
  1. 加入WTO与银行上市入世给中国百姓带来什么

    On the Accession of China to WTO WTO Accession and the Listing of Banks

  2. 电视对于普通的中国百姓来说,已经成为其日常生活中的一部分。

    TV becomes part of daily life of ordinary Chinese people .

  3. 很少有中国百姓因分不清绵羊和山羊感到困扰。

    Few ordinary Chinese are troubled by the sheep / goat distinction .

  4. 但中国百姓也时常对欧盟有着许多问号。

    But the Chinese people also have many question marks on the EU .

  5. 但他们还可以指出,这种发展模式也损害了中国百姓的生活水平。

    But they can point out that this pattern also damages the standards of living of ordinary Chinese .

  6. 中国百姓无需担心降雨会破坏今年的中秋节庆祝计划。

    Chinese residents don 't have to worry about rain spoiling their annual Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations this year .

  7. 中国百姓对律师的印象很好,这主要是因为来自电影里的对外国律师的好印象。

    Ordinary Chinese have a high opinion of lawyers , mainly thanks to the positive image of lawyers projected in foreign movies .

  8. 在中秋节,中国百姓喜欢合家团聚,并在满月之下为此庆祝一番。

    On the Mid-Autumn Festival , Chinese people like to get full reunion of the family members , and celebrate the occasion under the full moon .

  9. 另一位网友在微博上写道,我更关心中国百姓买的低端车,这些车里用的是什么材料?

    Another blogger wrote : ' I am more concerned with the low-end cars that Chinese civilians buy , and what is the material they use in these cars ?

  10. 虽说形式各异,但其内容却是一个主题:即是中国百姓祈福纳吉,繁衍子孙后代的寓意,以及对幸福美满生活的向往和追求。

    Although different types , but its content is a theme : It is a impaling which Chinese pray for happiness and good luck , and pursuit happiness and good luck .

  11. 当保险这一理念深入中国百姓的生活,保险行为日益频繁时,保险合同纠纷案件随之大量涌现。

    While the idea of insurance penetrates into Chinese populace 's life and the insurance activities become more frequently , with which the insurance contract dispute cases emerge in large numbers .

  12. 一位网友在新浪微博上发帖说:为什么中国百姓要自己养老,而其它国家的百姓由政府给他们养老?

    Why do Chinese people have to pay for our own pension when people in other countries can have their governments to pay for this ? A Sina weibo post reads .

  13. 路透社报道,很多普通的中国百姓认为,西方国家对中国的批评来自于对中国崛起的恐惧和嫉妒。中国百姓还担心他们(西方)试图阻止中国进一步发展。

    And many ordinary Chinese see Western criticisms of their country as a product of fear and envy over its rise , and worry they will try and hold back further development , Reuters said .

  14. 乡土视听艺术尊重中国百姓的审美心理,把传统艺术中喜剧化和夸张化的表现手法纳入自己的创作中,受到了观众的极大喜爱。

    The native audio-visual art respects the aesthetic psychology of Chinese people , It has drawn lessons from the technique of expression comedy and of overstating in traditional art , and is welcomed by the masses .

  15. 中国老百姓最需要和平,最希望和平。

    What the Chinese people desire most is peace .

  16. 中国老百姓不是这样的。

    The people of China aren 't like that .

  17. 中国老百姓休闲方式的变迁

    Changes in Chinese People 's Ways of Leisure

  18. 对中国老百姓而言,这个数目可能会高得吓人。

    The number would be amazingly high and very upsetting to the average Chinese .

  19. 中国老百姓已经习惯性冷嘲热讽,而且他们往往证明是正确的。

    Chinese people are conditioned to be very cynical , and they are usually proven correct .

  20. 最近,二人转已为中国老百姓所喜闻乐见。

    The er ren zhuan , or two-person skit , has gained in popularly among the Chinese recently .

  21. 自然,这样做是极端重要的,因为中国老百姓通常是憎恨丘八的。

    Naturally , this was of extreme importance , as the people of China have commonly hated all soldiers .

  22. 户事关中国老百姓的切身利益,是一个不可忽视的社会实体。

    Household is related to the vital interests of the Chinese people , is a social entity that cannot be neglected .

  23. 中国老百姓通常一周吃一次肉,他们的肉食需求预计将在未来5年翻一番。

    The average Chinese eats meat once a week , and that is expected to double in the next five years .

  24. 要让13亿中国老百姓真正过上幸福生活,我们还有很长的路要走。

    There is still a long way to go before the 1.3 billion Chinese people can truly live a happy life .

  25. 简言之,中国老百姓需要一切能够得到的鼓励,包括币值更高的人民币。

    The man in the street , in short , needs all the encouragement he can get – including a stronger currency .

  26. 中国普通百姓在看到日本核灾难的一幕幕情景后,他们的反应也同样重要,尽管不那么明显。

    While less visible , the response from Chinese living rooms as people watched images of the disaster unfold was just as important .

  27. 在房地产行业遇到资金瓶颈的同时,中国老百姓却在经济的发展中积累了大量的财富。

    Encountered in the real estate industry , financial bottlenecks , the Chinese people are in the economic development in the accumulated wealth .

  28. 许多中国老百姓由于不给他们的宠物接种疫苗,而不得不在不同场合给自己接种狂犬疫苗。

    I know many Chinese citizens who have had to take rabies shots on more than one occasion because they do not vaccinate their animals .

  29. 但是,当中国老百姓共同发现了一个赚钱机会时,世界上任何地方的动能都无法与之相比。

    But there is no momentum in the world to match ordinary Chinese when they spot a chance , en masse , to make some money .

  30. 中国老百姓,以及亚洲其它地区的老百姓一直过着量入为出的节俭生活,让美欧人得以寅吃卯粮大肆挥霍。

    People in China , and elsewhere in Asia , have lived beneath their means to enable people in the US and Europe to live beyond theirs .