
  • 网络Chinese mens gymnastics team
  1. 中国男子体操队不负众望在本土取得霸主地位。

    The Chinese men dominated on their home soil , as expected .

  2. 北京奥运会中国男子体操队比赛成绩归因分析

    Factors Accounting for the Competition Performance of Chinese Men 's Gymnastic Team in Beijing Olympic Games

  3. 自2006年以来,中国男子体操队包揽了世界体操锦标赛和奥运会的全部男子团体金牌。

    The Chinese men 's team has won every world gymnastics championship and Olympic competition since 2006 .

  4. 距离第28届奥运会还有不到两年的时间,中国男子体操队要想保住男子团体桂冠这一荣誉,任重道远,必须采取一定的对策。

    In order maintain the honour in the 28 th Olympic games , they have to take measures .

  5. 中国男子体操队北京奥运会成功经验对备战伦敦奥运会的启示

    Inspiration to preparing for London Olympic Games from Chinese Men 's Gymnastic Team Successful experience in Beijing Olympic Games

  6. 本周四,中国男子体操队以绝对优势卫冕世界体操锦标赛男子团体冠军。

    China outclassed their rivals easily to retain their men 's team title at the world gymnastics championships on Thursday .

  7. 在新闻发布会上,当被问到对英国获奖作何感想时,中国男子体操队的所有队员都报以了掌声。

    Asked in a news conference what they thought about Britain 's medal , all of the members of the Chinese team applauded .

  8. 中国男子体操队在资格赛中连连失误,仅排名第六,因此在决赛中呈现完美表现对于他们来说并不是十分有把握的事。

    Perfection hadn 't been a sure thing for the Chinese team after the preliminaries , where the team had numerous errors and placed sixth .

  9. 中国男子体操队的健儿们用自己精彩绝伦的表现向全世界展示了中国男儿的铮铮铁骨和英雄豪情,也振奋人心地挺起了中国的脊梁!

    Athletes of Chinese gymnasts use their outstanding performance to demonstrate to the world with boldness and lofty sentiments of heroic Chinese men , as well as bolstering up Chinese spirit .

  10. 中国男子体操队在第26届世界体操锦标赛上获得团体银牌和单项二金、一银、二铜的好成绩。

    In the26th World Gymnastics Championship , the Chinese Team got the good results of silver medal in team competition and two gold , one silver and two copper medals in the individual events .