
zhōnɡ wēi zǐ
  • neutrino
  1. 坍缩阶段中微子对II型超新星爆发的影响

    How the Neutrino in Collapse Phase Affect Type ⅱ Supernova Explosion

  2. 中微子天文学和X射线天文学的诞生

    Emerging of Neutrino Astronomy and X - Ray Astronomy

  3. 中微子是次原子粒子,虽然宇宙中有大量中微子,但它们很难被探测到。

    Neutrinos are subatomic particles , and while there are plenty in the Universe , they 're very hard to detect .

  4. 科学家们需要用这台大型太空望远镜来探测宇宙中最隐蔽的秘密,即中微子,别名“幽灵粒子”。

    This massive space telescope is what it takes to detect the Universe 's best kept secrets – neutrinos – also nicknamed ‘ ghost particles ' .

  5. 科学家们希望,通过捕捉这些难以找到的中微子,他们能够更好地了解宇宙,并探索宇宙的诞生及演变至今的过程。

    Scientists are hoping that by capturing the elusive8 neutrinos , they 'll be able to better understand the Universe – finding out how it came to be and how it 's evolved to what we know today .

  6. 质量中微子在CM时空中的传播相位

    Interference Phase of Mass Neutrino in CM Space-Time

  7. 在那之后,神秘的X计划会保持中微子束的高能量。

    After that , the mysteriously named Project X will push the intensity of the neutrino beam still higher .

  8. 大亚湾(DayaBay)反应堆中微子振荡实验中的本底主要来自于宇宙射线。

    Cosmic rays are the central background noise of Daya Bay reactor anti-neutrino experiment .

  9. 但是,如果OPERA的结果适用,我们指望中微子和光子之间的延时能到多大程度?

    But how much of a delay between neutrinos and photons would we expect if the OPERA result applied ?

  10. opera团队同样用经过改进的中微子束进行实验,但他们去年11月再次报告了与爱因斯坦理论相悖的结果。

    Opera , too , tapped the modified beam , but reported in November that its un-einsteinian result persisted .

  11. 中微子-原子核深度非弹散射中的EMC效应

    The EMC Effect in Deep-inelastic Neutrino-nucleus Scattering

  12. 中微子探测器的低本底gamma测量和探测器探测效率刻度

    Low background gamma ray measurement of the neutrino detector and detection efficient calibration of gamma ray detector

  13. 禁闭弱作用规范模型中的轻Dirac中微子

    Light Dirac neutrino in the gauge models with confining weak interaction

  14. 在中微子振荡中的CP破坏

    CP Invariance in Neutrino Oscillation

  15. 基于已知的deBroglie模型和Ross模型结合的太阳中微子新模型,可以获得两个中微子合成一个光子及其能量公式。

    Based on a new model combining known de Broglie model and Ross model .

  16. 大亚湾中微子实验RPC电子学原型机读出插件的研制

    The Development of ReadOut Module for RPC Electronics Prototype of Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment

  17. 中微子可以自然地获得Dirac质量。

    Neutrino may acquire naturally the Dirac mass .

  18. 大亚湾中微子实验PMT触发判选电路的初步设计

    Preliminary design of PMT trigger module for Daya Bay neutrino reactor experiment

  19. 为了消除类似的质疑,费米实验室的一群物理学家刚向物理学界权威杂志ModernPhysicsLettersA提交了一篇论文,论文中描述着他们怎样为自己成功定制了利用中微子载波的无线电通信电话。

    To answer such naysayers a group of physicists at Fermilab have just submitted a paper to Modern Physics Letters A in which they describe how they have built themselves a neutrino-powered telephone .

  20. 本文证明了如果中微子具有质量,那么膨胀宇宙的临界减速因子qc就不是通常所说的1/2而是等于1。

    This paper shows that if the neutrino possesses its mass , the critical factor of deceleration of the expanding universe q_c is not usually accepted 1 / 2 but equals 1 .

  21. 这些深地实验室包括:位于美国南卡罗来纳州里德一座废弃金矿里的桑福德地下研究所(SanfordUndergroundResearchFacility),位于意大利同名山脉下的格兰萨索国家实验室,位于加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观测站(SudburyNeutrinoObservatory),

    the Gran Sasso National Laboratory , beneath the mountain of that name in Italy ; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Ontario , Canada ;

  22. DeBroglie-Ross模型和太阳中微子问题

    The De Broglie-Ross Model and the Solar Neutrino Problem

  23. 在第4章中,我们介绍了中微子穿越太阳内部的共振加强效应(MSW效应)。

    In chapter 4 , we discuss the resonance enhancement mechanism ( MSW effect ) which happens when neutrino propagates inside the Sun .

  24. 通过求解Dirac方程,得到了中微子在宇宙磁场中的表观磁矩。

    By solving the Dirac equation we obtained an apparent magnetic moment of the neutrino in the primordial cosmic magnetic field .

  25. 致命中微子Q.一个人要离超新星多近才能受到致命剂量的中微子辐射?

    LETHAL NEUTRINOS Q. How close would you have to be to asupernova to get a lethal dose of neutrino radiation ?

  26. A.“致命剂量的中微子辐射”这一说法很奇怪,我脑子转了好几圈才反应过来。

    A. THE PHRASE " LETHAL DOSE of neutrino radiation " is a weird one . I had to turn it over in my head a few times afterI heard it .

  27. Vaidya-Bonner-DeSitter黑洞背景下中微子场和标量场的量子熵

    Quantum entropy of the neutrino and scalar fields in Vaidya-Bonner-de Sitter black hole

  28. 本文作为大亚湾反应堆中微子振荡实验RPC读出电子学系统项目工作的一部分,主要完成了其中光纤数据传输系统的设计、研制和测试。

    This thesis mainly discusses the design , develop and test of the optical data transmission system in RPC readout electronics for Daya Bay neutrino experiment .

  29. 本文在这两种模型的基础上,研究了磁场对中微子主导吸积盘的影响,并对X射线耀的产生机制提供了一种可能的方案。

    Based on these two kinds of model , we investigate the effects of magnetic field on neutrino-dominated accretion disk , and we also suggest a possible mechanism for X-ray flares which were observed in GRBs afterglows .

  30. 本文证明了中微子并不破坏宇称守恒定律和P与CP的破坏都来源于真空,如将真空也计算在内,则P、C、T守恒定律都普遍成立。

    This paper shows that the neutrino does not violate the law of parity conservation , P and CP violation comes from the vacuum . If we take vacuum into account , the law of P.C. T conservation is universally true .