
zhōnɡ xià
  • mid-summer;ancient name for China
  • China
中夏 [zhōng xià]
  • [China] 中国;华夏

  1. 大禹是传说中夏后氏部落的首领,原称“禹”,也称“夏禹”。

    Yu the Great was the chieftain of the legendary Xiahou clan . He was o-riginally called Yu or Xiayu .

  2. 夏玉米播期对产量及相关性状的影响不同品种春夏玉米套作模式中夏玉米光合特性与产量的关系

    Effects of Different Seeding-date on Yield and Related Characteristics of Summer Maize Effect of intercropping summer and spring maize on photosynthesis and yield of summer maize

  3. 不同品种春夏玉米套作模式中夏玉米光合特性与产量的关系玉米专用缓释复合肥对糯玉米产量和品质的影响

    Effect of intercropping summer and spring maize on photosynthesis and yield of summer maize Effects of different slow-release fertilizers on yield and quality of waxy corn

  4. 研究了浅水位条件下麦菜轮作体系中夏甘蓝生长季节有机肥施用量对土壤剖面硝态氮积累、夏甘蓝产量和品质的影响。

    Effects of manure application amount on soil nitrate accumulation in soil profile , yield and quality of cabbage grown in summer seasons under conditions of shallow ground water table were studied .

  5. 采用定位试验,在冬小麦既定配方的基础上,按13个不同三要素肥料配比,对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作周期中夏玉米产量、肥料综合利用率、经济施肥量进行了研究。

    A method of fixed - site field was adopted in the present experiment for study of different N , P and K applications on effects of summer maize yield , fertilizer utilization ratio and economic fertilizer application rate .