
  • 网络neutron radiation
  1. 中子辐射对M1植株株高有一定影响。

    Neutron radiation had some influence on plant height of M1 .

  2. bFGF基因在中子辐射肠道损伤和修复中的表达和意义

    The change and significance of bFGF gene expression in the intestine of mice induced by neutron radiation

  3. ~(12)C快中子辐射俘获反应中的共振现象

    Resonance Phenomenon in the Fast Neutron Radiative Capture Reaction for ~ ( 12 ) C

  4. 一个同轴Ge(Li)探测器的快中子辐射损伤

    Fast Neutron Damage in a Coaxial Ge ( Li ) Detector

  5. Si(Au)探测器的快中子辐射损伤

    Radiation damage in Si ( Au ) - detectors by fast neutron irradiation

  6. 天然核素Ag、Cd的快中子辐射俘获截面测量

    Measurement of the fast neutron radiative capture cross sections of natural nuclide Ag and CD

  7. 天然Mo的快中子辐射俘获截面

    Fast Neutron Capture Cross Section of Natural Molybdenum

  8. 系统的核电路部分采用最新的芯片产品,合理的硬件安排,优化的软件编程,在仅更换不同的探头后,便可探测分析,γX及快中子辐射。

    Furthermore the system is designed by the newest chip product , reasonably dealed with hardware and optimized programme calculation .

  9. 小剂量的中子辐射引起GLU下降;

    The concentration of GLU decreased after small dosage neutron irradiation .

  10. B4C/PP共混纤维是重要的防中子辐射材料。

    B4C / PP blended fibre is an important neutron shielding composite material .

  11. ~(197)Au中子辐射俘获过程中γ射线强度函数与能谱研究

    Study on γ - Ray Strength Functions and Energy Spectra in the Neutron Radiative Capture of ~ ( 197 ) Au

  12. 随着核能应用的推广,具有x射线,γ射线和中子辐射综合屏蔽材料的研制一直被作为重要科研课题受到各国重视。

    With the promotion of nuclear energy applications , the radiation shielding materials integrated with X-ray , y-ray and neutron have been attented by various countries as an important research subject .

  13. 复方樟柳碱治疗快中子辐射性视网膜损伤&ROG、ERG、及FFA变化实验研究

    Effects of Anisodine Compound on Radiated Retinopathy of Fast Neutron-the Changes of ROG ERG and FFA

  14. rhG-CSF治疗可促进免疫组织的恢复,尤其是大剂量rhG-CSF治疗不但能减轻中子辐射对免疫器官的损伤,而且还可增强脾脏的免疫功能。

    Administration of rhG-CSF could promote immune tissues recovery , especially high dose rhG-CSF .

  15. n,γ混合脉冲辐射场中,在近距离、辐射强度低且中子辐射峰值比被测γ辐射峰值强度高的情况下,传统γ辐射探测技术实施起来面临困难。

    It is difficult to detect low intensity γ radiation by using traditional γ radiation detection technique in a close distance n , γ commix pulse radiation field with very high intensity neutron radiation .

  16. IL-11对中子辐射肠上皮的保护作用及信号转导机制研究

    Protection and Signal Transduction Mechanism of Interleukin-11 in Neutron Irradiation-Induced Intestinal Epithelium Injury

  17. 中子辐射诱发人外周血染色体畸变、微核HPRT基因突变的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Human Peripheral Blood Chromosome Aberration , Micronucleus and HPRT Gene Mutation Induced by Neutron Irradiation

  18. 中子辐射后骨髓造血功能损伤以及IL-11受体的表达变化

    The expression and significance of IL-11 receptor in bone marrow cells of mice with neutron irradiation

  19. IL-11对中子辐射小鼠肠道损伤保护作用的定量病理研究

    Quantitative study on the effect of IL-11 on the intestinal pathological changes of mice after neutron irradiation

  20. IL-11对中子辐射后小鼠骨髓损伤的防治作用及其机制研究

    Effects and Mechanisms of rhIL-11 on Prevention and Treatment of Mice Bone Marrow Injury Induced by Neutron Radiation

  21. 目的:用CR-39固体核径迹探测器测量医用电子加速器产生的污染中子辐射。

    Objective : To measure neutron contamination in medical electron accelerators using CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors .

  22. 目的研究中子辐射对血清总胆汁酸(TBA)和葡萄糖(GLU)的影响。

    Objective To study the biochemical effects of neutron irradiation on the BALB / C mice including blood total bile acid ( TBA ) and blood glucose ( GLU ) .

  23. 浮栅ROM器件的质子和中子辐射效应实验结果表明,其31.9MeV质子和14MeV中子的辐射效应不是单粒子效应,而是一种总剂量效应。

    Experimental results of irradiation effects are given for Floating gate ROMs . The proton and neutron irradiation effects in FLASH ROM and EEPROM are total dose effects rather than single event effects .

  24. 目的探讨IL-11对4.0Gy中子辐射小鼠肠道IL-11受体表达影响。

    Object To explore the effect of IL-11 on the expressions of IL-11 receptors in the mouse after neutron irradiation .

  25. 本文介绍了该装置上中子辐射剂量率的测量方法以及在欧姆、波辅助加热、长脉冲等放电模式下的剂量率特点,并且给出了X与γ射线的总辐射剂量测量方法和分析结果。

    Briefly introduces the measuring method for neutron dose rate on HT-7 , and presents the neutron radiation characteristics under Ohmic , wave heating and long pulse operation mode . The measuring methods of X and γ ray radiation doses and the analysis results are also presented .

  26. 氧化物弥散强化(OxideDispersionStrengthened,ODS)铁基高温合金具有良好的高温拉伸、蠕变性能和抗中子辐射肿胀性能,是一类在航空航天、核工业等具有良好应用前景的先进结构材料。

    Oxide dispersion strengthened ( ODS ) iron-based alloys are the most promising class of materials with a potential to be widely used in aerospace and nuclear industry owing to superior properties in tensile performance , creep property and neutron irradiation-resistance at high temperatures .

  27. 研究IL-11对中子辐射后骨髓功能和结构的影响及其机制,对中子急性放射病的防治具有重要意义。

    Investigation of the influence of IL-11 on bone marrow tissue structure and hematopoietic function after neutron radiation might lead to a bright way to prevent and cure acute radiation sickness ( ARS ) .

  28. 介绍固体核径迹探测器近年来在中子辐射监测中的主要进展,其中包括发现CR-39径迹探测器及其主要性能,以及监测中子剂量的方法与应用。

    Progress in applications of solid state nuclear track detectors in neutron radiation dosimetry is described , which includes the discovery of CR-39 track detector and its properties , techniques and applications in neutron monitoring .

  29. 结果:2.5及4.0Gy中子辐射后小鼠:(1)外周血细胞减少,骨髓有核细胞数量减少;

    Results : After neutron irradiation of 2.5 and 4.0Gy : ( 1 ) Both peripheral blood cells and bone marrow nucleated cells of mice decreased .

  30. 用具有反照率近似的蒙特卡罗方法编制的RSCAM程序系统计算反应堆堆腔内及安全壳操作大厅中的中子辐射场。

    RSCAM program system , using Monte Carlo method with albedo approach , is used to calculate streaming neutron radiation field in reactor cavity and containment operating hall .