
  • 网络daphnia magna;Daphnia magna Straus
  1. 纳米ZnO对大型溞的急性毒性效应研究

    Acute toxicity of nano-ZnO to Daphnia Magna

  2. 联苯胺对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的急性和慢性毒性试验

    Acute and chronic toxicities of benzidine to Daphnia magna

  3. 蒽醌类化合物对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的急性光致毒性研究

    Acute Photoinduced Toxicity of Anthraquinones to the Crustacean Daphnia magna

  4. 1,8-二羟基蒽醌和1-氨基蒽醌对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的毒性效应研究

    Studies on the Toxicity Effects of 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone and 1-aminoanthraquinone on Daphnia Magna

  5. 水体沉积物结合态镉对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的生物毒性研究

    The Biotoxicity of Cadmium Associated with Fresh-Water Sediment to the Daphnia magna

  6. 三种除草剂对大型溞Daphniamagna存活、生长和繁殖的影响

    Effects of Three Herbicides on the Survival , Growth and Reproduction of Daphnia magna

  7. 硒对大型溞(Daphniamagna)运动、生长、繁殖和生存的毒性影响

    The effects of selenium on activity , growth , reproduction and survival in Daphnia magna

  8. 三种典型渔药对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的急性毒性及其关键环境影响因子分析

    Acute toxicity of three typical fish drugs to Daphnia magna and analysis of the key environmental factors

  9. 随着试验时间的延长和TMT浓度的增加,大型溞的死亡率和抑制率逐渐增加。

    The inhibition rate and mortality of Daphnia magna increased with the increase of TMT concentration and the test time .

  10. 11种蒽醌类化合物对大型溞光敏化毒性的最佳OSAR模型的Q(cum)~2为0.902,具有较好的稳健性和预测能力。

    Q_ ( cum ) ~ 2 of the final models of the toxicity of the tested eleven anthraquinones to Daphnia magna , were higher than 0.902 , indicating that the models have good predictive ability and robustness .

  11. 实验研究了两种代表性蒽醌染料中间体(1,8-二羟基蒽醌(1,8-dihAQ)和1-氨基蒽醌(1-aAQ))对大型溞(Daphniamagna)的急性、亚致死性及慢性毒性效应。

    Acute , sublethal and chronic toxicity of two representative intermediates of anthraquinone dyestuffs , 1,8-dihydroxy anthraquinone ( 1,8-dihAQ ) and 1-amino anthraquinone ( 1-aAQ ), to Daphnia magna were assessed .

  12. 五氯酚对大型溞的急性亚慢性和慢性毒性

    Acute , subchronic and chronic toxicity of pentachlorophenol to Daphnia magna

  13. 有毒和无毒微囊藻对大型溞生长和繁殖的影响

    Effects of Microcystis on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna

  14. 大型溞生长、生殖和种群增长的研究

    Growth , reproduction and population growth form of Daphnia magma Straus

  15. 三氯杀螨醇对大型溞的毒性和环境雌激素效应

    Reproduction toxicity and estrogenic effects of dicofol to Daphnia magna

  16. 不同藻类对大型溞存活和生殖的影响

    Effects of different algae on the survival and reproduction of Daphnia magna

  17. 大型溞生物测试技术方法和程序

    Technical Methods and Test Procedure of Bioassay on Daphnia magna

  18. 大型溞对栅藻摄食行为及影响因素的研究

    Grazing Behavior and Influencing Factors of Daphnia magna on Scenedesmus

  19. 三唑类杀菌剂对大型溞急性毒性研究

    Acute Toxicity Study of Triazole Fungicides Exposure to Daphnia magna

  20. 氟与硒对大型溞的联合毒性研究

    The joint toxicity of fluoride and selenium to daphnia magna

  21. 温度和培养体积对大型溞种群动态和两性生殖影响的研究

    Effect of temperature and culture volume on population dynamic and sexual reproduction of Daphnia magna Straus

  22. Cu~(2+)对大型溞生长和繁殖的影响

    Effects of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) on the Growth and Reproduction of Daphnia magna

  23. 为此,利用显微镜直接计数法研究了大型溞对栅藻的摄食率及一些影响因素?

    The grazing behavior of Daphnia magna and impact factors were studied by microscope count method .

  24. 绿色微囊藻等不同食物对大型溞生长和脂类成分的影响

    Effects of Microcystis viridis and other different feeding conditions on growth and lipid composition of Daphnia magna

  25. 大型溞是国际公认的标准实验生物,广泛应用于污染物的生态毒性评价。

    Daphnia magna have been used word-wide as a standard test organism for ecotoxicological evaluation of contamination .

  26. 不同喂养条件和营养强化对大型溞总脂及脂肪酸组成的影响

    Influence of different feeding conditions and nutritional enrichment on total lipid and fatty acid composition of Daphnia magna

  27. 两种助溶剂不影响蒽醌类化合物对大型溞的光致毒性。

    The two co-solvents , dimethylsulfoxide and acetone , did not affect the photoinduced toxicity of the compounds .

  28. 大型溞和日本青鳉在水质在线生物安全预警应用中的比较

    Comparisons between applications of Daphnia magna and Japanese Medaka ( Oryzias latipes ) in the water quality on-line biomonitoring

  29. 结果表明,氰渣、锑冶炼碱渣能够抑制大型溞的运动,并造成溞的大量死亡。

    The results show that the solid wastes of cyanogen and antimony smelting alkali wastes were toxic to the test organism .

  30. 化合物最低未占据分子轨道能和最高占据分子轨道能之间的能级差,可用于初步判断蒽醌类化合物对大型溞的潜在光致毒性。

    The gap between the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital can be used as an indicator of the potential photoinduced toxicity of anthraquinones to Daphnia magna .