
  1. 陈至达先生用其创立的S-R理论,建立了壳体有限变形、有限转动的准确几何方程,而以前常用的经典应变张量的近似表达式均为陈先生准确方程的近似。

    The accurate expressions of strain tensors are established by S R theory and all the approximate expressions of strain tensors used before are its corollaries .

  2. 本文采用拖带坐标描述法,应用陈至达S-R分解定理有限变形理论导出了瞬时位形上速率形式的非线性影响函数(基本解),从而推导出以瞬时位形为基准的非线性大变形的边界积分方程。

    Based on Chen 's theory of finite deformation , we use the co-moving coordinate to deduce the nonlinear influence function in rate form for a 2-dimensional elastic problem in instantaneous configuration .

  3. 它是陈至达教授拖带系应变-转动分解理论的直接应用。

    This method is a direct application of resolution theory of strain and rotation developed in co-moving system by prof.

  4. 文中采用陈至达(1962年)的光测应力分析基本方程,并导出适合于光弹性数据处理的三次样条函数。

    Basic equation of photoelastic stress analysis by Chen ( 1962 ) is adopted ; and a cubic spline function suitable for processing of photoelastic data is derived .