
  • 网络china marketing;Marketing in China
  1. 中国市场营销在21世纪初由于具备良好的经济环境、政治环境、国际环境和科技环境,已面临着发展的大好机遇。

    However , favorable political , economic , technological and international environments in the early 21 ~ st century present great opportunities for the growth of marketing in China .

  2. 中国市场营销发展趋势主要是进行市场营销的战略调整、制定和寻求适合中国市场营销发展的正确对策与途径。

    The general trends of China 's marketing development are to make strategic readjustments and to formulate policies and ways suitable to the further development of marketing in China .

  3. MM跨国公司半导体材料部中国市场营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Studying of Semiconductor Material Division , MM China

  4. A公司3G无线产品中国市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research of 3G Wireless Products of A Corporation for Chinese Market

  5. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  6. 本论文从KC公司的实证分析出发,结合现代市场营销理论,系统地制定了公司的RF智能美容仪中国市场营销战略。

    The treatise , proceeding from the demonstration analysis of the KC Company and based on the modem marketing theory , systemically works out Chinese marketing strategy of the RF Intelligent Beauty Apparatus .

  7. LEMO(雷莫)推拉自锁连接器中国市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies of LEMO Push-Pull Connector in China

  8. A.O.史密斯热水器中国市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study for A.O. Smith Water Heater in Chinese Market

  9. 首席运营官谢里尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)在第一季度财报电话会议中表示,对中国市场营销者的业务出售“非常强劲”,她举例称,中国国航(AirChina)运用Faceboo宣传孟买到北京等新航线。

    Sheryl Sandberg , chief operating officer , said on the first-quarter earnings call that their business selling to marketers in China was " really strong , " giving the example of how Air China used Facebook to advertise new flight routes including one from Mumbai to Beijing .

  10. 浅析金融危机对中国市场营销的影响

    Analysis on the Influence of the Financial Crisis on Chinese Marketing

  11. 本文是对邦迪在中国市场营销模式的研究。

    The thesis is a study on the Bang-aid marketing model in China .

  12. 品牌在中国市场营销中的战略地位

    The Marketing Strategies of Brands In Chinese Markets

  13. 中国市场营销发展趋势探索

    Trend Analysis of China 's Marketing Development

  14. 解读中国市场营销发展史

    History of development of Chinese marketing

  15. 第三章利用环境分析的结论,对易初莲花超市中国市场营销战略进行了规划。

    The strategy of Lotus in China market is planned in the third chapter with the conclusion .

  16. 《环球游报》中国市场营销战略的研究

    Marketing Strategy Research of

  17. 报告对美国霍普斯公司的中国市场营销战略进行了深入的分析。

    This paper offers an in-depth analysis of HEITZ PARSONS SADEK ( HPS ) 's marketing strategy in the Chinese market .

  18. 相比西方发达国家,中国市场营销的发育程度不高,企业驾驭市场的能力、对市场营销的规律和策略知识的认识不够。

    Compared with the western developed countries , the development degree of China 's marketing is not high , much less the knowledge in marketing rules and strategy .

  19. 加入WTO后中国体育市场营销环境分析

    Analysis on the environment of Chinese sports marketing after joining the WTO

  20. SUN公司中国服务器市场营销策略研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of the SUN Company

  21. 加入WTO后,我国服务市场将逐步放开,这对中国服务市场营销来说,既是前所未有的机遇,更是严峻的挑战。

    After the entering into WTO , our service market will be gradually opened , which means both opportunities and challenges to us .

  22. 本文以IR公司在中国市场的营销实践为背景,着重就空压机制造企业如何通过开发售后服务的客户转移成本管理功能来提高满意客户的忠诚度进行了探讨。

    This thesis discusses how to exploit the function of switching cost management of after sales service for purpose of achieving customer loyalty .

  23. 本文以SCI集团核岛主设备中国市场的营销策略为研究对象。

    This paper has SCI Group as the research object for NI main equipments marketing strategy in China .

  24. 电气连接产品在中国市场的营销模式非常复杂。

    Marketing of electrical connection products is incredibly complicated in China .

  25. 中国银发市场营销环境因素的特征分析

    The Chinese Aged Market Analytic Characteristics of the Factors of Marketing Circumstancess

  26. 中国目前市场营销问题的伦理分析

    Ethics Analysis of the Marketing Question at Present in China

  27. 大篷车促销:中国旅游市场营销创新的成功实践&大篷车营销实现从实践到理论的飞跃

    Tourist Caravan : A Successful Practice of the Innovation of Tourist Marketing in China

  28. 中国甲醇市场营销战略研究

    The Strategy Study of Chinese Methanol Market

  29. 外资企业在中国图书市场营销的浅析&以贝塔斯曼为例再次谢谢您!

    The sample analysis in China books marketing to foreign-capital enterprise . & as Bertelsmann .

  30. 安利在中国的市场营销策略

    The Marketing Strategy of Amway in China