
  • 网络China Agricultural Information
  1. 中国农业信息网站建设现状与发展对策

    Current Situation and Developing Countermeasure of Agriculture Information Networks in China

  2. 中国农业信息网站的发展现状与评价

    The situation and evaluation of China agriculture information website development

  3. 中国农业信息系统应用现状及前景分析

    The Agricultural Information System of China Uses the Current Situation and Prospect Analysis

  4. 中国农业信息元数据内容体系研究

    Research on Content System of Chinese Agricultural Information Metadata

  5. 初步分析了中国农业信息体系建设的背景,重点分析了湖北省农业信息体系建设的四条必要性和五个有利条件;深入探讨了湖北省农业信息体系建设的现状,存在的三大问题;

    Based on the brief review of the background of the construction of the agricultural information system in China , four necessities and five advantages of the construction of the agricultural information system in Hubei are analyzed especially , and current situations about three big problems are discussed deeply .

  6. WTO对中国农业的信息引导,主要体现在三个方面:(1)遵循WTO主要原则;

    The information guide of the WTO to Chinese agriculture mainly reflects in the following three aspects :( 1 ) Adhere to WTO 's main principles ;

  7. 中国农业银行信息网络系统安全体系设计

    Design of Information System Security Architecture of the Agriculture Bank of China

  8. 中国农业硫信息系统探讨

    Study on Agricultural Sulphur Information System for China

  9. 中国农业研究信息系统管理模式研究

    Study on the Management Model for Agricultural Research Information System ( ARIS ) in China

  10. 最后提出了发展中国特色农业信息技术的若干对策。

    In the last the paper brings forward some countermeasures to develop agricultural information technology with Chinese characteristics .

  11. 在中国农业研究信息系统建设中,如何加快建设一个适应现代农业科学研究需要的多样化、标准化和规模化的现代数据库系统,是一个迫切需要研究和解决的核心问题。

    During the construction of China 's agricultural research information system ( / JUS ), the key issue needing urgent solution is how to build a content-rich and standardized modern database system .

  12. 分析了农业科技文献信息服务的现状,总结了中国农科院农业信息研究所为适应国家农业科技创新体系建设需要而开展的文献信息服务实践及相关思考。

    This paper has analyzed the current situation of bibliographic information services for agricultural researchers in China , and summarized the relevant practices carried out by the Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS .

  13. 结合中国目前农业信息资源的发展现状分析了构建中文农业信息资源整合平台&专业农业搜索引擎的必要性;

    The necessity of constructing conformity platform of Chinese agriculture information resources ( Professional Search Engine for Agriculture ) was analyzed thorough the survey of actuality of agriculture information development in China .

  14. 这是本项研究提出的背景。本项研究是国家948项目中国农业研究信息系统建设项目的一个研究专题。

    This is the background of the present study , which in turn is a special research task of the project entitled " Building China 's Agricultural Research Information System ", supported by the National 948 Program .

  15. 本项研究第一次系统地探讨中国农业研究信息系统管理问题,提出建立适合中国国情的农业研究信息系统管理模式的构想。

    This study has , for the first time , systematically probed the management issues of China 's agricultural research information system and put forward the framework of management model of agricultural research information system suitable for China 's situation .

  16. 目前,中国农业研究信息系统的管理模式是一种处于新旧体制和新旧技术交替的未定型模式或过渡期模式,面临着一系列迫切需要解决的问题。

    At present , the management model of agricultural research information system in China is a non-defined type model or a transition period model shifting from old system to new system and from old technology to new technology and faced with a series of problems that need urgent solution .

  17. 其后以中国农业遗产信息平台的设计和构建为例,分析了农史综合性文献数据库的建设方案和流程,最后以《齐民要术》研究知识库为例说明农业古籍专题数据库的构建。

    As an example of the design and construction of Information Web Site of Chinese Agricultural Heritage , construction methods and procedures of composite database are illuminated . Then , database on the special topic of agricultural ancient books is designed as information systems for QI MIN YAO SHU research .

  18. 基于WEB的中国西部农业空间信息服务系统设计与实现

    Designing and Solution of Chinese Western Web-Based Service System of Agricultural Spatial Information

  19. WTO对中国西部农业的信息引导

    The Information Guidance of WTO for West China 's Agriculture

  20. 本系统利用SqlServer2000数据库工具和VISUALBASIC编程语言,开发了具有查询、维护和添加功能的中国农业害虫天敌信息系统。

    An information searching system for natural enemies of agricultural insect pests in China was developed on the platform of SQL Server 2000 and Visual Basic 6.0 coupled with database technology ( i.e. , Active Date Object ) and software technology ( i.e. , structural designation and module programming ) .

  21. 中国农业害虫天敌信息系统

    Information Searching System for Natural Enemies of Agricultural Insect Pests in China

  22. 论中国农业遥感与信息技术发展战略

    On the Developmental Tactic of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information System of China

  23. 中国农业统计地理信息系统及其应用研究

    Chinese Agricultural Statistical Geographic Information System and its Applications

  24. 文中把我们目前正在承担的国家重点项目&《中国农业科技基础信息系统建设与共享服务》作为分析的案例。

    The paper used the national key project , Construction of Basic Agricultural STI System and Sharing Service in China , undertaken by SDIC / CAAS as case study .

  25. 中国旱作节水农业管理信息系统

    Rainfed and Water-Saving Farming Management Information System in China

  26. 企业信息管理系统是中国农业机械化装备信息网的最重要组成部分。

    Enterprise information management system is an important part of China agriculture mechanization information network .

  27. 最后以中国农业科学院农业信息研究所为具体应用对象,对科研机构知识管理系统中知识地图如何为知识需求者提供快速简捷的知识获取入口进行了验证。

    As a substantiated application , this paper provides techniques and theories to the Agricultural Information Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to help set up its own knowledge management system .

  28. 论述了《中国农业科技文献数据库》的建设现状以及目前面临的各种挑战,探讨并提出了新形式下中国农业科技文献信息资源的开发潜能和发展趋势。

    This paper has discussed the current status and challenges of the Chinese Agricultural Sci-tech Bibliographic Database and expounded the exploration potential and development trend of agricultural sci-tech bibliographic information resources under new situation .