
dà chī dà hē
  • binge;wine and dine;eat and drink extravagantly;stuff;indulge in extravagant eating and drinking;swallow greedily;excessive feasting;eat and drink to one's heart's content;be spendthrift in feasting;eat and drink with enthusiasm
大吃大喝 [dà chī dà hè]
  • (1) [stuff;swallow greedily]∶狼吞虎咽地吃

  • 已经结束了在餐厅的大吃大喝

  • (2) [indulge in extravagant eating and drinking]∶指没有节制,没有计划地吃喝

  • 他上馆子,下酒铺,从不敢大吃大喝,大手大脚,颇为紧吃慢用,细水长流。--古华《芙蓉镇》

  • (3) [excessive feasting]∶指进行大规模、高档次的吃喝活动

大吃大喝[dà chī dà hē]
  1. 但是,对于糖尿病患者来说,绝对不能“敞开肚皮”大吃大喝。

    But , regarding the diabetic , cannot " open wide the belly " absolutely to eat and drink extravagantly .

  2. 一段时间以来,国家工作人员运用公款大吃大喝的行为十分严重。

    It has been a serious problem for the government functionaries eat and drink extravagantly with public money for quite a long time .

  3. 同事们干着她的活儿,而她却在外面大吃大喝,这让大家都气坏了。

    Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined

  4. 仅在几英尺外,捉拿他们的人正在城堡的宴会厅里大吃大喝。

    Only a few feet away , their captors feasted in the castle 's banqueting hall .

  5. 他们大吃大喝,花了一大笔钱。

    They went on the spree and spent a lot of money .

  6. 反对大吃大喝,注意节约。

    Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy .

  7. 他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样大吃大喝。

    His followers did not carouse , like the troops of many warlord armies .

  8. 在某些方面,离婚派对跟结婚派对差不多,来宾也大吃大喝。不同的是,在婚礼上,父亲拉着女儿的手,将女儿交给新郎。在离婚派对上,父亲从女婿手中,把女儿接回去。

    Divorce party is similar to wedding party in some way , with guests indulging in extravagant , but on a divorce party the father take his daughter back from the son-in-law .

  9. “运动寡妇”通常醒来就面对一张空空如也的床(这必定是丈夫晨练的标志),晚餐计划还可能因为老公夜跑前不想大吃大喝而突然取消。

    The exercise widow often wakes to an empty bed -- a sure sign of a morning workout -- and may find dinner plans spoiled by a sudden avoidance of anything heavy before a night run .

  10. 8.putaway大吃大喝我从未见过这么能吃的人还这么瘦。

    I 've never seen anybody put away so much food and still look so thin .

  11. 当让蚊子们在老鼠身上大吃大喝的时候,后者的体内出现了对抗SP15的抗体。

    And when the insects were allowed to feast on mice , the mice developed antibodies against SP15 .

  12. Talley仍然过着往常的生活,经常熬夜,半夜还大吃大喝她最爱的食物:土豆沙拉、蜂蜜面包、麦当劳鸡肉块和辣椒。

    Talley still lives very much as she always has done , often staying up until midnight feasting on some of her favorite foods : potato salad , honey buns , McDonald 's chicken nuggets and Wendy 's chili .

  13. 别在正式宴会上大吃大喝,那样很不礼貌!

    Don 't make a pig of yourself at dinner party !

  14. 对许多美国人来说,感恩节是大吃大喝的时候。

    For mangy americans , Thanksgiving is a time of overindulgence .

  15. 他在餐厅里大吃大喝,真丢脸。

    He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant .

  16. 当然这也是个适合大吃大喝的时候!

    Of course , it is also a time for eating !

  17. 他们每到星期天总要大吃大喝,直到快把肚子胀破。

    They habitually gorged to the bursting point on sunday .

  18. 偏好大吃大喝,不爱做运动。

    He prefers to pig out and not work out .

  19. 还有许多其他原生动物正在大吃大喝呢!

    However , many other native animals are tucked away .

  20. 他在餐厅里像猪一样大吃大喝。

    He made a pig of himself at the restaurant .

  21. 反刍、抿和大吃大喝都是什么动作的同义词?

    Ruminate , sup and gormandize are all synonyms for what action ?

  22. 瘦人大吃大喝也不会发胖

    Thin people can eat a tremendous amount and still be thin .

  23. 避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。

    Avoid big meals but munch high-carbon , low-fat acks every few hours .

  24. 当你最终向胃屈服的时候,你就容易开始大吃大喝。

    When you finally give in , you 're prone to a binge .

  25. 他大吃大喝了叁天。

    He went on / had a three-day binge .

  26. 他宁可大吃大喝也不要做运动;

    He preferred eating and drinking do not campaign ;

  27. 基本上,圣诞前夕和圣诞节是在大吃大喝中渡过的。

    Basically , it 's all about food on Christmas Eve & Day .

  28. 届时将不会有礼物,也不会有大吃大喝。

    There would be no presents and no feasting .

  29. 无节制的大吃大喝有损身体健康。

    Compulsive eating is bad for one 's health .

  30. 我不能再大吃大喝了,因为我的小腹越来越大。

    I have to stop eating so much because my gut is getting bigger .