
lǎn hàn
  • idler;sluggard;lazybones;bum;layabout;lump;ne'er-do-well;goof-off
懒汉 [lǎn hàn]
  • [sluggard; idler] 懒惰的人

  • 懒汉多的国家

  • 叫干什么才干什么的思想和行动上的懒汉们

懒汉[lǎn hàn]
  1. 她就见不得那个懒汉。

    She can 't stand that sluggard .

  2. 谢辽日卡是个懒汉,酒鬼。

    Seryozhka is a sluggard , a drunkard .

  3. 我讨厌像史蒂夫这样的懒汉。

    I have no time for lazy people like Steve .

  4. 你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗?

    Aren 't you dressed yet , you lazy beggar ?

  5. 他不过是个没用的懒汉。

    He 's nothing but a no-good bum !

  6. 那懒汉是家里的寄生虫。

    The lazy man was a parasite on his family .

  7. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

    Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together .

  8. 懒汉总叫人看不起。

    The lazybones are always held in contempt .

  9. 日本《SPA》杂志近日在一篇题为《懒汉的终极形态》的文章中描述了这一流行趋势。

    Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled The Ultimate Form of Slob .

  10. 他们还有叫做“anorak”(皮猴)和“plimsoll”(懒汉鞋)的东西——不解释了,你是不会感兴趣的。

    They have things called anoraks and plimsolls - you don 't want to know .

  11. 在那个年龄,我若是出门,就必定要和周围人一样穿上Biba体恤衫和懒汉裤。

    At that age , if I did not have the identical Biba T-shirt and loon trousers everyone else had I was not prepared to leave the house .

  12. 日本《SPA》杂志近日在一篇题为《懒汉的终极形态》的文章中描述了这一流行趋势。这篇文章探讨了女性的男性化,比如不像以往的女性那样爱打扫房间,不剃毛,还穿纸尿裤。

    Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled " The Ultimate Form of Slob . " In the article they talk about the masculinization of women who don 't clean their rooms as often as they used to , don 't shave and wear diapers .

  13. 一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福。

    An idle person will never find or understand real happiness .

  14. 原来她的白马骑士变成了一位懒汉懦夫。

    Her current knight had become a lazybones and a coward .

  15. 那个懒汉多年来一直靠兄弟养活他。

    That lazybones has been sponging off his brother for years .

  16. 他是一个懒汉,依赖新戚过活。

    He is a lazy man who sponges on his relatives .

  17. 懒汉为能够看到上帝导演的这一幕剧情,感到非常地开心。

    The lazy man felt happy seeing his god 's play .

  18. 这懒汉采取各种手段回避工作。

    The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work .

  19. 时间总是对那些懒汉和忽视自身权利者不利。

    Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights .

  20. 织出衣锦,不让懒汉打扮;

    Weave robes , - let not the idle wear ;

  21. 那个懒汉将自行车往墙边一靠,然后离开了。

    The lazy man leaned his bike against the wall and left .

  22. 学者是以学习来消磨时间的懒汉。

    A learned man is an idler who kills time by study .

  23. 明日是为懒汉保留的工作日,我并不懒惰。

    Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy .

  24. 我们应该去掉懦夫懒汉思想。

    We should get rid of the cowards'and the sluggards'ways of thinking .

  25. 你要把你的懒汉躺椅搬过来?

    You 're-you 're-you 're gonna bring the Barca lounger over here ?

  26. 他是个懒汉,有才能不愿加以利用。

    He is a lazy devil and keeps his talent in a napkin .

  27. 一群懒汉聚在一起无所事事。

    A horde of lazy-bones huddled together doing nothing .

  28. 他是一个仍然依靠父亲帮助的懒汉。

    He is a lazy man still riding on his father 's coattails .

  29. 一个懒汉,两个懒汉,三个懒汉。

    One potato , two potato , three potato .

  30. 来数一数世界上的懒汉。

    An effort to count the world 's sloths .