
  1. 仪器经中国测试技术研究院检定,U、Th、K含量测量结果的不确定度分别为:6%、6%、10%。

    The uncertainty degrees of measurement results of the contents of U , Th , K are 6 % , 6 % and 10 % has been certified by National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology .

  2. 本文介绍由中国测试技术研究院发展的一种新型单光子骨矿分析仪,就是SPA-4型骨矿分析仪。

    SPA-4 Bone Mineral Analyzer is an up-to-date developed one .

  3. 借此机会,中国测试技术研究院也将他们保存的两个国家公斤副基准砝码送来一起参与量值复现。

    By that chance , another two pieces of National Secondary Standard Weights kept at National Institute of Measurement Technology were also joined in the measurement .