
  • 网络Peoples Insurance Company of China;people's insurance company of china;picc;People's Insurance Co. of China
  1. 这批玩具将按仓至仓条款向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。

    This batch of toys is to be insured against all risks with the PICC based on warehouse to warehouse clause .

  2. 中国人民保险公司产品责任承保

    Cover / have product liability insurance , underwritten by PICC

  3. 中国人民保险公司承担产品责任保险?

    Chinese People 's Insurance Company to assume product liability insurance ?

  4. 中国人民保险公司因处理理赔案件迅速则一直享有很高的声誉。

    PICC has been enjoying a high prestige in settling claims promptly .

  5. 这是中国人民保险公司白先生。

    Bai of the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  6. 中国人民保险公司船舶最高保额条款本产品由中国人民保险公司承保

    Maximum Insurance Amount of Insured Vessel These products are underwritten by PICC

  7. 主要保险人船舶协议中国人民保险公司船舶建造保险条款

    Leading underwriter 's agreement for marine hull business Builders Risks Insurance Clauses

  8. 中国人民保险公司在全球范围内提供全面的金融、保险服务。

    The PICC offers a full range of financial and insurance services worldwide .

  9. 直到1990年,在全国范围内经营保险业务的只有中国人民保险公司一家。

    In 1979 People 's Insurance Agent of China resumed its domestic business .

  10. 中国人民保险公司营销战略中若干问题的分析与对策

    The Analysis of and Countermeasures for the Several Issues in PICC 's Marketing Strategy

  11. 噢,它是中国人民保险公司的缩写。

    Oh , that is the abbreviation for the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  12. 我想你们是在中国人民保险公司投保的吧。

    You 'll insure with the People 's Insurance Company of China . I presume ?

  13. 中国人民保险公司是一家享有很高声誉的国营企业。

    The People 's Insurance Company of China is a state-owned enterprise enjoying high prestige .

  14. 中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款

    PICC Protection Indemnity Clause China Insurance Clauses

  15. 通常我司为我方出口货物向中国人民保险公司投保。

    We generally insure our export goods with the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  16. 太平洋保险公司是继中国人民保险公司之后发展起来的新兴国内保险企业。

    China Pacific Insurance Company ( CPIC ) is a new developing insurance company in china .

  17. 产品由中国人民保险公司承保,实行质量责任保险,畅销国内外市场。

    The products are insured for product liability and sell well both at home and abroad .

  18. 中国人民保险公司船舶保险条款

    Maximum Insurance Amount of Insured Vessel

  19. 维切思先生,这位是中国人民保险公司的郭先生。

    Mr Vichers , this is Mr Ku of the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  20. 自1982年中国人民保险公司恢复人身保险业务以来,经过多年的发展,寿险市场已初具规模。

    In 1982 , the People 's Insurance Company of China resumed the operations of life insurance .

  21. 张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。

    Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People ' Insurance Company of China .

  22. 请你按发票金额的130%向中国人民保险公司投保水渍险和战争险,怎么样?

    And war risk for130 % of the invoice value with the People 's Insurance Company of China ?

  23. 本厂产品由中国人民保险公司承担产品质量责任保险。

    Our products by the Chinese People 's Insurance Company to assume the quality of products liability insurance .

  24. 中国人民保险公司盐城分公司(简称盐城人保)地处经济欠发达地区,所面临的竞争形势更加严峻。

    And the competition PICC Yancheng Branch will face is getting more intense as Yancheng City is in an under-developed area .

  25. 只要是中国人民保险公司海运货物保险条款中规定的。

    So long as it is stipulated in the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People 's Insurance Company of China .

  26. 我公司与中国人民保险公司有着多年的业务往来,双方关系良好。

    We are maintaining a good business relation with the PICC for many years , and are on good terms with them .

  27. 入世后过渡期我国应对特别保障条款的法律思考中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款

    Legal Reflection on China s Countermeasures for Peculiar Safeguard Clause in Post-transition Period of Entry into WTO ; PICC Protection Indemnity Clause

  28. 从上世纪80年代中国人民保险公司恢复了农业保险业务开始,一直到2002年,我国农业保险的商业化经营并不成功。

    The PICC had restarted the agricultural insurance business since 1980s . But running agricultural insurance in the commercial way is not successful .

  29. 中国人民保险公司在本着实事求是,公正,合理的原则,在迅速理赔方面享有很高的声誉。

    The PICC enjoys a high prestige in settling claims promptly on the principles of seeking the truth from facts and fairness and reasonableness .

  30. 我们总是按照中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日的《海洋运输货物保险条款》向他们投保。

    We always insure our goods with the People 's Insurance Company of China as per their Ocean Marine Cargo Clause , Jan.1 , 1981 revision .