
tài zǔ
  • Taizu;the first founder of a dynasty;general term of an emperor who found a state
太祖 [tài zǔ]
  • [genaral term of an emperor who found a state] 开国皇帝的通称

  • 遵太祖法。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

太祖[tài zǔ]
  1. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  2. 论明太祖时期对帖木儿王朝的外交政策

    On the Ming 's Tai Zu Foreign Policies to the Timurids

  3. 完颜阿骨打在历史上被称为金太祖。

    Historically , Wanyan Aguda was called as Emperor Taizu .

  4. 铁木真之后被称为元太祖。

    He was later known as Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty .

  5. 明太祖洪武七年(1374)置巩昌府西固城等千户所。

    Ming Hongwu years ( 1374 ) Housegong chang home Xigu City by1000 .

  6. 论明太祖与佛教

    On the first founder of Ming Dynasty and Buddhism

  7. 抑商与通商:明太祖朱元璋的商业政策

    The Commodity Policies of ZHU Yuan-zhang in Ming Dynasty

  8. 我的曾曾祖母,巨鹰太祖在捕猎野牛时代终结时还活着

    My great-great-grandmother , Grandma Big Eagle was alive when buffalo hunting ended .

  9. 此山明太祖之墓。

    This hill , Tomb of Emperor Zhu .

  10. 明太祖朱元璋还曾封庐山为“庐岳”。

    Zhu Yuanzhang , founder of Ming Dynasty , granted it the High Mountain Lu .

  11. 他被称为“金太祖”。

    His imperial title was Taizu .

  12. 为了给自己所建立的新王朝创造一个和平安定的国际环境,明太祖朱元璋开始制定了睦邻友好的和平外交政策。

    For creating peaceful international environment for new dynasty , Chu Yuanzhang started establishing peaceful diplomatic policy .

  13. 大夫三庙,一昭一穆,与太祖之庙而三。

    Doctor three temples , one a Muslim Zhao , and Dynasty the Temple of the three .

  14. 为稳定国内局势,明太祖朱元璋采取了许多措施。

    In order to stabilize the national situation , the Grand Emperor of Ming took many measures .

  15. 祖母、太祖母、父母、叔叔、婶婶,结果知道她是唯一的左撇子。

    Grandmothers and great grandmothers and parents and aunts and uncles , she is the only one .

  16. 1381年,明太祖朱元璋下令在此筑城建关,始称山海关。

    In1381 , the emperor ordered the first Ming Guan city construction in this building before Shanhaiguan said .

  17. 太祖驾崩后,他的弟弟宋太宗继承了帝位,收复了浙江和山西。

    Taizu was succeeded by his brother , Taizong who brought Zhejiang and Shanxi back into the fold .

  18. 之后,太祖一直专注于收复南部的国家。

    For the remainder of his reign , Taizu concentrated his efforts upon whining over the southern states .

  19. 赵匡胤自立为“太祖”并定都东京(今开封)。

    Zhao took the name Taizu and established his capital city in Dongjing ( present city of Kaifeng ) .

  20. 辽太祖时期,采用强行推广唐代医学知识的操作方式。

    The Taizhu Emperor of Liao Dynasty forced the popularization of medical knowledge by imitating that of the Tang Dynasty .

  21. 在古代帝王中,明太祖朱元璋是一个注意重用人才的历史人物。

    Among all the emperors in ancient China , Zhu Yuanzhang was one who paid great attention to talented people .

  22. 在军队方面,实行卫所制度,明太祖还设立了一个保卫皇帝并从事侦缉活动的军事特务机构——厂卫机构,锦衣卫;

    Ming Taizu set up a special military administration with special tasks to guard the emperor , a guard administration , Jinyiwei .

  23. 《礼记·王制》记载:天子七庙,三昭三穆,与太祖之庙而七。

    Kingship " reads : " Son of Heaven temples , three Shozo Mu , and the Dynasty of the temple and seven .

  24. 明太祖朱元璋作为大明王朝的开国之君,在对待道家思想和道术治国事务上有着自己鲜明的特色。

    As the founder of the Ming dynasty , Mingtaizu Zhuyuanzhang had his own characteristics on how to deal with Daojia thoughts and affairs .

  25. 结果被明太祖朱元璋下令“废而不祀”,连牌位都被扔出了儒家祠堂。

    Results are the first Ming emperor ordered the " waste not worship ", even tablets have been thrown out of the Confucian shrine .

  26. 不仅如此,太祖还通过降低和免除税收鼓励农民与周边的部落进行贸易并以此振兴农业。

    Furthermore , he revitalized agriculture through tax reduction and exemptions so as to encourage the farming community to trade with the neighboring tribes .

  27. 洪武时期,由于明太祖在海外交通政策上推行勘合制度,曾促使海外穆斯林商人借助官方使节的身份开展对华贸易活动;

    During the reign of Hongwu , the emperor performed the policy of " Kan he ", which encouraged the coming of the overseas Muslim merchants as government ambassadors ;

  28. 按照明太祖朱元璋所制定的制度,明代的商业税税率为三十税一,显然属于征收过低,这是让人无法理解的。

    The system in accordance with specified Zhu Yuanzhang , Ming dynasty business tax rates by about 30 % , apparently too low , it belongs to levy is incomprehensible .

  29. 为了促进商业发展,金太祖采取了减少贸易壁垒的政策,其中包括建立与宋朝的贸易关系。

    With a view to promoting commercial development , Emperor Taizu , adopted a policy of reducing trade barriers which included the establishment of a trading relationship with the Song .

  30. 朱载堉(1536-1611),明怀庆府河内县(今沁阳市)人,明太祖朱元璋九世孙。

    Zhu Zaiyu , born in1536 and died in1611 , people from Henei County , Huaiqing prefecture in Ming Dynasty ( now Qinyang City ), the ninth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang , Hongwu Emperor .