
lín chuánɡ sǐ wánɡ
  • clinical death
  1. 但是SAP的发病率与严重并发症的发生率仍相当高,而严重并发症则往往是造成患者临床死亡的主要因素。

    The complications of SAP are the main cause of clinical death of patients .

  2. 中华鲟和施氏鲟在高剂量MS-222的作用下,在进入生物学死亡阶段前,存在一个临床死亡阶段,这个阶段长达1h左右,在这个阶段,对它们进行人工呼吸是行之有效的。

    There was a phase of clinical death before biological death when the sturgeons were treated with high dosage of MS-222.The phase of clinical death could lasted for about 1 h , within which it was effective for the artificial respiration to save fish .

  3. 脑死亡才是真正意义上的临床死亡。

    Brain death is a real sense of clinical death .

  4. 医生宣布他已在事故现场临床死亡。

    Doctors pronounced him clinically dead at the scene of the accident .

  5. 65例小儿结核性脑膜炎临床死亡分析

    A 65-case report of young child death of tuberculous meningitis

  6. 你刚刚临床死亡了二十五秒

    You were clinically deceased for about 25 seconds .

  7. 冷冻过程只能在宣布临床死亡之后开始。

    Cryonics procedures can begin only after clinical death .

  8. 经治疗,有23例临床死亡。

    23 cases died clinically after the treatment .

  9. 死亡的过程分濒死期、临床死亡期和生物学死亡期;

    The death process is divided into periods of dying , clinical death and biological death ;

  10. 书中人物都曾经历「临床死亡」,并为作者详细叙述他们的「濒死经验」。

    The subjects , all of whom had experienced " clinical death ," narrated details of their " near death experiences " to the author .

  11. 结果并发症发生率7.1%(9/126),其中皮肤烧伤3例,胸腔积液2例,肝功能不全2例,结肠穿孔1例,皮下出血1例,无临床死亡病例。

    Results No death was found but there were 3 cases with skin burn injury , 2 with pleural effusion , two with liver dysfunction , 1 with colonic perforation and 1 with subdermal hemorrhage , with complication rate of 7.1 % .

  12. 美国一家生物科技公司获得伦理许可,将招募20位因脑创伤被宣布临床死亡的病人,用于测试他们的部分中枢神经系统能否被复苏。

    A biotech company in the US has been granted ethical permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury , to test whether parts of their central nervous system can be brought back to life .

  13. 目的探讨重症胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)患儿的临床与死亡相关因素,以利进一步降低重症MAS的病死率。

    Objective To investigate the factors in relation to the mortality of severe meconium aspiration syndrome ( MAS ) .

  14. 临床脑死亡病人动态脑电图和脑波功率值监测分析

    Monitoring analysis on AEEG and brain wave power of patients with clinical brain death

  15. 缺血性心脏病是临床引起死亡的主要疾病之一。

    Ischemic heart disease is one of the major diseases of clinical cause of death .

  16. 接受抗病毒治疗的HIV感染人群临床症状和死亡及其影响因素研究

    The Factors Associated with Clinical Symptoms and Death of HIV Infections Treated by Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

  17. 结论过敏性反应的死后诊断应结合死者的生前临床病史,死亡时间,生前临床表现,病理解剖发现及血清IgE检测值综合分析。

    Conclusion The postmortem diagnosis of anaphylaxis should synchronously consider clinical history , time after death , symptoms before death , observations in the autopsy and the serum IgE .

  18. 目的分析75岁以上老年人原发性帕金森病(OEIPD)的临床特点和死亡原因,为改善OEIPD的治疗和预防提供资料。

    Objective To improve the therapeutic and preventive measures for old elderly patients ( 75 years and over ) with idiopathic Parkinson 's disease ( OEIPD ) .

  19. 肿瘤转移是临床肿瘤病人死亡的最主要原因之一。

    Metastasis is one of the major causes of death in cancer patients .

  20. 重症急性胰腺炎死亡病例的临床特点及死亡相关因素分析

    Clinical Characteristics of Dead Cases and the Factors Relating to Death in Severe Acute Pancreatitis

  21. 如果一个人永久丧失了脑干功能,就被临床确认为死亡。

    A person is confirmed as being dead when their brain stem function is permanently lost .

  22. 32例小儿噬血细胞综合征临床特点及死亡危险因素分析

    Clinical characteristics of 32 children patients with hemophagocytic syndrome and analysis of its risk factors for death

  23. 本文报告运用放射性核素脑血管造影及脑血流断层显像检查11例临床诊断脑死亡患者的结果。

    This article reports the result of 11 patients of clinical brain death diagnosed by nucleotide cerebral-vessel imaging and ECT intracranial flow .

  24. 在非洲的很多地方,每年都有无数的人由于缺少医疗设施进行临床试验而死亡。

    In many places in Africa , endless people die annually due to lack of medical facilities to carry out the clinical tests .

  25. 方法:回顾性分析487例住院皮肌炎患者中的35例死者的临床特点及死亡原因。

    Methods : The clinical features and cause of death of 35 patients died in a cohort of 487 inpatients with dermatomyositis were analysis retrospectively .

  26. 从立法层面允许临床上脑死亡的患者,实现生前自愿捐献器官,为其他重病患者实施移植的遗愿。

    From the legislative level , the clinical brain death to allow patients to achieve during his lifetime a voluntary donation of organs for other seriously ill patients transplanted wishes to implement .

  27. 一些临床指标水平在死亡病人与生存病人之间差别较大,其中包括血总胆红素、pH值、红细胞压积、氧合指数、动静脉血氧差、四项SIRS指标和一些血流动力学指标等。

    In addition , some clinical parameters such as blood total bilirubin , pH , hematocrit , PaO_2 / FiO_2 , AVDO_2,4 SIRS parameters and some hemodynamic variables , demonstrated great difference in values between the survivors and the non-survivors .

  28. 0157:H7另外一个毒力因子是由插入到染色体上的原噬菌体编码的志贺毒素(Stx),它能使感染的病人器官发生病理变化,或者继发其它的临床症状而引起死亡。

    Another important virulence factor of EHEC O157 : H7 was Shiga-toxin ( Stx ), which was encoded by a bacteriophage inserted into the chromosome of O157 : H7 . This potent cytotoxin is the factor that leads to death and many other symptoms in patients infected with EHEC .

  29. 肿瘤是临床上导致患者死亡的主要原因。

    Cancer is mainly account for the death of patients in clinical .

  30. 他们也没有差异,在任何二手临床成果来衡量死亡的人数;

    They also did not differ in any of the secondary clinical outcomes that measured the number of deaths ;