
  • 网络individual rationality
  1. 基于个体理性的水资源需求与节约的博弈分析

    Game-theoretic analysis of demand and saving of water resources based on individual rationality

  2. 个体理性、风险偏好、社会地位与我国消费增长&基于跨期替代资产选择理论模型的研究

    Individual Rationality , Risk Preference , Social Status and the Consumption Growth in China

  3. 经典Nash均衡从个体理性出发,依靠对外部市场环境以及竞争对手的信息进行分析、处理,以求得收益最大化的决策。

    The classic individual reason based Nash equilibrium tries to maximize the individual profits , according to the analysis and process of the information belonged to the external market and competitors .

  4. 个体理性的效率追求是经济活动的动力,但个体理性往往导致集体非理性。

    ECONOMIC FUNCTION Efficiency goal of individual rational is the motive force of economic development .

  5. 社会困境是关于个体理性与集体理性之间冲突关系的研究。

    The study of social dilemmas is the study of the tension between individual and collective rationality .

  6. 企业的个体理性普遍较高,交互理性较低。

    The degree of individual rationality is high , and the degree of interactive rationality is low .

  7. 地方保护主义的产生根源于地方政府的个体理性与群体理性之间的困境。

    The local protectionism roots from the corner of individual logos between colony logos in local government .

  8. 一般和对策中,只考虑个体理性的多代理协作是一种无全局目标的协作。

    In general-sum games , multiagent cooperation has no global objective , and only individual rationality is concerned .

  9. 人类的普遍理性与个体理性之间的矛盾是我们理解真理的客观性的关键。

    The contradiction between rationality and individual rationality is the key that people understand the objectivity of truth .

  10. 第一部分:首先探讨了制度的含义,得出制度作为集体理性对个体理性的约束这一重要特征决定了它与道德有着天然的密不可分的关系;

    Part one will discuss institution 's signification at first , draw a conclusion that institution is connected with morality .

  11. 但是,对任何一家审慎的银行来说符合个体理性的行为,合在一起却可能促使各家银行都竭力避免的危机更快到来。

    But what is individually rational for any prudent bank , collectively risks bringing closer the danger each is trying to avoid .

  12. 把有限知识和信息下的个体理性引向集体理性是非国民义务教育面对的挑战。

    It is a challenge for non-national compulsory education to lead individual reason under limited knowledge and information to collective rational faculty .

  13. 在实践中最重要的拓展是法律经济学、金融理论和建立在个体理性选择之上的宏观经济学。

    The most important extensions in practice were the economics of law , finance theory , and macroeconomics founded on individual rational choice .

  14. 结论认为,地方政府在个体理性支配下的博弈行为是耕地保护政策失效的主要原因之一;

    The results show that the game behavior of local governments dominated by private reason is one of the main reasons for policy invalidation ;

  15. 整体存在的理性:相对整体的存在是在自由与效率冲突下个体理性选择的必然结果。

    The existence of relative integration is an inevitable consequence resulting from individuals ' rational choice on confronting the conflict between freedom and efficiency .

  16. 自身利益最大化的追求使得行业的行政垄断以及航空公司个体理性更加突出。

    Among them , the pursuit of their own benefit maximization makes the administrative monopoly of industries and airlines ' limited individual rationality more prominent .

  17. 我们提供了一个电价设计算法,该算法能使社会期望福利最大化,并满足激励相容和个体理性约束。

    We develop a pricing algorithm , which maximizes the expectations of average social welfare , and meets incentive compatibility and individual rationality constraints as well .

  18. 市民阶级个体理性主义宗教信仰的确立,映射出西欧社会宗教价值观的近代化转型。

    Fourthly , the ascendancy of the rationalist religious faith of the burgher class symbolizes the modernizing transformation of social and religious values of Western Europe .

  19. 高校扩招政策效应的经济分析&基于个体理性选择的人力资本随机模型与数值模拟

    An Economic Analysis of Policy Effects of College Enrollment Expansion & Stochastic Model of Human Capital and a Simulation Based on a Dynamic Hierarchical Human Capital Model

  20. 对于这两个研究重点,人们提出各种各样解的概念,每种都满足一定的个体理性和合理性原则,论文分别研究了这两种模糊合作对策情形。

    For these two studies , people put forward to all sorts of solution concepts , but everyone to satisfy the individual rationality and the group rationality .

  21. 在个体理性的作用下,试图通过全局优化实现流域水资源配置的帕雷托改进是无法实现的。

    Therefore , it is impossible to realize the optimization of the whole basin 's water resources allocation with Pareto improvement under the effect of the individual rationality .

  22. 在一般均衡对价格分析中,个体理性得以充分肯定,无论是个人物质利益最大化还是个人效用最大化;

    Individual rationality for the classic price analysis in general equilibrium was affirmed , whatever the rationality is maximization of individual substance interest or maximization of individual utility .

  23. 国际贸易全成本分析的政策目标在于促进个体理性与整体理性、短期理性与长期理性的相容和统一。

    The policy objectives of full cost analysis are to promote the compatibility between individual rationality and collective rationality , and the unity between short-run rationality and long-run rationality .

  24. 从农民个体理性行动导致集体非理性行为的影响因素来看,要实现农民环境保护,解决农村的环境问题应该从有效的社会控制层面入手。

    Secondly , considering that the individual rational actions of farmers lead to non-rational collective behaviors , the rural environmental protection should start from the angle of social control .

  25. 体悟是道德知行转化的基础,它不是脱离实践的内求静悟,而是个体理性、情感和实践的有机结合,它重视亲身经验但不排斥他人经验。

    It is not internal realization deviating from practice , but organic combination of individual rational , emotion and practice . It emphasizes self-experience without excluding others ' experience .

  26. 中国农户历来被认为具有善分不善合的传统,其深层原因是集体理性和个体理性的冲突以及信息不对称和机会主义行为的存在。

    Farmer households have been argued to have noncooperation tradition . The reasons for this are conflicts between collective rationality and individual rationality as well as the asymmetric information and opportunism .

  27. 对公共理性的基本概念进行界定,并通过理性、个体理性与公共理性等几种概念之间的辨析来阐释公共理性理论的基本特点。

    This part also defines basic concepts of public reason and explains the basic characteristics of public reason theory through differentiating and analyzing the concepts about ration individual ration and public reason .

  28. 对如何解决个体理性和集体非理性导致的公共组织管理两难困境的研究主要形成了市场型和政府型两类文献。

    The study about how to solve the dilemma of management caused by the individual rationality and the collective non-rationality has formed two kinds of documents , which are market-like and the government-like documents .

  29. 从局中人的个体理性出发,给出一种基于累积期望差异评价策略的重复博弈模型,该模型能够较好的反映局中人的实际心理特征。

    Focused on the individual rationality of participants , a Repeated Game model based on the evaluation of the cumulative aspiration tense is developed . The model is fit to reflect real psychology characteristics of participants .

  30. 新古典经济学的研究告诉我们,政府对于消费行为的管制只有在以下情况下才是合理的:对于个体理性的消费者,如果其消费存在外部性,那么,政府就应该对其消费加以管制。

    Neoclassical economics research tells us that governmental interference is proper only in one situation : for those rational consumers , if their consumption leads externalities , then , the government should interfere into such consuming activities .