
  1. 图腾制度对中国宗法秩序的塑造与影响

    The Shaping Influence of Totem System on Chinese Patriarchal Clan System

  2. 中国宗法制度对徽商的影响

    Influence on Huizhou Merchants under the Chinese Patriarchal Clan System

  3. 中国宗法制度对佛教中国化的影响深刻,从庙产传承可见嫡长子继承制的影响,从僧侣的姓名可见魏晋门阀谱牒和宋代宗谱的影响。

    The impact of the Chinese patriarchal clan system on Buddhism can be shown in the inheritance rights system temples ' properties and in the names of the monks .

  4. 虽然情况远为复杂,但是,中国宗法社会也植根于家长的地位以及他们对作为物质财产源泉的妇女的占有。

    Though vastly more complicated , the patriarchal Chinese society has also rested on the position of the Elders and their possession of women as material sources of wealth .

  5. 活动星系核家族中国传统宗法家族观念在当代的表现及影响

    The Family of AGNs On Contemporary Patriarchal Clan System and its Influence

  6. 本文对当代中国农村宗法制度进行了综合分析。

    This article is a comprehensive analysis of the clan system in the rural areas of China .

  7. 其作为一种祭祀建筑,是中国古代宗法制度生动的表现形式之一。

    As a ritualized building , it is a vivid manifestation of China ' sancient patriarchal system .

  8. 中国的宗法体制强调男权的权威性,对中国的女性和儿童产生了极大的负面影响。

    The feudal authority of patriarchal system emphatic male right of China has produced maximum negative influence for child and the female of China .

  9. 在以小农经济为基础的中国封建社会宗法制度下,一个组群的聚落建筑往往就代表着某地的一个宗法共同体。

    Under the Chinese feudal society patriarchal system , a cluster of settlement architecture often represents a certain patriarchal social community .

  10. 从中国传统的宗法原则与西方民主平等思想的冲突出发,论述严复自己的民主平等观念。

    It can demonstrate Yan Fu 's international evolution concept and libertinism from the conflict between Chinese traditional authoritirism and western liberty principle .

  11. 由于中国社会封建宗法文化的长期性和稳定性,城市文化笼罩在农村文化、宗法文化的阴影之中。

    Because of the protracted nature and the stability of Chinese feudal culture , the Chinese city culture is long in the shadow of rural culture .

  12. 本文主要从历史、社会、心理三方面,分析了焦氏的变态心理和命运悲剧的复杂原因,并对中国的封建宗法社会的心理进行了深入的解剖和痛彻的反思。

    This paper has historically , sociologically and psychologically analysed the complicated causes of the aberrant personality and the fatal tragedy of the figure of Jiao , and has also examined the Chinese psychology in the feudal-religious society , accompanying with hard thinking .

  13. 乡村情缘是融传统中国社会的宗法制度及儒家文化为一体的一种民族精神,它在长期的社会互动和交往中逐渐形成了中华民族所特有的社会互动模式。

    The farmers ' affection , which unites the patriarchal clan system and the Confucianism to an ethos spirit of the traditional Chinese culture , has always affected Chinese people for a long time so that it has become a distinctive pattern of the rural people 's social relationships .

  14. 对中国传统行政文化宗法化倾向的探讨

    The Tribal Propensity of Traditional Chinese Administrative Culture

  15. 宗族祠堂是中国乡土社会里宗法制度下重要的建筑类型。

    In the local clan society of China . , the ancestral temples is an important type of construction under the Patriarchal System .

  16. 中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会,非常重视血缘纽带关系,而且亲疏分明。

    China is a very strong patriarchal society , focus importantly linking to relation by blood , also distinct from close and distant .

  17. 传统儒家的德治思想根源于中国古代的血缘宗法关系之上,有着坚实的社会基础。

    China 's traditional Confucian doctrine of rule of virtue stemmed from consanguinity and patriarchal system in ancient times and had solid social foundation .