
  • 网络Jessica
  1. 最后乔依丝终于解释说洁西卡的逗弄让她很受不了。

    Then Joyce finally explained that Jessica 's teasing bothered her .

  2. 就像你来不及救你朋友洁西卡。

    Just like you were too late for your friend Jessica .

  3. 在九年级时,洁西卡和乔依丝是最好的朋友。

    Jessica and Joyce were best friends in ninth grade .

  4. 当她的朋友吵架时,洁西卡总是避免偏袒任何一方。

    Jessica always avoids taking sides when her friends fight .

  5. 长袍洁西卡在宴会上穿了一袭迷人的晚礼服。

    Jessica was dressed in a gorgeous evening gown at the banquet .

  6. 洁西卡拿她毕生的积蓄赌在股市上。

    Jessica gambled all her savings on the stock market .

  7. 洁西卡希望能像正常人一样结婚、生孩子。

    Jessica Cox hopes to marry and have children .

  8. 洁西卡:贾斯丁,你在干嘛啊?

    Jessica : Justin , what are you doing ?

  9. 现在洁西卡走了他又想和我交往?

    Now that Jessica 's gone , he wants to start seeing me again ?

  10. 洁西卡与瑞克希望他们的提案能过关。

    Jessica and Rick are hoping to get a green light for their proposal .

  11. 后来有一天,因为一次误会,乔依丝开始不再和洁西卡说话。

    Then one day , after a misunderstanding , Joyce stopped talking to Jessica .

  12. 刚开始的时候,洁西卡不明白为什么乔依丝不再和她说话。

    At first , Jessica didn 't understand why Joyce stopped talking to her .

  13. 现年23岁的劳伦斯很有礼貌地提到了比她经验更丰富的女演员海伦•米伦和洁西卡•兰芝。

    The 23-year-old Lawrence graciously pointed out the more seasoned actors she was up against .

  14. 洁西卡:派对是今晚吗?

    Jessica : The party is tonight ?

  15. 我的名字是洁西卡。杨。

    My name is Jessica Yang .

  16. 有3个多月之久,乔依丝拒绝和洁西卡说话或是回复她的纸条。

    For more than three months , Joyce refused to talk to Jessica or answer her notes .

  17. 佛瑞德:洁西卡,今天骑脚踏车来上班喔?想要保持健美身材吗?

    Fred : jessica , you rode your bike to work today ? Trying to get into shape ?

  18. 人力资源部的主任山姆在和公司的主管洁西卡谈话。

    Sam , the human resources director , speaks to Jessica , the supervisor of a large company .

  19. 洁西卡,26岁时,身高1.55米,突破历史,成为第一个无双臂的女飞行员。

    Jessica Cox , 26 years old and1.55 meters tall , is the first lady in history to pilot a plane without arms .

  20. “我终于发现她生气是因为我在我们班上的男孩子面前消遣了她。”洁西卡解释说。

    " I finally found out she was angry because I teased her in front of the boys in our class ," Jessica explained .

  21. 她提到谁的名字,镜头就会对准谁,于是我们看到海伦•米伦神采奕奕的样子,而洁西卡•兰芝则表现得有点冷淡。

    As she named them , the cameras focused on Helen Mirren , who appeared sanguine , and then Jessica Lange , who looked sour .

  22. 孩子们会把自己和班上许多人物,举如彼得、班利和洁西卡&班上顶尖人物,这些角色连结。

    Children will relate to many of the classroom characters such as Peter and Benny and Jessica , who was always top of her class .

  23. 我正努力替他感到高兴,现在他有了自己的酒吧,自己的人生,自己的洁西卡

    I know . I 'm trying to be happy for him . He 's got his own bar , his own life , his own Jessica .

  24. 接着夏洛克必须答应公爵他的女儿洁西卡和女婿劳伦兹在他死后继承他所有遗产。

    Then Shylock had to promise the duke that Jessica , his daughter , and Lorenzo , her husband , should receive all Shylock 's money when he died .