
  1. 主方支圆间隙K型相贯节点极限承载力的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of ultimate capacity of gap K-joints with square and circular hollow sections

  2. 对27个主方支圆间隙K型相贯节点进行了非线性有限元分析。

    Nonlinear finite element analysis , including 27 gap K-joints with square and circular hollow sections , has been carried out .

  3. 在B2B在线市场最坏需求情景下,研究了卖方作为主方、买方作为从方的主从对策模型。

    Under the worst demand scenarios of B2B e-markets , the strategies of stackelberg game in which seller is the leader and buyer is follower are studied .

  4. 针对供应链的渠道协调问题,给出一类供应链Stackelberg主从对策协调机制,其中分销商作为主方给出最小补充期和数量折扣策略,顾客是从方以最优库存策略响应。

    According to the problem of channel coordination in supply chain , a Stackelberg game coordination mechanism is presented , in which the seller is the leader initializing the minimum replenishment periods and quantity discount policies , and each buyer is the follower responding with the optimal stock policy .

  5. 阴中求阳理论及其主方肾气丸的研究探讨

    Discussing of Obtaining Yang from Yin Theory and Pills for Invigorating Kidney Qi

  6. 第五章结合实际,从业主方对该工程进行了施工前的质量管理规划。

    Chapter 5 conductes a pre-construction quality management plan of the owner with reality .

  7. 基于此,需要从业主方角度,构建出较为合适的工程项目质量管理体系。

    Based on this , we need to start from the owner square Angle , construct relatively appropriate project quality management system .

  8. 确立主方用药,并在治疗疾病过程中,重视经络的应用。

    To establish the main side medication , and in the treatment of the disease process , the emphasis on the application of meridians .

  9. 肾虚肝旺证,治法:滋肾平肝,主方:知柏地黄丸加减。

    Kidney deficiency liver Wang pattern , therapy : nourishing the kidney and smooth the liver . The main decoction : Zhibai Dihuang Wan .

  10. 业主方在电梯的使用和运行时间上有特殊要求,公司专业维保人员必须严格遵守业主方的时间安排进行维修、保养工作。

    If the owner has a special requirement of runtime , the professional maintenance staff must follow the time schedule of the owner to do the maintenance .

  11. 肝肾阴虚证,治法:滋养肝肾、平肝潜阳,主方:杞菊地黄丸加减。

    Liver and kidney yin deficiency pattern , therapy : nourishing the liver and kidney , soothe the liver yang . The main decoction : Qijudihuang Pill .

  12. 本文总结了受业主方委托提供项目管理服务的经验与体会,分析了甲方建设管理模式中存在的问题,并对推进我国项目管理工作提出了思考与建议。

    The experience and realization in the project management service by the clients commission is firstly summarized , and the problems of the clients construction management mode are analyzed .

  13. 患病可即刻服用黑芸香单味汤,然后用荜拨、黑胡椒、黑芸香的等量汤送服主方。

    Illness can immediately take black rue single-flavor soup , then Piper dial , black pepper , black rue the same amount of soup delivery service to the main square .

  14. 这一模型中,主方零售商具有产品零售价格和投资决策权,从方供应商具有产品批发价格决策权。

    In these models , the retailer , as a leader , has the right to decide the retail price and investment decision , while the supplier , as a follower , has the right to decide the wholesale price .

  15. 在由零售商和供应商组成的供应链中,零售商作为博弈的主方能否主导实现与合作伙伴之间的协调和有效合作,关系到整个供应链的运作效率。

    In the supply chain which is component by retails and suppliers . Retails as the main party in the game affect the operational efficiency of the whole supply chain , whether it can coordinate with its partner to cooperate effective or not .

  16. 简述了PC/104和CAN的特点,介绍了基于PC/104的一种激励信号源的软、硬件实现方法,并给出了程序的主方框图。

    In this paper , the characteristics of PC / 104 and CAN Bus are briefly introduced . The software and hardware realization method of actuating signal source of some missile based on PC / 104 and the block diagram of main program are given .

  17. 支持股权联合法的学者承认在多数时候采用购买法,但认为在难以区分主并方和被并方时采用股权联合法。

    Its accountings deal with the purchase method and the pooling of interests method .

  18. 林仁俊:我们是首批投资者,是2006年首轮融资的主投方。

    Lim : we were the first investor , leading the series a round in 2006 .

  19. 商代前期:部落联盟共主向方国联盟共主的过渡

    The Early Period of Shang Dynasty : Transition from Collective Master of the Union Tribes to the Regional States

  20. 研究结果发现:并购在短期内给主并方造成了正面的影响,但对目标公司造成的影响不明确。

    Finally , we find that M & A can bring positive effect to the raiders , but the effect on target companies is not clear .

  21. 主营方型塑壳混合动力汽车用镍氢动力电池以及高、精、尖、特色军工、民品、工业配套用圆柱型镍氢电池。

    The main business of the company is molded hybrid nickel-hydrogen batteries for automobiles and advanced cylindrical Ni-MH battery used for military , civilian , industrial .

  22. 为了使报纸平面广告设计实现标准化管理,本文提出了在报社、广告代理公司、广告主三方之间预留标准化接口,即设置标准化合作范式。

    In order to make the newspaper advertisement design to achieve standardization management requirements , this paper put forward reserved standard interface between newspaper , advertising Proxy Companies , advertisers three party , namely standardization cooperation paradigm .

  23. 在CCSD主孔东南方深部重力高部位有多个这样的拱形反射,预示在地表陡倾榴辉岩的延伸方向还有多个一定规模的隐伏榴辉岩体。

    Southeast of the CCSD main hole , there are quite a few such reflectors , implying that eclogite bodies exist in the extension direction of the surface eclogite body .

  24. 在论治方面,不仅重主证主方的选择,同样也要重或证药物的变化,以主证为主,或证为辅;

    Treatment should be mainly emphasized on the main syndrome with the additional syndrome as the supplement .

  25. 临床上,可按以下方法用方:一,围绕主证用方,即根据骨伤科患者在骨伤后出现的主要证候选方用药;

    They can be used clinically as the following : ① Applied according to the main syndrome of the orthopedic patient after his injury .

  26. 电影植入式广告只是开始,广告主和制片方可以充分利用其话题性,进行优势资源的有效整合,实现共赢。

    Although Product Placement in the movie is just a beginning , the advertisers and the producer can make full use of its topical to effectively integrate the advantageous resources and achieve win-win .

  27. 方证相应,抓主症选方,但见一症便是,不必悉具,可大大提高临床诊治效率和准确度。

    Correspondence of syndrome and prescription . To select formula through grasping the main symptoms . One typical symptom is enough for symptom differentiation which can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  28. 拍电影是一项复杂且需要不同领域的人合作完成的工作,当广告主、制片方与观众三者的利益无法达成一致的时候,就会存在博弈关系,并互相采取各种手段干预。

    Film is a complex and require different areas of the people in the work of the complete when advertisers and the interests of the producers and audiences cannot agree , will there is a game relationship , and take various means to interfere with each other .

  29. 对87例糖尿病患者随诊病例的分析,分析主证与基本方及兼证与加减药的疗效相关性,总结导师临床经验。

    Examine the analysis of the case to 87 diabetics at the same time , analyze main card and basic side and concurrently card and add and subtract the curative effect dependence of the medicine , summarize tutor 's clinical experience .

  30. 皆起于王道既微,诸侯力政,时君世主,好恶殊方,是以九家之术,蜂出并作,各引一端,崇其所善,以此驰说,取合诸侯。

    All kingcraft both in micro , vassal power politics , when the eagle world Master , likes and dislikes it square , is home to nine of patients , and for the bee , cited side , Tsung its good to say , Chi , and princes .