
ɡè rén suǒ yǒu quán
  • individual ownership;private ownership
  1. 论劳动力个人所有权&劳动力市场理论探讨之一

    On the Individual Ownership of Labor Force ON THE FORCE

  2. 社会所有制是指涵括劳动者个人所有权的集体所有制,社会所有制的提法源于市民社会与社会交往关系范畴。

    In this connection , social ownership refers to collective ownership including individual ownership , which is originated from the category of civil society and social relationship .

  3. 丈夫和妻子都对各自的私密空间享有个人所有权。

    Both of the husband and wife enjoy individual ownership of their respective possessions .

  4. 共同所有权代替个人所有权才真正打破所有权凝聚。

    The collecting of ownership was not broken until personal ownership was replaced by commonly-owned ownership .

  5. 私有制表现为个人所有权的结果,就引起所有权的凝聚。

    It resulted in the collecting of ownership that private ownership was represented by personal ownership .

  6. 国家、集体、公民个人所有权立法方案新思考

    New Legislative Thinking for State Ownership , Collective Ownership , and Ownership of Personal Property by the Individual Citizen

  7. 依此,得出结论:社会主义社会仍然存在劳动力个人所有权。

    The condition for being the economic subject is the condition for being the owner of the labor force .

  8. 当政府权力侵犯个人所有权时,人们会十分在意,因为它会发生在任何一个人身上。

    People care a lot when governmental power violates an individual 's ownership because it simply can happen to anyone .

  9. 个人所有权重新演变为共同所有权,私有制就采取共有制的形式来表现。

    Because personal ownership over again becomes commonly ownership , private ownership has taken the form of ownership by the common .

  10. 私有制一开始就带来了个人所有权,由此颠覆了所有权的原始发散,造成所有权凝聚。

    At first the private ownership brought personal ownership , with which the primary dispersing of ownership was gone , so that the collecting of ownership was made .

  11. 他补充说,很多人都瞒着自己的另一半,单独前来询问是否能办理婚前财产的个人所有权认证。

    He adds that many people come to him as individuals , asking whether they can conduct the required ownership verification of prenuptial property by themselves alone - without telling the future spouse .

  12. 尊重劳动者个人所有权应该是理解个人所有制的关键,科学的公有制实现形式应该是劳动者个人股份所有制。

    This essay states that the key factors to understand this lie in a respect to the private ownership of the workers , and that the workers ' private ownership based on share-holding constructs the scientific realization of public ownership .

  13. 因此,现代民法上对民法所有权之公法限制制度,乃是基于整体的、更大范畴上的自由而对个人所有权这种局部的自由进行的干涉,是寻求协调此二者的黄金分割点之努力。

    Therefore , the modern civil law , public law restrictions on civil law system of ownership , but on the whole , more areas of personal freedom and the freedom of ownership of such a partial interference and to seek such co-ordination between the two " golden point " .

  14. 公民个人财产所有权

    Ownership of personal property by citizen

  15. 本文的第一章就是要通过突出这一转折点,说明洛克的关注点始终在于个人的所有权。

    The first chapter is to illustrate John Locke puts his attention to the individual property by emphasizing this turning point .

  16. 归根结底,它们都是电脑,这表明,随着个人电脑所有权从家庭真正转向个人,整个行业前景一片光明。

    Ultimately these are all computers , suggesting a robust industry outlook as PCs move from household to true personal ownership .

  17. 与原有的职务侵占罪相比较,表明了我国现阶段加强对个人财产所有权的保护力度的价值取向。

    Comparing with the old crime of duty embezzlement , it shows the tropism that our country strengths the power to protect the private property now .

  18. 要消除牛玉琴现象,促进我国林业的健康发展,必须完善我国的森林生态效益补偿制度,对个人林木所有权进行合理补偿。

    In order to remove this phenomenon , promote the development of forest , we should improve and perfect the system of forest ecological benefit compensation , compensate the individuals for the private forest property right .

  19. 争议回到了冷战那些日子当谷歌和Facebook在个人数据的所有权之争的争吵,最近,谷歌以谷歌+进军社交领域。

    The dispute goes back to the cold war days when Google and Facebook fell out over the ownership of personal data and , latterly , Google 's move into social with Google + .

  20. 争议回到了“冷战”那些日子当谷歌和Facebook在个人数据的所有权之争的争吵,最近,谷歌以谷歌+进军社交领域。

    The dispute goes back to the " cold war " days when Google and Facebook fell out over the ownership of personal data and , latterly , Google 's move into social with Google + .

  21. 在我国,由于不存在个人的土地所有权,因而对个人的土地使用权的物权保护就显得尤为重要。

    Because personal land ownership is forbidden in our country , it is more important to protect personal land use right in real right law .

  22. 争议的核心是新东方对这些实体有没有绝对的控制权,换句话说,就是是否存在另外某个人声称拥有所有权、毁掉公司部分或全部价值的风险。

    The controversy centers on whether the company has absolute control over these entities or if there is a risk that someone else can claim ownership , potentially wiping out some or all of the value of the company .

  23. 阐释了房屋征收的概念:政府为了公共利益的需要,取得国有土地上单位和个人的房屋所有权、房屋之下土地的使用权以及其它不动产的所有权,并给予其补偿的行为。

    Illustrates the concept of housing levy : For the public interest , Government obtain the rights of housing ownership of state-owned land and individuals , and other real estate ownership , then the acts of compensation given to its behavior .

  24. 该制度体现了不同群体之间的合同契约关系,既确立了社会公共基金,有效地分散了老年风险,又明晰了个人账户的所有权,有效解决劳动力流动产生的基金转移问题。

    This system has manifested the contract relationship among different groups , it established social public funds which distracted elderly risks effectively , and defined the individual account of the ownership to solving labor flow fund transfer problems produced in the process .

  25. 我国土地分国家所有与集体所有,个人对土地不享有所有权,因而不动产物权限制的范围排除个人土地所有权,主要是对个人土地使用权的限制。

    The land is owned by state or collective in our country , individuals do not enjoy the ownership of land . so restrictions of real property excluded from the scope of individual land ownership . it mainly restricted individual land use rights .

  26. 个人数据所有者享有对个人数据无可争议的所有权。

    The owner has the irrefutable proprietary right of the personal data .

  27. 夫妻个人特有财产权具体表现为夫妻对个人财产享有所有权和管理权。

    The personal property right is embodied in ownership and the right of management .