
ɡè rén jì shí sài
  • individual time trials
  1. 比赛类型:个人计时赛含团计时赛。

    Race type : individual time trial and team time trial .

  2. 这是我第一次参加个人计时赛,所以我不能确定我该怎么做,所以我并没有百分百发挥。

    It was my first time trial so I wasn 't sure how I would go and I didn 't give it100 % .

  3. 普里莫兹·罗格里奇在周日的个人计时赛中领先后,连续第三年赢得环西班牙自行车赛冠军。

    Primoz Roglic won the Vuelta a Espana for a third consecutive year after leading the way in Sunday 's individual time trial .

  4. 在上个星期三的自行车女子个人计时赛中,阿姆斯特朗成功卫冕,成为该项赛事第一位三连冠车手。

    At the time trial last Wednesday , Armstrong became the first cyclist to win three consecutive golds in the same event . Her experience proved crucial on a difficult course .

  5. 每天晚上,我都追随英国网络4频道的旅游亮点节目:周五我发现美国的伊芙琳·史蒂文斯赢得2016年版的第三阶段的个人计时赛。

    Every evening , I catch-up with the Tour highlights on ITV4 : on Friday I found out that Evelyn Stevens of the USA won the individual time trial , her third stage win of the 2016 edition .

  6. 如果环法自行车赛冠军布拉德利威金斯在争夺男子公路自行车个人计时赛的赛场上,紧张地环顾人群,看首相卡梅伦有没有来观战,那我们一定要原谅他,因为卡梅伦首相已开始被誉为奥运扫帚星。

    When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men 's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister , who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of a jinx .