- 网络mesoscale low;mesolow

A Numerical Study of Two Kinds of Mesoscale Low ( Disturbance ) on Meiyu Front and Associated Heavy Rainfall
Impact of Regional Uncertainties of the Initial State upon Numerical Forecast of Mesoscale Low on Meiyu Front
Numerical Simulation of Meso low and Sand Transport During 94.4.5 Northwest Sandstorm
A Numerical Simulation and Sensitivity Tests of the Meso-scale Low in North China
The coupling of a meso-scale low pressure and the divergence zone of an upper-level jet caused strong upward motion .
The mesoscale typhoon low pressure and its specific dynamical and thermodynamical structures were directly related to this heavy rainfall event .
The center of the surface mesoscale depression and the north of the shear line are indicative to the rainfall area .
The coupling between the westerly upper-level jet and the southwest low-level jet seems to be one of main dynamical factors that cause the evident development of mesoscale low ( disturbance ) .
In addition , wind data of Huangshan station and other information show that southwest low-level jet and wind streak on it are related closely with the process of mesoscale lows ( disturbances ) and associated heavy rainfall .
The slowly motion of the meso - β vortex is the basic cause for the event .
It has been revealed that the torrential rain occurs associated with the generation of a mesoscale convergence line in the region to the south of a mesoscale low in lower troposphere ;
On the mesoscale depression in large-area severe convection events over Zhejiang
The simulation result is scale-separated by spatial band-pass filtering , which reveals the mesoscale low pressure and convergence line that had direct impact on this rainfall process .
The analysis of mesoscale system shows that disturbing mesoscale low pressure system at 500 hPa and mesoscale vortex at 700 hPa are directly influential systems which caused the heavy rain process .
It shows that a system connected to meso - β - scale rain cluster is a mesoscale trough or a mesoscale low pressure on the surface .