
lǎn sǎn
  • Laziness;sloth;indolent;sluggish;laze;torpor;negligent;laze around
懒散 [lǎn sǎn]
  • [indolent;sluggish;negligent] 懒惰散漫

  • 令人懒散的夏天

懒散[lǎn sǎn]
  1. 不要这样懒散,振作起来。

    Don 't be so sluggish . Put yourself together .

  2. 懒散的钟欣桐到北京出差;

    Sluggish Gillian Chung Goes to Work in Beijing ;

  3. 他四肢伸开正懒散地靠在扶手椅上看电视。

    He was lying sprawled in an armchair , watching TV .

  4. 他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯。

    He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits .

  5. 人们懒散地躺在食堂里搭起的临时床铺上。

    People are sprawled on makeshift beds in the cafeteria

  6. 他不是那种懒散的人,总是一有问题就马上处理。

    He always tackles problems straight away . He 's not the kind of person to let the grass grow under his feet .

  7. 一个人老是无所事事就会懒散成性。

    Having nothing to do makes one indolent .

  8. 保罗又回到他懒散的生活方式,睡了一上午。

    Paolo returned to his lazy way and slept all morning .

  9. 如果你想告别拖拉懒散,那么就离这些拖拉者远点。

    If you want to stop procrastinating , stay away from time-spongers .

  10. 懒散也减轻了来自盗版的威胁

    Laziness also mitigates the threat from piracy .

  11. 它的应用古语的趋势却被用语者的懒散所冲淡

    Its tendency to archaic language was tempered by the indolence of its exponents .

  12. 这里没有平凡,没有懒散,没有贫困,也没有低微

    It was above the common mass , above idleness , above want , above insignificance .

  13. 很多信托自由儿都刻意避开时尚潮流或者昂贵珠宝,只为保持自己嬉皮或懒散的形象。

    Many trustafarians studiously avoid fashion trends or expensive jewelry3 in order to maintain their hippie or slacker image .

  14. 梅丽莎·麦卡西饰演懒散的莉迪娅,她的老同学兼好友艾米丽(奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟饰演)如今是一名顶级科学家。

    Melissa McCarthy stars as Lydia , a slacker whose best friend from school , Emily ( Octavia Spencer ) , is now a top scientist .

  15. 真是五十步笑百步!她指责弟弟为人懒散,但自己却成天坐在沙发上看电视。

    A clear case of the pot calling the kettle black ! She accused her brother of being lazy , but she spends all day sitting on the sofa watching TV .

  16. 北极仅有一盏路灯,南极也只有一盏;唯独北极的点灯人和他南极的同行,过着闲逸、懒散的生活:他们每年只工作两次。

    Only the man who was in charge of the single lamp at the North Pole , and his colleague who was responsible for the single lamp at the South Pole -- only these two would live free from toil3 and care : they would be busy twice a year .

  17. Thepleasantfamily幸福的家庭一个钟头以后,这一家挤上一辆马车回家去了,我也一个人懒散地往俱乐部踱去。

    When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home , I strolled idly to my club .

  18. 使用懒散字段加载或在他处存储大型内容可以为搜索请求释放CPU资源。

    Using lazy field loading or storing large content elsewhere frees up the CPU for search requests .

  19. 5.deprivationn.缺乏,损失睡眠不足会导致紧张、没有胃口和懒散。

    Sleep deprivation can cause stress , loss of appetite and lethargy .

  20. 懒散复制DDBS中基于时标的事务控制

    Transaction Control Based on Timestamp in Lazy Replication DDBS

  21. NATASHA:“不,没有。我已经读到最后一年,后来怀孕了,也变得懒散了。”

    NATASHA : " No , I didn 't. I was in my last year and then , I got pregnant and I got lazy . "

  22. 正和他的博士生NancyHenry一起进行研究的史密斯说,一次失败的婚姻在发生代谢综合征风险上大致可以相当于懒散而呆板的生活。

    Smith , who worked on the study with doctoral student Nancy Henry , said a bad marriage was roughly equivalent to leading a sedentary life in terms of raising the risk of metabolic syndrome .

  23. 对indie迷来说,他们不是那么自大,而且比较懒散,不像rap迷,一般自尊心很强,而且比较外向。

    As for indie fans , they typically have low self-esteem and are lazy , unlike their rap counterparts who have high self-esteem and tend to be outgoing .

  24. 如果你的员工非常懒散,缺乏激情,让videojug告诉你怎样激励他们。

    If your workforce are lazy and lack that spark of energy let VideoJug tell you how to get them motivated .

  25. 如果你的员工非常懒散,缺乏激情,让VideoJug告诉你怎样激励他们。在这个短片的指引下,你可以立即让你的员工充满激情。

    If your workforce are lazy and lack that spark of energy let VideoJug tell you how to get them motivated . Motivate your employees instantly with the help of this short tutorial .

  26. 库里的天赋被他的懒散抵消了。

    Curry 's talents are offset by an absence of passion .

  27. 他应该要试图唤醒学生的懒散和呆滞的本能。

    He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties .

  28. 在我的家中,我的妻子有一个终日懒散在家的人。

    In my home , my wife is a couch potato .

  29. 摆脱城市的懒散还真是爽。

    It 's nice to get away from the urban sprawl .

  30. 他抱怨自己的下级懒散和愚蠢。

    He complained of the slackness and stupidity of his inferiors .