
zhōng zhǐ
  • middle finger;long finger;medius
中指 [zhōng zhǐ]
  • [middle finger] 手的五个手指中正中间的一个

中指[zhōng zhǐ]
  1. 我割伤了中指。

    I cut my middle finger .

  2. 在巴西,OK手势就相当于在美国竖起中指。

    In Brazil , the OK gesture is equivalent to raising the middle finger in the US .

  3. 他没能从疑犯照片中指认出格雷厄姆,但后来在警方安排的列队辨认中把他挑了出来。

    He failed to identify Graham from photographs , but later picked him out of a police line-up .

  4. 他捧起她的左手,希望这只手的中指有朝一日会戴上一枚金戒指。

    He took her left hand , hoping that it would someday bear a gold ring on the third finger .

  5. “Design”已成为国际上广泛流行的重要术语,它在文艺作品中指构思、底稿、结构、情节等意义。

    " Design " has become an important term widely popular internationally , denoting conception , manuscript , structure and plot , etc. in literary and art works .

  6. 用食指和中指做出V的形状&表示胜利。

    Make the V sign with your middle and index finger & Victory .

  7. 掌心向外,竖起食指和中指,并向两边展开,这样就构成了一个V形手势。V形手势在美国文化中有三个不同的含义。

    The palm-forward V sign , formed by raising and spreading the first two fingers , has three different meanings in American culture .

  8. 确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  9. 因为线程自身可能在作用域外(本例中指ThreadGroup的作用域)进行分配,所以也许不能使用它存储对具有某些生存期的对象的引用。

    Because the thread itself may be allocated out of a scope ( in this case the scope for the Thread Group ), it may not be possible to use it to store references to objects with certain lifetimes .

  10. name指定任务层或正在执行的活动(在本用例中指receiveProductionOrder)的名称。

    Name specifies the name of the task or activity being executed ( receiveProductionOrder , in this case ) .

  11. Icebreaker的本意是“破冰船”,icebreakertrip就是“破冰之旅”的意思了。电影中指的是1972年尼克松总统访华,中美交往的大门终于打开,这在历史上被称为“破冰之旅”。

    China 's surprise invitation to the American pingpong team paved the way for President Nixon 's historic icebreaker trip in 1972 .

  12. 另外,适量添加PEG,提高了膜表面的孔隙率,抑制膜结构中指状孔的形成和发展。

    Also , the proper addition of PEG would increase the hole rate in the surface of the membrane and check the formation and development of middle-finger hole in the ( membrane ) structure .

  13. 想向酒保处点两杯啤酒或在英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚或新西兰希望有人得到安宁?确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Trying to order two beers from the bartender or wish someone peace in the United Kingdom , Ireland , Australia , or New Zealand ? Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  14. ATX电源线具有方向性,如此可避免使用者有插错方向之虞。如果我们使用自己的右手,我们将无法用中指朝向正确的方向。

    The ATX power connector is keyed for proper insertion . If we had used our right hand we would not have been able to point the middle finger in the correct direction .

  15. Etosha一词,在奥万博人(theOvambo)的语言中指的是“巨大的白色之地”,1800平方英里(4800平方公里)范围内一片波光粼粼,干燥的气温,烘烤的粘土,看起来如此的超凡脱俗。

    Etosha , whose name means " great white place " in the language of the Ovambo people , is a 1800 square-mile ( 4800 square-kilometer ) expanse of shimmering , dry , baked clay that looks suitably otherworldly .

  16. 某个代词在上下文中指的是什么。

    What a certain pronoun refers to according to the context .

  17. 在属性文件中指定时不对此密码进行加密。

    This password is not encrypted when specified in the properties file .

  18. “竖中指”——使用率9%

    Reversed hand with middle finger extended ' - 9 %

  19. 比如里面没有竖中指的手势。

    For example , there is no middle-finger hand signal .

  20. 中指尺侧岛状皮瓣与胸肩峰皮瓣瓦合急诊再造拇指(附4例报告)急诊再造拇手指几种术式设计系列研究

    A series of research on several designs of emergency thumb and fingers reconstruction

  21. 请你告诉我这中国中指的是什麽?

    Excuse me , would you please tell me what this term means ?

  22. 另请注意,您必须显式地在扩展名中指定点。

    Also note that you must explicitly specify the dot in the extension .

  23. 闲来没事,会夹根烟在食指和中指之间。

    Idle to fine , clip cigarette in the forefinger and middle finger .

  24. 用你的中指抓住那张牌。

    With your middle fingers grip the top card .

  25. 亲爱的,你知道,竖中指吧!

    Honey , you know , the middle finger ?

  26. 然后将另一根筷子夹在食指与中指之间。

    then clip the other between the index finger and the middle finger .

  27. 汉语中指代问题的研究及讨论

    On study of anaphora resolution of Chinese character

  28. 而且学习的东西,例如,你的中指听起来。

    And it learns what , for example , your middle finger sounds like .

  29. 如果你竖起中指,其他手指都放下来。

    If you put your middle finger up , and all other fingers down .

  30. 手背示中指背筋膜血管神经蒂皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Neurovascular Fascia Pedicled Dorsal Flap of Index and Middle Fingers and Hand