
  • 网络Secondary water supply
  1. 二氧化氯发生器在二次供水消毒系统中的应用

    Application of chlorine dioxide generator to the secondary water supply disinfection system

  2. 二次供水是城市安全供水的重要环节。

    Secondary water supply is an important segment to supply safe drinking water .

  3. 方法取经PCⅠ型水处理器处理前后的二次供水的水质样品,按《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001年6月版)进行检测。

    Methods The samples of secondary supply water before and after treatment were collected and determined according to the < Hygienic criterion for analysis of drinking water > ( 2001 edition ) and the water quality was analyzed .

  4. 高层建筑二次供水的现状及MF-2消毒剂的消毒效果

    Status quo of twice supplying water for high building and antisepsis effect of MF-2 disinfector

  5. 根据二次供水的卫生质量,加入一定量的MF-2消毒剂进行消毒可达到饮用水卫生标准。

    According to the quality of twice supplying water , acceding to some MF 2 disinfector to disinfect , it will achieve the standard of drinking water .

  6. 加强二次供水管理确保饮用水安全卫生

    Strengthening Second water supply and Ensuring Secure Hygiene of Potable Water

  7. 二次供水管理模式改革探讨

    Discussion on the Reform of the Secondary Water Supply Management Mode

  8. 公共场所饮用二次供水卫生监测结果分析

    Analysis on Sanitation of Secondary Drinking Water Supply System in Public Places

  9. 广州市居民二次供水系统改造方案探讨

    Discussion on Rebuilding of Guangzhou Residential Secondary Water Supply System

  10. 贵阳市二次供水水质调查

    An Investigation on the Quality of Secondarily Supplied Water in Guiyang City

  11. 住宅二次供水水质保障措施研究

    A Study of Measures of the Quality of Second Water Supply in Residence

  12. 补充加氯控制旅客列车二次供水微生物污染的试验研究

    Rechlorination to Control Microbiological Pollution of Secondary Water Supply System on Passenger Trains

  13. 广州市东山区居民二次供水水池卫生学现状

    Hygienic Status of Cistern of Secondary Water Supply in Dongshan District of Guangzhou

  14. 2006年濮阳市城区二次供水卫生状况调查

    Survey on the Sanitary State of Urban Secondary Water-supply in Puyang in 2006

  15. 二次供水系统有机污染及其影响因素分析

    Study on Organic Contamination of Drinking from Water Towers and its Influential Factors

  16. 三起因二次供水引发的腹泻病暴发调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Three Outbreaks of Diarrhea Associated With Secondary Water Supply

  17. 贵阳市2001~2007年二次供水水质状况调查分析

    Quality Analysis of Secondary Water Supply in Guiyang City from 2001 to 2007

  18. 长沙市二次供水集散监控系统的设计

    Design of the monitoring system of secondary water supply distribution in Changsha City

  19. 医务人员手卫生监测与二次供水关系的分析

    An Analysis on Relationship Between Sanitation of medical Staff Hands and Second-order Water Supply

  20. 2009年徐州市区二次供水卫生状况调查

    Hygienic Status of Secondary Water Supply and Management Measures in Xuzhou City in 2009

  21. 合肥市二次供水卫生10年监测结果与分析

    On Effective Supply Decade Supervision Survey and Analysis of Quadratic Water Supply in Hefei

  22. 城市二次供水系统的优化改造

    Optimum Reconstruction of Secondary Water-supply Systems in City

  23. 二次供水系统用水模型与管网状态预测

    An Exploratory Model of Secondary Water-Supply System and Loading Forecasting of Water Supply Network

  24. 二次供水清洗消毒过程中消毒副产物的控制

    Control of By-product in the Process of Cleaning and Disinfection of Secondary Water Supply System

  25. 2008年浙江省温州市鹿城区二次供水水质分析供水水文地质勘察规范

    Water quality analysis of secondary water supply in Lucheng district of Wenzhou city , 2008

  26. 南方某城市二次供水系统改造方案探讨

    On the reform scheme for the secondary water-supply system in some city of South China

  27. 二次供水水质污染的现状及防治措施分析

    Actualities of water recontamination in secondary water supply and analysis of measures in prevention and treatment

  28. 无吸程变频恒压设备用于二次供水无堵塞式吸水管

    The Non-plugging Type Water Suction Pipe

  29. 叠压供水及传统二次供水能耗分析研究

    Study on Network Pressure-superposition Water Supply Method and Energy Analysis on Traditional Technology of Secondary Water Supply

  30. 目的了解厦门市二次供水水质监测状况和二次供水专项整治效果。

    Objective To know the inspection status and regulation effect of secondary water supply in Xiamen City .