
  • 网络south central
  1. 玛克辛·沃特斯是一名民主党女议员,代表洛杉矶市中南区。

    Maxine Waters is a Democratic Congresswoman , representing South Central Los Angeles .

  2. 20世纪50年代前期新区农村私人借贷的停滞与缓解措施&以中南区为中心的历史考察

    The Stagnation of Rural Private Loans and Relief Measures in the Newly Liberated Areas in Early 1950s & A Historical Examination Centered on the South Central Region

  3. 新中国成立初期中南区婚姻制度的改革

    Reform of the Marriage System in Central-South Administrative Area in the Early Days of New China

  4. 新中国成立初期中南区乡村个体农民融资途径与结构研究

    Studies on Channels and Structure of Fund Raising by Rural Individual Peasants in Central-South Administrative Area in the Early Years of New China

  5. 中南丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究&以湖南醴陵市为例

    Studies on the Protection of the Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Hilly Areas of Central and Southern China

  6. 中南丘陵区土地利用格局时空变化分析&以湖南省醴陵市为例

    Pattern and spatio-temporal changes of land use in the hilly and mountainous , south central China : A case study of Liling , Hunan

  7. 西双版纳的蚂蚁区系具有自己的特点,与印度和缅甸的区系关系较紧密,而与中南半岛的区系关系较疏远;

    The ant fauna of Xishuangbanna has its own characters , it is the closest to that of India and Burma , farther to that of Indo China Peninsula ;

  8. 中南四省(区)急性感染性腹泻病原学及流行病学研究

    Etiologic and Epidemiologic Studies on Acute Infectious Diarrhea in Central-south China

  9. 中南五省(区)协编本《古代汉语》简评

    On the Textbook of Ancient Chinese by Five Provinces of Central China

  10. 西中南部低中山区(Ⅳ)

    ( IV ) the mid-low hills in the west - middle-south area .

  11. 太行山脉东坡中南段种子植物区系初步分析

    A floristic analysis of the seed plants in the middle-south area of east slope of Taihang Mountains

  12. 中南4省(区)产铀层基本特征及其与铀成矿的关系

    Basic characteristics of U-PRODUCING beds in 4 provinces ( region ) of Central South China and its relationship with and u METALLOGENY

  13. 中南五省(区)师专古代汉语教材的教学体系及其科学性,实践性方面存在许多不足。

    The textbook of Ancient Chinese compiled by five provinces of central china systematically , scientifically and practically left much room for improvement .

  14. 鲁中南低山丘陵区由于山高坡陡,冲蚀切割强烈,为山东省水土流失最严重的地区。

    The low foothill area in south central area is the most serious area suffering from soil and water loss in Shandong Province because of its steep slope and intense washout and cutting .