
  1. 在数百年中国烹饪文化中鱼翅汤乃是一道美味佳肴。

    Shark fin soup is a delicacy in Chinese cooking that dates back hundreds of years .

  2. 中国烹饪文化是中国人民在长期的生产生活实践中创造出来的,具有强烈的民族特征。

    Chinese cuisine culture possesses obvious national characteristic for it is created based on people 's perennial living and production practice .

  3. 一份高质量的中英文菜单不仅能给客人点菜提供帮助,而且在传播中国烹饪文化上起着独特的作用。

    A good Chinese and English bilingual menu can not only help guests order dishes , but also play a unique role in spreading Chinese culinary culture .

  4. 作者认为,在中国烹饪文化中,豫菜文化是发祥文化,豫菜文化是和中文化,豫菜文化是大众文化,豫菜文化是素食文化,豫菜文化是医食文化。

    The author thinks in China cook culture , the culture of Henan dish is the original culture , Henan dish culture is people 's culture , Henan dish culture is vegetarian diet culture and madicine diet culture , ect .

  5. 论中国的烹饪文化

    On Chinese Cooking Culture