
zhōnɡ ɡuó yào kē dà xué
  • China Pharmaceutical University
  1. 中国药科大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”建设高校。

    China pharmaceutical university is a211-project university which belongs to the national ministry of education .

  2. 中国药科大学并不是第一所使用面部识别技术的大学。

    China Pharmaceutical University is not the first university to use facial recognition technology on campus .

  3. 中国药科大学分析化学教研室;

    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences , North Dakota State University ;

  4. 中国药科大学女大学生健身现状的研究

    A Study of the Present Situation of the Female Students ' Body-building at China Pharmaceutical University

  5. 中国药科大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”建设高校学校始建于1936年,称为国立药学专科学校,是我国第一所独立设置的高等药学院。

    China Pharmaceutical Universify ( CPU ) , originally the National Pharmaceutical School founded in 1936 , is one of the " Project 211 "

  6. 结合药剂学教学实践,总结了中国药科大学药剂学课程群的建设与改革状况。

    This paper sums up the situation of construction and reformation of Pharmaceutics curriculum complex combining with the pharmaceutical teaching practice in China Pharmaceutical University .

  7. 据当地媒体报道,位于江苏省南京市的中国药科大学最近开设了中国首个大学校园包裹分发中心。

    China 's first parcel distribution center on a college campus recently opened in Nanjing , Jiangsu province at China Pharmaceutical University , local media reported .

  8. 最近,中国药科大学在两个试点教室、校门、宿舍出入口、图书馆和实验楼安装了人脸识别系统。

    China Pharmaceutical University recently installed the systems in two pilot classrooms as well as school gates , dormitory entrances , the library and laboratory buildings .

  9. 为了监督饭菜的质量,中国药科大学副校长王广基几乎每天中午都到食堂就餐。

    Wang Guangji , vice-president of China Pharmaceutical University , has lunch in the campus canteen nearly every day to keep an eye on the food quality .

  10. 对1998年到2002年《沈阳药科大学学报》和《中国药科大学学报》进行了文献计量分析,通过布拉福德分布,总结出两刊各自的主要中外文引用期刊。

    This paper makes bibliometric analyses on and from 1998 to 2002 , and through Bradford distribution , sums up the main Chinese and foreign citing periodicals of the two journals respectively .

  11. 采取实验法、问卷调查法,对《学生体质健康标准》测试成绩与学生平时参加体育锻炼情况进行调查研究,研究对象为中国药科大学2003、2004级学生。

    This article adopts the cut-and-try method and questionnaires to study the scores according to students who are from Grade 2003 and 2004 physique healthy standard and their physical training at China Pharmaceutical University .

  12. 方法:①实验于2004-03/05在中国药科大学中医药教研室实验室完成。选用昆明种雄性小鼠246只。

    METHODS : ① The experiment was carried out in the laboratory of institute of traditional Chinese medicine , China Pharmaceutical University from March to May 2004 . 246 male Kunming mice were selected .

  13. 通过对中国药科大学和沈阳药科大学近几年在国内科技期刊上发表学术论文情况的对比,可知两校每年所发表的论文数量都有增长;

    Through the contrast for the research papers on domestic periodicals published by China Pharmaceutical University and Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in recent years , it was known that the numbers of papers published by the two universities per year increased .

  14. 文章结合时代背景分析了药学教育课程体系改革的动因,并结合中国药科大学的教学改革实践阐述了研究型和应用型药学人才的培养模式。

    This paper makes an analysis of the reasons of curriculum system reform in pharmaceutical education according to the background of the epoch , and illustrates the research-oriented and application-oriented talents training modes combining with the practice in China Pharmaceutical University .