
zhōnɡ ɡuó cài
  • Chinese food;Chinese cuisine
  1. 这次您将品尝正宗的中国菜。

    You will try some real Chinese cuisine this time .

  2. 这道菜很有些中国菜的风味。

    This dish has a strong tinge of Chinese cuisine .

  3. 城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡式菜、希腊菜等多种选择。

    Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese , Portuguese or Greek food .

  4. 他们非常想尝尝真正的中国菜的味道。

    They are itching to have a real taste of Chinese food .

  5. B:嘿,我也会帮忙的!我会做中国菜。

    B : Hey , I 'll help , too ! I can make Chinese food .

  6. 我现在最想做的是回家然后慢慢享受些中国菜,ok?

    What I wanna do is go home , order Chinese , and veg on the couch , okay ?

  7. 你见过Penny吃中国菜吗?

    Sheldon : Have you seen Penny eat Chinese food ?

  8. Lilly听说在美国的中国菜口碑不错。

    Lilly : I 've heard good things about Chinese food in America .

  9. Lilly会做一点中国菜,但是手头没有做菜的材料,ingredient指“烹调用的原料,材料”。

    Lilly : I suppose I could try to make some Chinese food , but I don 't have ingredients .

  10. CCTV电视塔,其他的?还有很多很漂亮的景观我都喜欢,中国菜太棒了。

    Lara : CCTV tower , others also like it ? Yes , it 's very nice . I like everything , chinese food is perfect .

  11. 没有Wolowitz我们就不能点中国菜?

    Leonard : We can 't order Chinese food without Wolowitz ?

  12. 这些都是在美国的广东菜馆常见的菜肴,已经美国本地化了,所以Lilly都没听过这些菜名,她还有点怕怕的,那些餐厅已经把中国菜改头换面了。

    Lilly : Huh ? I 've never heard of those dishes . Martin : Really ? They 're pretty standard at Chinese restaurants here . Lilly : Hmm , I 'm a little bit scared . They might have changed them a lot .

  13. 其实,我还没尝到中国菜呢。

    Actually , I haven 't had any Chinese food yet .

  14. 做烤鸡怎么样,或者做中国菜?

    A : What about roast chicken ? Or Chinese food ?

  15. 我喜欢中国菜,尤其是中国水饺。

    I like Chinese food a lot , especially Chinese dumplings .

  16. 你们有哪些中国菜?

    A : What kind of Chinese food do you serve ?

  17. 它实际上是一道马来西亚版本的中国菜。

    It is actually the Malay version of a chinese dish .

  18. 我一般带日本朋友去横滨的唐人街吃中国菜。

    I bring Japanese friends to Chinatown mainly for Chinese food .

  19. 是的,他们有,但是他们拿手的是中国菜。

    Yes , they do , but their specialty is Chinese .

  20. 你会做中国菜吗?

    A : Are you able to cook any Chinese dishes ?

  21. 这是一道中国菜,请吃。

    This is a course of Chinese dish , help yourself .

  22. 我喜欢中国菜,昨天我还吃了寿司!

    I love Chinese food . I ate Sushi last night !

  23. 附近有供应中国菜的价钱公道的餐馆吗?

    Is there a reasonable restaurant nearby that serves Chinese dish ?

  24. 要来尝尝我们的中国菜吗?

    Would you like to come and taste our Chinese dishes ?

  25. 汤姆:嗯,中国菜包括八大菜系。

    Tom : Well , there are eight different Chinese cuisines .

  26. 我认为中国菜是世上最好的料理。

    I think chinese food is greatest cuisine in the world .

  27. 我父母都很喜欢中国菜。

    Both my father and my mother () crazy about Chinese food .

  28. 我是美国人,也很喜欢吃中国菜。

    I also very much like to eat Chinese food .

  29. 我一般吃中国菜。我自己作。

    I usually eat Chinese food . I cook myself .

  30. 我自己一个人能不能在美国做出好吃的中国菜呢?

    Could I ever cook Chinese food successfully alone in the U.S. ?