
zhōng guó hóng shí zì huì
  • the Red Cross Society of China
中国红十字会[zhōng guó hóng shí zì huì]
  1. 第六条中国红十字会根据独立、平等、互相尊重的原则,发展同各国红十字会和红新月会的友好合作关系。

    Article 6 The Red Cross Society of China shall develop friendly relations and cooperation with the Red Cross Societies and the Red Crescent Societies of all countries on the principles of independence , equality and mutual respect .

  2. 晚清时期的中国红十字会述论

    On the Red Cross Society of China during the Late Qing Period

  3. 中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。

    The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .

  4. 第十一条中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;

    Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization ;

  5. 第三条中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,承认中国红十字会章程并缴纳会费的,可以自愿参加红十字会。

    Article 3 All citizens of the People 's Republic of China who , regardless of ethnic of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues , may join the Society on a voluntary basis .

  6. 今年早些时候,微博认证身份为“中国红十字会(theRedCrossinChina)商业总经理”的一位年轻女子发布的照片在网上炸开了锅。

    Earlier this year , the mere photograph on the web of a young woman identified as a manager of the Red Cross in China sent the blogosphere into a frenzy .

  7. 所有的捐款将会直接汇款到UNICIEF或者中国红十字会。

    The money will go to UNICIEF or directly to the China Red Cross .

  8. 中国红十字会否认副会长被带走调查。

    China Red Cross : No official being probed for corruption .

  9. 中国红十字会接收的捐赠也有所减少。

    TheRed Cross Society of China also receives a reduced donation .

  10. 1903年,组织创办中国红十字会。

    In 1903 , the organization established Red Cross Society of China .

  11. 中国红十字会举行第六次全国会员代表大会

    China 's Red Cross Society held its 6th national members ' representative convention

  12. 我们公司也打算向中国红十字会捐赠。

    My company will be donating to the Red Cross here in China .

  13. 中国红十字会和上海慈善团体联合会是两个典型案例。

    Red Cross Society of China and Shanghai Charity Federation were two typical cases .

  14. 复员时期的中国红十字会

    The Chinese Red Cross during the Demobilization Period

  15. 试析抗战时期中国红十字会的救护活动

    First Aid of the Chinese Red Cross During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  16. 中国红十字会专家团出席交接仪式。

    Medical experts from the Red Cross Society of China also attended the event .

  17. 论中国红十字会的起源

    Origin of Red Cross Society of China

  18. 全国建立中国红十字会总会。

    The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall be established in the country .

  19. 中国红十字会一位高级官员甚至发誓说,该机构的改革如果没有取得进展她就辞职。

    One of its senior executives has vowed to resign if there isn 't progress .

  20. 晚清时期是中国红十字会的草创与起步阶段。

    In the late Qing Dynasty is the Chinese Red Cross Foundation and the initial stage .

  21. 可以说,中国红十字会是抗战时期整个救护体系的核心。

    The Chinese Red Cross was the center for whole first aid system at the wartime .

  22. 中国红十字会会史上的红十字周综论

    On " the Red Cross Week " in the History of Red Cross Society of China

  23. 各誉会长和名誉副会长由中国红十字会总会理事会聘请。

    The Honorary President and Honorary Vice-Presidents shall be invited by the Council of the Federation .

  24. 经过网友的调查,发现郭美美与中国红十字会有着紧密的关系。

    Users found that Guo and the Red Cross Society of China have a close relationship .

  25. 她甚至宣称她是中国红十字会的工作人员。

    And she claimed to be the general manager of Red Cross at the Chamber of Commerce .

  26. 由中国红十字会主办的“红十字博爱周”已是第五届,今年的主题为“携手人道,参与世博”。

    It is the fifth time that the Red Cross Society of China hosted the week-long event .

  27. 是的,谢谢。我和我爸爸去了中国红十字会。

    Yes , thanks . I went with my dad to the Red Cross Society of China .

  28. 作者拟从三个方面初步考察复员时期中国红十字会的工作;

    The article expounds the work of the Chinese Red Cross during the Demobilization Period from threes parts .

  29. 朝鲜战争期间中国红十字会的国际救援&以江苏红会为个案

    International Aid by Red Cross Society in the Korea War & On the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu

  30. 在一系列备受瞩目的丑闻之后,中国红十字会面临一场信任危机。

    The Red Cross Society of China faces a credibility crisis , following a series of high profile scandals .