and Mingmen ( GV 4 ) is stronger than that of non-acupoint .

  15. 以多盲的试验方法,通过音频脉冲调制波刺激穴位(大椎、命门、足三里、承山),并观察穴位电刺激对运动员的30m跑、站立式跳远、Cybex等动测试指标的影响。

    Acupoints were stimulated with audio frequency pulse modulated wave and multi-blind method were used to investigate effects of the electric stimulation of acupoints on 30-meter running , standing long jumping and Cybex isokinetic testing index .

  16. 艾灸大椎、阳陵泉速降血沉211例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 211 Cases Treated by Moxibustion for Quickening ESR

  17. 针刺大椎治疗感冒高热临床观察

    Clinical observation on acupuncture for treatment of high fever due to common cold

  18. 针刺穴位选用百会、大椎穴。

    Baihui and Dazhui were selected as acupuncture points .

  19. 电针百会,大椎穴对脑缺血大鼠学习记忆能力的影响

    The effect of Electroacupuncture on learning and memory abilities in cerebral infarction rats

  20. 艾灸大椎穴对慢性应激大鼠神经营养因子的影响

    The effect of neurotrophic factor in chronic irritability rats with moxibustion at dazhui point

  21. 大椎穴点刺加拔罐治疗颅内高压综合征40例

    Treatment of 40 cases of intracranial hypertension syndrome with pricking point GV 14 plus cupping

  22. 针刺大椎穴及健侧运动区治疗面神经炎的临床研究

    Acupuncture Dazhui Point and Contralateral Motor Area of the Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis Clinical Research

  23. 电针大椎穴治疗感冒高热138例临床研究

    Clinical Study on Electroacupuncture Dazhui for Treatment of 138 Cases of High Fever in Common Cold

  24. 大椎至阳刺络拔罐治疗荨麻疹的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Treating Urticaria by Bloodletting Puncture and Cupping Therapy on Dazhui and Zhiyang acupoints

  25. 目的研究大椎穴运用振法治疗颈椎病的治疗机制。

    Conclusion The mechanism of cervical spondylosis treatment of trembling manipulation at Dazhui acupoint is related .

  26. 目的:研究扑热息痛注射液于家兔大椎穴注射后的药动学特征。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen by Dazhui acupoint injection to rabbits .

  27. 结论艾灸大椎穴治疗输液发热反应,缩短了输液发热反应过程,效果良好。

    Conclusions Treating infusion reaction with moxibustion on Dazhui acupuncture point , can shorten pyrogenetic reaction time .

  28. 结论:建议大椎穴针刺深度应控制在36mm以内。

    Conclusion The safe depth of needling Dazhui ( GV 14 ) should be within 36 mm .

  29. 结论:提示艾灸大椎、命门穴具有延缓衰老的作用。

    Conclusion : The experiment suggests the effect of postponing senility by moxibustion on Duzhui and Mingmen .

  30. 目的:探索艾灸大椎穴对小鼠耐缺氧能力的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of Da Zhui point moxibustion on hypoxia tolerance in mice .