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  • 网络middle school history teaching
  1. 中学历史教学中的心理教育研究

    The Study of the Psychological Education in Middle School History Teaching

  2. 走出困境&中学历史教学中对学生人格的塑造

    Getting Rid of Trouble-Establishing Students ' Personality in Middle School History Teaching

  3. 科学素养及其在中学历史教学中的渗透

    The Infiltration of Science Literacy in History Teaching at Middle School

  4. 中学历史教学对学生国际意识的培养

    Strengthening the Global Consciousness Education of the Senior School History Teaching

  5. 试论中学历史教学的信息化

    On the Informationization of the History Teaching in the Middle School

  6. 浅谈图示法在中学历史教学中的运用

    Application of the Diagrammatical Method in Teaching History in Middle School

  7. 所以,我们在中学历史教学中要放手进行文物意识教育。

    Therefore we should engage in education of cultural relic consciousness .

  8. 批判思维与中学历史教学的研究

    The Research on Critical Thinking and History Teaching in Schools

  9. 中学历史教学与自觉表象学习策略

    History Teaching and Initiative Idea Learning Strategy in Secondary Schools

  10. 研究性学习及其在中学历史教学中的应用

    The Research Study and Its Use in the Middle School

  11. 近现代中学历史教学方法的比较研究

    The Comparative Research in Modern and Contemporary History Teaching Methods

  12. 以德治国与中学历史教学

    Governing the Country with the Moral and History Teaching in Middle School

  13. 浅谈中学历史教学的语言艺术

    A Brief Talk on Linguistic Arts of History Teaching in Middle Schools

  14. 浅析中学历史教学在素质教育中的作用

    Study of Middle School History Teaching in the Role of Quality Education

  15. 问题教学法在中学历史教学中的应用研究

    Teaching Problem at School History Teaching in the Applied Research

  16. 论中学历史教学模式

    On the Teaching Model of History Teaching in Secondary Schools

  17. 论中学历史教学中情感态度价值观的养育

    On the Nurture of Emotional Attitude Values of History Teaching in Middle School

  18. 本文探究中学历史教学中的人格教育。

    This paper explores personality education in history teaching .

  19. 中学历史教学对青少年德育的渗透

    Infiltration of History Teaching into the Juvenile Moral Education

  20. 中学历史教学中文物保护意识的培养

    Education about Protecting Consciousness of Cultural Objects in History Teaching in Middle School

  21. 关于中学历史教学法教材建设和改革的设想

    Considerations on Textbook Construction and Reform in History Teaching Method of Secondary Shool

  22. 略论中学历史教学方法的艺术性

    To Introduce the Artistry about the Methods of History Teaching in Middle School

  23. 生态道德培养与中学历史教学

    The Cultivation of Ecological Ethics and Teaching of History Course in High Schools

  24. 中学历史教学中培育学生人文素养问题探析

    On the Issue of Education of Students ' Humanistic Accomplishment in High School

  25. 现代化范式与中学历史教学

    Patterns & Structures of Modernization and Middle-School History Teaching

  26. 中学历史教学中学生德育教育研究

    The Research of the Middle School History Teaching in the Students ' Moral

  27. 浅谈中学历史教学中的精神培育

    Discussion on the Spirit Cultivation of Historical Teaching

  28. 中学历史教学的困境和出路

    The Predicament of Teaching History in Middle Schools and the Ways to Overcome it

  29. 开放式教学在中学历史教学中的探索

    Applying Open Teaching in History Teaching Secondary Schools

  30. 浅论在中学历史教学中加强德育教育的一些看法

    Some Perspectives towards the Reinforcement of Moral Education in History Teaching in High School