
  • 网络Middle income class;middle class;Middle-Income Bracket
  1. 培育中等收入阶层的个人所得税制选择

    Choice of Individual Income Tax for Development of Middle Class

  2. 我国中等收入阶层需求分析&兼论企业营销变革

    Analysis on the Demand of Middle Class Chinese & Concurrent Research on the Marketing Transformation of Business

  3. 关于扩大中等收入阶层所占比重的理论思考

    Thought on Policy of Enlarging the Rate of Medium-Income Social Stratum

  4. 中等收入阶层是全面实现小康社会的主体力量

    The Medium-Waged Class is the Main Force to Realize the Well-to-do Society

  5. 壮大中等收入阶层构建社会主义和谐社会

    Enlarge Middle-Income Stratum and Build a Socialist Harmonious Society

  6. 面对中等收入阶层我们可以做什么

    What can we do for medium - income class

  7. 印度中等收入阶层扩大对我国的启示

    The Expansion of the Middle-income Class in India and Its Enlightenment on China

  8. 第四章主要讨论了城镇居民中等收入阶层在理财过程中面临的风险。

    Chapter IV focuses on middle-income urban residents in the process of financial risks .

  9. 扩大消费需求的关键是提高中等收入阶层的比重

    The Key to Enlarging the Consumed Demand : Increase the Proportion of the Middle-incomer Class

  10. 拿美国中等收入阶层来说,20多年来,大部分人的收入都停滞不前。

    Incomes in the middle-income range for most Americans have stagnated for more than 20 years .

  11. 中等收入阶层在我国社会阶层结构中所占比例偏低。

    The middle-income stratum has a low ratio in the structure of social stratum in China .

  12. 消费社会中中等收入阶层文学生成的可能性

    The Possibilities of the Birth of the Literature of Middle Income Class in the Consumption Society

  13. 为中等收入阶层减税以增加收入已经成为这一群体的呼声。

    Tax reduction for the middle class is being urged to increase the wealth of this social stratum .

  14. 在任何社会中,中等收入阶层都是维系社会稳定的重要的社会力量。

    In any society , the middle income class is an important social power to support the social stable .

  15. 在我国要大力发展中等收入阶层,已是社会共识。

    Must develop the medium income social stratum vigorously in our country , already was the social mutual recognition .

  16. 通常认为中等收入阶层在经济增长中具有防止两极分化、促进社会发展的稳定性作用,作者利用构建的新模型,首次用经济学原理剖析了这种稳定性作用的根源。

    Accordingly , the middle income could prevent the polarization and promote the development of economy were demonstrated by economical means .

  17. 劳动力市场极化意味着中等收入阶层的收入状况恶化,所以,这一现象逐渐为学术和政策领域所关注。

    Labor market polarization means that the income of The Medium Income Group deteriorated , so this phenomenon is concerned gradually by academic and policy areas .

  18. 我国中等收入阶层已显端倪,中产阶层的出现是改革开放和发展市场经济的结果。

    The middle income class has begun to form in China and this is the result of the opening policy and the development of the market economy .

  19. 研究和探索个人理财中可能存在的风险,将有助于城镇居民中等收入阶层选择合适的理财方式,从而有效降低和防范可能出现的风险。

    Personal finance research and explore the possible risks , would help middle-income class of urban select the appropriate financial means to effectively reduce and prevent possible risks .

  20. 这个计划包括为中等收入阶层和小企业提供减税,为基础建设项目,替代能源倡议以及其他措施提供资助。

    The plan consists of tax breaks for middle-income earners and small businesses , funding for infrastructure projects , incentives for alternative energy initiatives , and other measures .

  21. 首先,指出了成都市城市居民消费分层存在阶层分化严重、中等收入阶层存在消费压抑以及高消费阶层消费力出逃等问题。

    First of all , it pointed out the serious Chengdu urban residents consumption stratification of class differentiation , class of middle-income consumer repressed and upscale consumer force to flee .

  22. 垄断行业的绝大多数员工是中等收入阶层并非高收入阶层,收入分配改革的矛头指向所谓垄断行业的“高收入”是错误的。

    Most of the employees in the monopoly industries are just medium-income stratum rather than high-income stratum and therefore it is not wise to put the focus of income distribution re .

  23. 中等收入阶层在西方世界的兴起,使世界资本主义进入一个以大众阶层为主体的新发展时期,并带来国际关系的重大变化;

    The rise of medium-income social stratum in the West marks a new development phase of global capitalism centering on the average class and brings a substantial change to international relations .

  24. 当前我国中等收入阶层存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,实际上正对中国的社会发展和政治稳定形成冲击和挑战。

    At present , there are many unsatisfactory issues in the stratum of moderate income , which are forming the shock and challenge to the social development and political stability in China .

  25. 本文首先分析了中等收入阶层的社会功能,并提出了扩大中等收入者比重的理论依据和作用。

    This paper makes an analysis of the social functions of people of medium income and puts forward the theoretical basis and importance of increasing the proportion of people of medium income .

  26. 但经济快速增长同时也暴露出不少问题,如经济发展不平衡、基础教育薄弱等,阻碍了中等收入阶层的继续壮大。

    But at the same time , rapid economic growth revealed a number of issues , such as unbalanced economic development , weak basic education , and hindered middle-income class continues to grow .

  27. 从当前我国中等收入阶层的现状特征来看,扩大中等收入阶层比重,有利于维护政治稳定,有利于推动经济发展,有利于优化产业结构。

    Based on current features of medium-income class in our country , to enlarge the scale of medium-income class is a beneficial way in keeping the political stability , promoting economic growth and updating industrial structure .

  28. 然而在中国,中等收入阶层和平民阶层分别是白领趣味和怀旧趣味两大文化形态的消费主体,他们借助这两种大众文化形态来想像生活蓝图时,反抗意识都不约而同地被遮蔽了。

    However , in China , the medium-income strum and the common stratum are the consumption subjects , whose resistance consciousness is covered when they imagine the life blue print through these two popular cultural modes .

  29. 文章说,尽管百度主导整个中国的搜索引擎市场,但谷歌在中国的中等收入阶层中还是占有一席之地。

    However , even Google 's fans were fatalistic about the company 's withdrawal from the Chinese search engine market . " I was going to advertise on Google ," said Han Sujie , a24-year-old sales manager .

  30. 政府应加强监督和控制,果断地采取有力措施,缩小不合理收入差距,扩大中等收入阶层的比重,大力提高低收入者收入水平。

    The government should enhance the supervise and control , take the measures decidedly to reduce the illegitimate income gap and at the same time enlarge the proportion of middle and low classes , increase their income .