
  • 网络mesencephalic aqueduct;cerebral aqueduct;aqueductus mesencephali;mesocoel
  1. 结果:NOS阳性触液神经元主要见于中脑水管和第三脑室(3V)。

    Results : The NOS positive CSF contacting neurons were mainly at the cerebral aqueduct and the third ventricle ( 3V ) .

  2. 家兔中脑水管室管膜的扫描与透射电镜观察

    Observation on ependyma of cerebral aqueduct in the rabbit with SEM and TEM

  3. 探讨自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)脑室与中脑水管周围灰质中一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性神经元的变化及其与高血压病的可能关系。

    To investigate the morphological changes of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) positive neurons in periventricular grey and midbrain periaqueductal grey of SHR , as well as the relationship with hypertension .

  4. 本研究应用HRP逆行追踪法研究了大白鼠中脑水管周围灰质(PAG)向小脑皮层的投射。结果表明:小脑皮层的所有注射区域均接受PAG的投射。

    A cerebellar afferent connection from the periaqueductal grey ( PAG ) has been demonstrated in the rat by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) in the present study .

  5. 大鼠中脑水管周围灰质腹外侧部神经毡的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural study of the neuropil in ventrolateral PAG in the rat

  6. 大鼠第三脑室及中脑水管多巴胺能触液神经元的分布

    Distribution of dopaminergic CSF-contacting neurons in the third ventricle and mesencephalic aqueduct of rats

  7. 大鼠中脑水管周灰质腹外侧部的细胞构筑差异(Ⅰ)形态计量学分析

    Different cytoarchitectural organization of the ventrolateral part of the midbrain periaqueductal gray in the rat a morpho & quantitative analysis

  8. 大鼠颈上神经节组织移植至自体中脑水管周灰质对皮肤痛阈的影响

    Effect of Transplantation of Superior Cervical Ganglion Tissue into the Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray on Threshold of Skin Pain in Rats

  9. 发现中脑水管壁具有平行走向的纵嵴,腔面被覆单层立方或柱状上皮;

    Along the cerebral aqueduct there were longitudinal parallel cristae , which was lined by simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium .

  10. 目的观察大鼠第三脑室、中脑水管及中缝背核内多巴胺能触液神经元的分布情况。

    Objective To observe the distribution of dopaminergic cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons ( CSF-CNs ) in the third ventricle and the mesencephalic aqueduct of rat .

  11. 本文以刀解及HE染色光镜观察,研究家兔中脑水管形态及其室管膜细胞构筑学。

    Gross anatomy of the mesencephalic aqueduct and its ependymal cytoarchitecture were investigated with dissection and light microscopy after HE staining in the rabbit .

  12. 结论大鼠第三脑室、中脑水管及中缝背核内存在多巴胺能触液神经元,其在脑-脑脊液之间的信息传递中有着重要的作用。

    Conclusion The dopaminergic CSF-CNs located in the third ventricle and mesencephalic aqueduct might play an important role in transmitting information between brain and cerebrospinal fluid of the rat .

  13. 家兔中脑水管并非一简单的狭窄全道,可区分为四个部分:①漏斗部,位于其嘴侧端;

    The aqueduct was by no means a simple narrow canal in the rabbit and it may be divided into four parts : ① the infundibular part at its rostral end ;

  14. 以扫描与透射电镜观察家兔中脑水管室管膜上皮,主要有纤毛、微绒毛、花球状和泡球状结构,以及三种室管膜上细胞。

    The dominant structures of ependyma of cerebral aqueduct in the rabbit are the cilia , microvilli , spherical structures and three types of the supraependymal cells that were observed with SEM and TEM .

  15. 将HRP注射至脑桥腹侧被盖后,中脑上丘腹侧的中脑水管周围灰质和网状结构交界处(MSR),具有较密集的标记神经元。

    After introducing HRP into the ventral part of pontine tegmentum , numerous labeled cells were observed in the mesencephalic central gray and related reticular formation , which is equivalent to the MSR ( Mesencephalic Stepping Region ) ventral to the surface of the superior colliculus .

  16. 孵育第9~10d,中脑泡可分细胞层和边缘层或纤维层,中脑水管未形成;

    The midbrain vesicle formed cell layer and fiber layer , but the duct of midbrain did not appear during the 9-10 days of incubation .